

Summary: So, one day Tsunade was bored. She was so bored. She decided to get each of the Rookie 9 Girls to write a no restraints, no crap, and one hundred percent true letter to their boyfriends, or, wannabe boyfriends. Who knew it would end with four broken arms? Well, she knew that, but, four marriages and plenty of babies…that wasn't accounted for.


Sakura stared blankly at Tsunade, arms folded across her chest impatiently.

She smiled.

Ino grimaced at the Hokage and twirled her hair in her fingers.

She still smiled.

Hinata looked around the room for the clock—how long was this going to take?

She still smiled, and now it was getting creepy.

TenTen gripped her favorite kunai tightly and ordered, "Tell us why we're here!"

Tsunade laughed at her reaction, and had Shizune (who still had no idea what was going on) give each girl a single piece of paper and a pen. Sakura's was pink, Ino's blue, Hinata's purple, and TenTen's maroon. They eyed their materials cautiously and Sakura questioned, "What type of mission is this? It looks like we're writing letters…." She was starting to become afraid of her teacher, but soon concluded she had too much sake last night. That would explain all the various clear green bottles under her desk.

The Hokage giggled, "That's because you are!"




"Are you okay, sensei?"

The asked blonde woman rose unsteadily, because she had been drinking too much lately, but that was just because she was under so much stress with Sasuke back and all. That kid just screamed 'I WILL STRESS YOU OUT BECAUSE I'M A BASTURD!' She started her explanation with a slurred tongue, swinging her half-empty last bottle of sake, "I want you to write letters to your boyfriends," she glanced at the now glaring Sakura, "and wannabe boyfriends, stating everything you've ever held back in your life. I'm giving you the liberty to hurt their feelings, to crush their feelings, and to make them think twice about all of their mistakes."

Hinata, who was intrigued by the thought, but still a little confused, asked, "What rank is this 'mission', Tsunade-sama?" She put emphasis on the word mission, because, really, it didn't seem like one. The woman forced her green glass on the desk, breaking it immediately, she glared, "Are you demeaning my Hokage-ness?!"




"N-No, Tsunade-sama, I'm not. I-I-I was j-just wondering."

"Okay, then I will tell you that…it is S-Class!"

TenTen scoffed, leaving immediately after that announcement with her pen and pencil, finding this the most ridiculous mission ever invented. However, it did seem…fun. Yeah, it would be fun to degrade Neji for a mission, that she would get paid for, that she had a reason for doing, and he had no way of stopping her. This would be fun.

Sakura, Ino, and Hinata left with a respectful bow, feeling the same way, because when is it not fun to—

"Hey, Shizune-chan, can you go get me some more sake for later?"

Shizune shook her head, grabbing hold of her pet pig as she tried to escape through the door, "Um, no, Hokage-sama. You'll kill your kidneys."

"No, I will not. They're already gone, silly!" And she was supposed to be a medical miracle….

LOL, total crack-fic, I swear.

Depending on how many reviews I'll get, I might continue.

Let's see….twenty reviews?

I ask that much because I have another story going on, (ID: 5571557)

called One Year and I'm trying to get that one done to, but if this goes good, I'll work on both.

Anyway, Mr. Review wants at least 20 people to push his buttons. (wink wink)