A/N: Thank you so much to those who encouraged me to continue with my new story. I know that High School Tromance or Love Camp isn't all that interesting... because well my beginning chapters suck. But hey (: as you go on typing more chapters on fanfiction you learn to improve yourself.

I don't own Shugo Chara at all or ANYTHING that is copyrighted of brand name. (:

***IMPORTANT: Please skip down until you see the next horizontal line***

~x~My High School Life~x~




You know how life is in high school. It's all about your status, clothes, looks, and boyfriend. Let me introduce you to the status pyramid. You've got the nerds, dorks, geeks, and nobodies at the bottom, then the loners, then the losers, then the emos and goths, then the stoners, then the averages, then the people who are friends with everybody, and then the preps, and finally last but not least, the populars. High school is an important key in your life, so it's best to be at least an average in the pyramid, or else your life will be ruined forever. You've got all these different groups during these years of your late teenage life. FOBS, Wanna-Be's, gangsters, Asian crews, Mexicans, blacks, Indians, English, etc. EVERYBODY belongs into some type of group or pyramid level. I'm not trying to offend you of race if that's what you are thinking right now, it's just facts. So you see, high school actually is built in a complicated way.

It isn't about fitting in and having sex and drugs. I mean, you're throwing your life away! It's about how you live it during those four years. To be honest, I never had my cherry 'popped' yet. And I don't plan on it to soon. Girls I know already have and trust me, their life is jacked up. Maybe it may seem like I'm a flirt, but that's just my personality.

My name? Hinamori Amu, junior, and I'm at the top of the pyramid. I'm a popular, along with head cheerleader, daughter of millionaires Hinamori Tsumugu and Midori, older sister of Hinamori Ami. My friends are Mashiro Rima (junior), Hoshina Utau (junior), de Morcerf Yamamoto Lulu (junior), and Yuiki Yaya, (sophomore). We are part of the top of the pyramid and one of the best girl cheerleaders in the history of Seiyo High, my school. But we're not mean and stuck up if that's what you're thinking right now. Sure, we're a bit judging and serious about physical characteristics, but we are people who are nice to others. That's what makes us so famous in a good way. We are what keeps this school running, we are the pride of Seiyo High. Everybody loves us because we aren't like those snotty bitches you see in movies. We are all rich and live in those fancy mansions you see in movies, but that isn't something we brag about. It's the thought from the heart that counts. Each year, for every charity fundraiser or donation, we are always handing in big bucks to the cause because we love doing these types of things. So don't judge us and think that we're cold-hearted!

My friends and I are all smart and make straight A's, so that is going to look terrific on our college applications. But if you think we brag too much, you should meet Tsukiyomi Ikuto (senior), Fujisaki Nagihiko (senior), Soma Kukai (senior), Hotori Tadase (senior), and Sanjo Kairi (junior). They are real major asses. Okay well not all of them. Just one. Tsukiyomi Ikuto. The rest are actually pretty awesome people. They of course, have parents who are millionaires too. So I guess you can see how we all know each other.

We all have three out of eight classes together. It's totally impossible in a way, but those classes are only first period (which is athletics, us being cheerleaders and them being football players), fourth period (Home Ec and lunch), and eight period which is just a blow-off slacking period. Yea they don't require much at this school. But those classes have all ten of us together. The rest of us are all split up.

"Hello? Earth to Amu?"




"I like to, lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick you from the head to the toe. I like to—"

"Shut the hell up Ikuto." I growled.

"It's not my fault you're day dreaming." His infamous smirk appeared.

Meet Tsukiyomi Ikuto, the king of all major asses. He has midnight blue hair and dark blue eyes, and is the quarterback on our football team. Pretty handsome for an 18 year old senior—oops, correction. Pretty hot for an 18 year old senior. He is the best looking guy in the whole school. Guys envy him, girls fall head over heels for them. But he doesn't care. He likes me, but I don't like him. He doesn't date (only if it's me). Ever since I was a freshmen, he had his eye on me which made my life sort of hell since he was around me twenty four-seven. But after that year he started to fall back and hung out with his friends. Soma Kukai, orange hair, second most popular, wide receiver. Fujisaki Nagihiko, long purple hair, the third most popular guy, he is the line backer in football. Hotori Tadase, blond hair, fourth most popular, corner back position. And last but not least, Sanjo Kairi, dark green hair, fifth most popular guy, and the running back.

So you pretty much now know the people I hang out with.

"Amu, are you going to come over and work on the English project after school with me?" My best friend Rima asked.

"Yea I guess." I replied nonchalantly as I smoothed out my pink and black plaid Burberry skirt.

"Amu was supposed to come over to my house and help me plan for the costume party!" Utau complained.

I sweat dropped. "Utau... that isn't for another four weeks."


"Well obviously you guys are all losers because I'm flying out to Paris for the weekend." Lulu told us mockingly.

"..." We all threw a piece of food at her.

"Ow! Guys, I'm just joking! Geez..." She muttered.

"And we care about your plans why?" Ikuto said boredly as he examined his 40-carat Rolex watch.

"Shut up Mr. Ass." I scolded.

"Now now, watch your language Amu-chan." Nagihiko laughed.

"Hey we all cuss so what's the deal?" Kukai joined in.

"This excludes me and Yaya." Kairi yawned.

"But of course." Tadase grinned.

We all stood up and emptied our trays. Lunch was over.

"Time to go back to Home Ec." Yaya whined.

"Hey, at least next week we get to do that baby project." Kairi chuckled.

"Yea, that's gonna add to the other head ache I have at home from my brother." She giggled.

We all filed in as the warning bell rang. All of us took our seat at tables. It was organized in partners. Boy girl partners actually. I'm sure you can pretty much guess our partners. All the boys were allowed to pick. Girls would be next semester. It was Ikuto and I, Nagihiko and Rima, Kukai and Utau, Tadase and Lulu, and Kairi and Yaya.

"Okay class settle down. Today we are going to try our luck at making our own cakes from batter. You all will start with a plain cake batter mix and from there you will add various ingredients to create a dish. The pair with the best tasting and looking cake wins an extra day of break from our upcoming baby project. Now get to work~!" The teacher told us jubilantly.

I grabbed the cake box placed at my elbow and slid my finger through the flaps. As I ripped it open, Ikuto set a plastic bowl in front of me and I poured it in.

"Eggs." I commanded.

He handed me a couple without saying anything.

"What, no rude and perverted remarks?" I eyed him cautiously.

"What, I can't stay quiet for a few minutes without you noticing?" He smirked.

"Shut up and hand me the vanilla extract."

I carefully tapped the eggs on the rim of the bowl and opened them carefully. I grabbed a whisk and started beating the mixture together. Ikuto measured a two teaspoons of extract and added that in along with a cup of sugar while I vigorously beat the batter. He added in a measure of salt and sprayed a cake pan. When I finished with getting all the lumps out I poured it in and he popped it into the pre-heated oven.

"What are we making to the icing, topping, whatever, whatever?"

"Well Ikuto, if you weren't too busy trying to keep your Armani shirt from getting stained you'd help me." I laughed.

"Hey, I get my whole closet dry cleaned every weekend whether I wear it or not and this is brand new." He chuckled.

"How about a strawberry-mango based icing then?"

"As long as I don't have to cook."

"Lazy ass..." I muttered.


The bell rang as we all walked out of school. The usual routine; we, as in the ten of us, walk out first as all the kids part because... well... that's just the way they treat us.

"Haha we won!" Lulu sing-songed.

"That's because you always go to Paris, where they make all those elegant deserts." Rima frowned.

"Ugh... Guys hush. Stupid chemistry teacher made me take a gazillion notes today." I groaned.

"Haha! Well bye guys! Me and Amu have to go work on our project." Rima waved as she grabbed my arm and led me to my Audi. (I had five other cars at home.)

"Rima, don't pull so hard. My head hurts." I giggled.

"Well we have to start ASAP! And besides, I've got a pair 7 For All Mankind jeans that I don't fit. Maybe they'll be better on you." She smiled.

"Okay, whatever." I laughed.

As we drove to her mansion, we talked about various things from the day and occasionally brought up the homecoming topic.

"I want to go with Nagi," She told me dreamily. "What about you? Ikuto?"

"Don't remind me of freshmen and sophomore year, girl! He wouldn't stop asking me." I huffed.

"Yea, yea. I know that you really want to go with him on the inside Amu." She grinned furtively.

"In his dreams!"


Rima and I were sprawled across her gigantic bed with textbooks open and a laptop with an internet browser open.

"I hate English." Rima sighed.

"Well at least it help us with the SAT." I joked teasingly.

"Ugh Amu you're such a nerd." She rolled her eyes at me.

"It's not my fault I want to get into a good college! Its like... My life was already made for me! I'm head cheerleader, I'm making a 3.9 grade average, my family is stinkin' rich, I've got everything I wanted, my friends are the coolest people I ever met, and boys are crushing on me!" I dreamily sighed.

Rima looked at me like I had just lost my sanity. "You also forgot to say that you're pretty."

"Well, I don't like to brag." I grinned.

"..." Rima chucked a pillow at me.

"Hey!" I giggled.

"Okay no more joking around, time to get to business!" Rima clapped her hands determinedly.

"Right... right after I check my Facebook!" I squealed.


I sighed. "Fine..."

The rest of the day I spent at her house. We worked late into the night and I ended up sleeping over. My parents don't mind though, I just had to inform them beforehand. Rima already had a dresser of my own clothes here so the next morning we got ready and I drove us to school. Usually I'd drive in a different car but I felt too lazy to drive the few miles. As I pulled into the parking lot, a familiar black Ferrari drove next to us. Ikuto's car. Well, that didn't matter. I already had a white one at home along with a silver Lamborghini and three other luxury cars. As we got out, he took off his designer sunglasses and smirked. I merely rolled my eyes at him. He's such a show off. I walked up the steps of the school in a pair of converses and a hot pink Juicy Couture sweatsuit. As I walked in the doors of the gym with Rima right behind me, Nagihiko and Kukai looked up from their warm-ups and waved. Then, guessing that Ikuto was behind us, the shouted out an energetic "Yo!" and went back to push-ups. Rima and I headed for the girls locker room, where we found Utau and Lulu who told us that Yaya wouldn't be here today, because she apparently had a pimple on her cheek. We quickly dressed out and jogged to where the rest of the squad was waiting. Our cheer leading uniforms were black, gold, and white—for some apparent reason, because of the meaning of the colors. Our school mascot was the tigers. I handed out black and gold pom-poms and when I whistled, everyone got into formation.

"Start with herkie, herkie, back hand spring, front hand spring, herkie!" I ordered.

Our coach started the music to give us a beat and we immediately started our warm-ups. I gave more challenging orders after that but my squad nailed it. After our warm-ups, we started to practice our routine for the upcoming football game and homecoming. A few of us wobbled on the pyramids and when we were in the air, but our coach called out encouraging words and we got the hang of it. About an hour and a half passed before it was time to go to the locker rooms and get ready for second period. The girls rested on the black floor mats and focused on me.

"Good job today, girls!" I smiled. "We all have potential on this squad, and I'm not just talking about me, I'm talking about all of us. We each have an equal chance to be head cheerleader but you all voted for me and I'm going to do my best to show you that I deserved it. Thanks for all your effort today! Go shower!"

Utau, Rima, and Lulu walked by my side as we headed to the practice rooms. The football players were just now jogging in, all muddy and covered with sweat. Ikuto passed us and he smirked at me, no surprise there. He's probably checking me out since our uniform was a little tight.

I rolled eyes playfully and continued to walk to the locker room. We changed, showered, and changed again. This time, I was wearing a purple blouse, black mini skirt, and the heels I wore this morning.

I was walking with Rima to second period while arranging my black and white polka-dotted satin tote bag until someone yanked it from my shoulder.

"Well well well, look who we have here. The girl who think she's all that, Hinamori Amu." A voice mocked.

So was it good so far? lol.. and now for the second one.

*This is the intro the the REAL story*

My High School Life




High School isn't as complicated as you think it is. It's not about sex or drugs, or seeing who has the most friends, or who has the best wardrobe, or who has the most money. It's about enjoying yourself. And I, Hinamori Amu, am going to live my life to the fullest. I've got parents who are millionaires, Hinamori Tsumugu and Hinamori Midori, along with a cute little sister, Hinamori Ami. I have friends who are also rich like me. We've all known each other since we were little, our parents knew each other long before that. And miraculously, our mothers got pregnant in the same year which resulted us being born in the same year. Since then, we've been as close as sisters. I've got a brain that has gotten me straight A's in the past, and I've got one heck of a personality to match it too. I'm one of those girls that is different from others, and so are my friends. We are always cheerful and happy. Nothing can separate us. But if you do something that does, lets just say your life will be hell after that.


My alarm clock rang loudly as it vibrated on my night stand. I swiftly pushed the button and shot up it bed, a wide smile plastered to my face.

"Rise and shine girls! It's the first day of our junior year at a new high school!"

And just as quickly as I did, all of the four sleeping girls on my bedroom floor shot up also. We all scrambled into my gigantic master-bedroom-like bathroom as we hastily brushed our teeth. Using my shower stall, we all took quick showers and got dressed. As we crowded around my mirror with straighteners and curlers plugged in, we all excitedly talked about how our day would go.

"We all have three classes together!" Rima beamed jubilantly.

"We'll be the hot new transfer students at the school." Utau exclaimed.

"I hope there won't be jerk-faced boys." Lulu frowned.

"The food better be good." Yaya pouted.

"Oh hush up guys! Today will be absolutely perfect!" I grinned.


Our new school was three miles away and we were all seated in my white Ferrari singing along to the radio stopped at a red light.

"Man, Amu-chi you should have taken your silver Lamborghini!" Yaya whined.

"We don't want to attract too much attention Yaya." Rima muttered.

"We already are!" Utau laughed.

"Who's fault is it that they didn't want to take my other less flashy cars?" I questioned.


"W-What? No way! We all decided on this car unanimously!" She objected in a flustered manner.

Suddenly a black Lamborghini pulled up next to us. I could make our the faint outline of five people.

"Looks like we've got posers." Utau sighed.

"Who are those pompous people?" Rima narrowed her eyes.

"Whatever." I sighed nonchalantly as I rolled up my dark tinted window. That was enough attention.

The light turned green and both I and the jerk who drove the car next to me sped off. So it was a race huh? Well it's not like they're going the same direction as us right? Right?

We had less than half a mile to go and I stepped on the gas. Please don't turn, please don't turn, please don't tthey turned. Into the parking lot of the school that we are going to go to.

"Looks like we've got..." My voice trailed off.

"Company." The other four murmured in unison.

The Lamborghini parked five spaces away from us so we all quickly stepped out. At this time, we all had our sunglasses on so they couldn't see our eyes. The girls and I quickly brushed off our matching pairs of True Religion skinny jeans and shirts. We decided to dress alike today, in case any of us got lost. I was wearing a black blouse with black knee-high All Star converses, my jeans tucked inside, Rima orange, Utau purple, Yaya yellow, and Lulu blue. We linked arms and Coach purses with our sunglasses still on and held our heads high and strutted towards the doors. Kids surrounded us and stared in awe.

"Who are they?" New girls.

"They are so hot!" Thank you.

"Those girls look so pretty!" Why thank you, too!

"I heard they each live in mansions!" True.

"I wonder if they are orphans..." That would be false.

"I call dibs on the girl in the black." Truoh no he didn't.

Everyone suddenly went silent.

I whirled around and broke our 'chain'. "Who's the cocky idiot that said that?"

"Me." The crowd gasped and stepped aside to reveal five handsome looking boys. And one of them was smirking, obviously being the one that said that. He has midnight blue hair and dark blue eyes. Two guys to the side of him had orange hair and green eyes, the other purple hair and brown eyes, and the other two on the other side of him had blond hair and ruby eyes, and dark green hair and dark brown.

"I think they're the five jerks who drove in that Lamborghini." Rima said monotonously.





Every one of the students stared at me in shock.

"No one has ever had enough courage to stand up to most popular person at Seiyo before!" Someone whispered.

"My, my. I see that one of them is a little feisty." The orange head commented.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"You know you want me." The blue-haired smirked.

"Whatever, Blueberry!" I sneered.

"BURN!" Utau shouted, laughing. "Okay, fruit heads, see ya later!" She ended the conversation by pointing her finger at them and having a quick little giggle fit. Five seconds later, she grabbed all of our hands and ran into the school.

"Thanks... for... saving us from... those idiots." I told Utau in between my breathing.

"My hair!" Lulu exclaimed as she tried to push it back in place.

Yaya smiled at her reassuringly. "It's fine."

"You know what's convenient?" Rima asked us from behind.

"What?" We all asked.

"We all have top lockers next to each other."



After our little racket in the hallway, we all hurried to gym, first period. We all sat boredly against the bleacher wall as the coach rambled on and on about what the guidelines would be for the year. No one payed any attention—they were too busy discussing about this morning after discovering us in their class. And just when things couldn't get any more insipid, the so called 'group' walked in. In a matter of seconds, girls were nearly screaming my ears off and boys started shoving us just to get a better view. Talk about manners.

"Ow." I said, venom dripping from my voice.

"Uh oh..." Lulu gasped.

Utau cowered behind Rima.

"Help." Yaya squeaked.

"Has anyone heard of a thing called respect and self-control? I am appalled at how you dare treat us like this and lose control over a petty group of boys!" I viciously grabbed the collar of a tall, buff guy and lifted him up off the ground.

"Why the hell did you shove me?" I growled.

"Uh, uh, well..."

"THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER!" I screeched before letting go and shoving him away.

"Amu calm down." Rima soothed.

"Let's get out of here." I ordered.

The five of us stood up and strolled to the doors while Blueberry and his crew watched us intently with amusement in their eyes. Just before I grabbed the handle, the door swung back and revealed a handsome young man

Not any man, but my ex-boyfriend.

"It's.. It's.. It's─" I pointed in disbelief.

"Hi Amu-ex koi!" He grinned.

(We'll keep him a mystery okay? He's not a main character)

"AH!" I screamed in joy as I tackled him into a hug. I could tell that the whole entire gym of people was staring at me, even Bluey.

"Ooh looks like someone's getting jealous!" Utau sing-songed.

I grinned. "Can you help me make someone jealous?"

"Of course." He chuckled.

I winked. "Teddy-kun~!" I giggled as I said his nickname as sweetly as I could. He turned around and I jumped onto his back, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He turned around to face the crowd of students and smiled. "She's a keeper."

I pecked him on the cheek and stuck my tongue out at the arrogant bastard and his gang. "Suckers.." I mocked under my breath.

The girls and I exited the gym with "Teddy" still giving my a piggy-back ride. I hopped off as soon as I spotted a bench and hugged him again.

"Thanks!" I laughed as I high-fived him.

"His face was priceless!" Rima smiled.

So meet "Teddy". We went out for about two-years but the whole time, we just acted like brother and sister, there wasn't really much kissing or anything like that. So we both talked and finally realized what the situation was and so we split. It wasn't that hard actually. I didn't cry at all.

"I like this first day of school." I giggled.

"Anything for you Amu," He laughed while he ruffled my hair. "Well, I've got to go work now. See ya around."


The bell rang and at the end of the day, the girls and I were the first one out and in my car. I started the engine and as I backed out, we saw those annoying crap-load of boys and their leader, who was smirking right at me through the dark tinted windows. I growled and stepped on the gas, it took all of my will power to not run them over.

"Well, first day of school was easy." Yaya yawned as she stretched happily.

"And we all have a long way to go." I muttered.

A/N: So? How was it so far? (: I hope you all enjoyed it. If it doesn't make sense, please say so in a PM or your review, and I will gladly type a paragraph on that part in a different way just for you ;D.

Please tell me which version is better [: and I will continue from there. Sorry for misspelling and errors. I just got home from spending Christmas with my family and I am really tired.. plus I have a few little cousins to watch.

Reviews are much appreciated! Please no flaming, just constructive criticism. I hope this is better than what I've had in my other stories!