Title: The Time of Lord Jones
Author: caz251
Prompt: The banner created by CJHarknessgirl for Bookwrm89
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, previous Ianto/Lisa
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Slash, angst, mentions Mpreg
Spoilers: General spoilers for Torchwood and Doctor Who
Word Count: 6698
Disclaimer: Torchwood and Doctor Who, their associated characters, and events are property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies.
Author's Note:
Written for the challenge issued by Bookwrm89 .
Summary: Ianto Jones isn't as human as everyone thought, and as a result of this he and Jack have to go into hiding.


It had been six months since Ianto had nearly died, fortunately the Doctor had been able to get the antidote that the young human had needed, only for it to awaken something within the younger man that showed he had not been human at all. It had awoken a mental capacity that was unlike any human, as well as allowing for some memories from his time as a baby to resurface. It was lucky that the Doctor had been there, as he was the most experienced on matters concerning the Time Lords.

Ianto's unearthed memories had shown them who and what he was, he was one of the few Gallifreyans to escape from Gallifrey before it had burnt. Through examination of his memories the Doctor had managed to piece together what had happened and how the young man had come to be on Earth. When the Council had realised that the time of the Time Lords was coming to an end they had made sure that the race would continue to live on, but had obviously kept the plans as secret as possible as the Doctor had no prior knowledge of them.

They had sent all the newborn Gallifreyan babies off to different times and worlds after sealing their Time Lord consciousness and blessing them each with thirteen regenerations. The children would then lead their lives unaware of what they were, and with no-one knowing that they were a part of the most amazing of races in the universe. When the children died they would regenerate, and with them not being consciously aware of regeneration they would be unable to stop the regeneration process from occurring. With that regeneration they would grow their second heart and their Time Lord consciousness would become prevalent, allowing any remaining Time Lords to locate them.

Jack and Ianto had been travelling with the Doctor ever since, leaving Toshiko in charge of the team. Ianto had come to terms with what he was and was soaking up as much knowledge as possible. His search for knowledge had led to an unpleasant discovery; they had discovered someone supposedly dead, The Master. He had been found on an interplanetary research outpost that Ianto had wanted to visit. The Doctor had dragged them straight back into the TARDIS as soon as he realised that the Master was there.

He then explained the plan that he had hastily concocted, which led them to where they where now, 18th century Cardiff. The Doctor had decided that for their protection they should not be there when he confronted the Master. They couldn't go back to Torchwood in their own time as the Master knew about the team due to the paradoxical year that never was. The Doctor had been clear that the Master could not find out about Ianto, proposing that they seal away Ianto's Time Lord Consciousness for his own protection.

Ianto had agreed with him and had undergone the process, using the chameleon arc, to become human. As he hadn't regenerated and still only had one heart the process only changed his mental structure, instead of changing his internal organs as well. The Doctor had then explained what would happen, how the TARDIS could use Ianto's memories to write Ianto a history and integrate him into the timeline. However, it was impossible for the TARDIS to do the same for Jack, but Ianto would feel responsible for him in a way and would unconsciously try to integrate him into the timeline.

The Doctor had then dropped them off in what they believed was 18th century Cardiff, technically he was right, the only problem was that it was not the same Cardiff that they had left from, but rather a parallel Cardiff. When they had arrived the Doctor had dropped them in what the TARDIS had made sure was Ianto's home, as he recognised things straight away, began to move around like he owned the place, and he seemed to fit in perfectly.

Almost as soon as they had arrived the Doctor left, muttering about dealing with the Master and warning Jack not to open the watch that he had been entrusted with unless it was absolutely necessary. Ianto had wondered off somewhere, whilst Jack had been led away, to a room that Lord Jones had set aside for him, by a servant. Jack had only been alone for a few moments before he realised that something was wrong, he had lived through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but this eighteenth century Cardiff was more advanced than the nineteenth had been. The electricity in the, he could only call it a, manor and the indoor plumbing had been the first clues, but thinking that the Doctor had messed up with the time, it wasn't unusual when the Time Lord was concerned. However, after checking the newspaper that had been left in his rooms, proclaiming the date to be the 9th December 1786, he knew without a doubt that the Doctor had left them in a parallel world.