Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. They belong to Cecily von Zeigesar and The CW.

Takes place a few weeks after 'Daddy's Little Girl.' I couldn't let Christmas pass without a little holiday cheer for the new family. I hope you all enjoy.

"Chuck, we've talked about this," Blair whispered softly as she padded across their bedroom floor in her bare feet and silk negligee. She had woken up to find his side of their bed empty and cold. A quick scan of their bedroom produced the results she had expected. He was sitting in a leather chair with their precious three-month-old daughter in his arms. Charlotte was fast asleep with her tiny little hand wrapped tight around one of his fingers.

"I'm sorry," he responded sheepishly as he kissed the infant's head gently, "I couldn't help it. She was fusing a little in her sleep. I didn't want her to wake you, so I went and got her."

"She needs to get used to her crib," Blair scolded as she kissed the top of his head.

"Why does she need to get used to anything?" he insisted as he shifted Charlotte slightly in his arms, "She's a Bass. She can and will have anything she wants."

"Chuck," she scolded.

"I know . . . you're right. She should be sleeping in her crib," he conceded with a sigh of resignation, "But I love holding her. She's all warm and snuggly, and she smells so good."

Blair chuckled softly as he spoke. Charlotte was going to be the most spoiled child just as she was already the most spoiled wife.

This was a life she hadn't even thought possible when she and Serena dreamed and planned all those years ago. All of her role models growing up were the picture of dysfunction, from the way they went about their marriage to the way they raised their children. She always expected to follow in that path, but her life with Chuck was far from dysfunction. It was made of the stuff from fairytales and timeless romantic books and movies.

She knew that her husband loved her with a passion that consumed him. When Charlotte was born that passion extended out to her. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for either of them including leaving his post as CEO.

Chuck's days at the office were dwindling. Each night he told her how many days he had left. It was one of the first things out of his mouth after he asked about Charlotte and how their day had gone. He had already told his trusty assistant that he was preparing to step away from the helm. There had been tears of sadness from both parties, but also tears of joy because both knew that this was what Chuck truly wanted. He promised Eugenia that she would continue to be his assistant if she chose to remain in her position, but that she could now focus more on the charitable works of the company. Eugenia didn't hesitate in her acceptance.

The number two in command had yet to be told of his new role within the company, although Chuck was covertly preparing him. He had every confidence that the company would continue to thrive. There was a board meeting just before the office closed for the holidays, and Chuck was planning on telling the board members then. He was anticipating the board having negative reaction to the announcement, but his mind was already made up. He needed to do what was best for his family. He was doing the one thing that Bart had never done – he was putting his family first.

"Christmas will be here soon," Blair pointed out as she knelt next to him. "You manipulated your way into staying in New York. What would you like to do?"

"Remember our first Christmas together in this penthouse?" he inquired as Charlotte let out a gurgle as she squirmed ever so slightly in his arms. They both smiled broadly as their daughter nudged her nose tighter into his chest as if she was trying to get as close to him as possible. She was already becoming so much like her mother, and that made him so happy.

"Of course," she gasped. She was almost offended by the possibility that he could even think she would ever forget such a wonderful time in their lives.

"I want to do all the things with Charlotte that you did for me," he told her, "I want to do the carriage ride through Central Park, meet with Santa at Macys, skate through Rockefeller Center, walk to each of the store window displays . . . we'll have to save the Rockettes for another year, but I want to do all the rest."

"How about donating our time at the Children's Hospital?" she inquired. It was the one traditional thing that they did every year no matter where they were spending their holiday. Santa, Mrs. Claus and their trusty elves would swoop into with massive amounts of present for the children. He always ended their evening with a reading from "Twas the Night Before Christmas". He now had the story committed to memory so that he could recite it while watching Blair. Her eyes always danced as he captivated the children's attention.

"If Humphrey still has that Santa suit, I'm game," he nodded in reference to the suits that Jenny kept for their yearly tradition, "And I especially want our home decorated like the North Pole once again."

"She's not going to remember this Christmas," Blair stated as she looked to their still soundly sleeping daughter.

"But we will," he responded instantly as he followed his wife's gaze as they settled on the adorable chubby cheeks, "Charlotte deserves the best Christmas that we can give her, and what we can give her is everything."

"She's going to have five hundred presents under the tree isn't she," Blair realized.

"It will probably be closer to a thousand," he grinned as she leaned in and kissed him.

"Let's take it easy this year," she offered up a compromise, "Let's save the buying the toy store for a year in which she'll remember."

"What a wonderful idea of an investment for Bass Industries," he mused as the businessman in him started working out the details of any possible acquisition that he could make. He watched his wife roll her eyes as he contemplated the idea.

Blair pulled Charlotte out of Chuck's arms and went to return her to the crib near their bed. Charlotte instantly began crying. The wide eyes of his wife told him that the crying had surprised Blair as Charlotte was always such a happy baby. She rarely ever cried out. Charlotte continued crying as Blair laid her down. There daughter began kicking out her feet as she continued to wail. She had never seen Charlotte act that way before. She gave Chuck a helpless look as he approached the pair.

"She just wants me to be the one to put her down," he concluded as he picked their daughter up and held her close for a few moments. Charlotte fell back to sleep instantly with the unshed tears trickling slowly out of her eyes as they closed. Once he was sure she was asleep he set her down in the crib. She didn't even flinch as she continued to sleep soundly.

"What are you the baby whisperer or something," Blair marveled as they turned and climbed back into bed, snuggling close together as they both looked over at the crib so they could see their daughter as she slept.

"I just know our daughter," he whispered as his hand closed around her waist to settle at her stomach. He marveled that how smooth it was already. It had only been three months and already she was back to her pre-pregnancy body. He hadn't been able to keep his hands off of her since the doctor first told them they could resume sexual activities. He was surprised they hadn't woken Charlotte each night, but she slept like her mother who could sleep through anything as long as he kept still next to her. Sounds she didn't hear, motions she usually felt.

"You know me too," Blair stated seductively as his hand continue to caress her stomach through the silken material. He could feel her breathing begin to shallow as she snuggled further into his embrace so their bodies pressed against each other tightly.

"I know you very well," he agreed as he kissed the underside of her jaw as one hand trailed up her body to close around her breast. A small moan of pleasure escaped from her lips as she arched into his touch. As he spoke once more against the shell of her ear, his voice became deeper, more smooth, "I know every inch . . . every nook and crevice . . . every hidden piece of yourself. I know precisely where to touch you to drive you wild. I know where not to touch you that could turn you off. I happily play your body to our mutual satisfaction."

"Chuck," she cried out as his tongue dipped into her ear.

"Shhhh," he hummed into her ear softly as his hand skimmed down her torso as he bunched up the material of her negligee until he was able to touch her soft skin without barriers, "Charlotte is sleeping."

"I don't care," she moaned as his finger dipped into her belly button. She could feel his amusement as he shook with laughter although he didn't make a sound.

"You feel incredible," he marveled as his hands began skimming her body as he slid the silk off her skin so she was completed exposed to his roaming hands underneath the thin satin sheet they were tangled in. "Your skin is so soft . . . so smooth, and you always smell and taste so amazing."

"Chuck," she whispered as she turned towards him, groaning at the feel of silk against his skin. He must have slipped into his pajamas sometime during the night. She sat up swiftly as her hands went to work to unbutton the garment. They were his favorite pair, so she knew better than to tear them from his body even though she desperately wanted to.

His lips mashed against hers as he helped her rid himself of his clothes, both rising to their knees to aid in their pursuit. As soon as his pajama bottoms came free, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him as he slid inside of her. Their tongues began to twirl around each other in a desperate dance as they fought for control. Their mutual moans were swallowed by their kiss. Their arms wrapped around their bodies to aid in them getting closer to each other. Their hands roamed each other's skin, which elicited moans and cries of ecstasy.

"Blair," he gasped as he broke free from their kiss so they both could breath. He could feel how light headed they had both become as they tried to prolong their kiss as they swayed against each other.

"This is never going away it is," Blair moaned as he slid inside of her a little further, "We're never going to stop needing each other in this way."

"Never," he agreed as his lips crashed against hers once more as he lowered her to the bed so that he had better leverage to slide further inside of her. He hadn't been able to hit the usual spots that drove her insane in their previous position, and he was worried he would reach his peak before she did. That was unacceptable to him. Her legs responded by wrapping around his waist, opening herself more fully to him. A smile came to his lips as she gasped in approval as he drove in further.

"I'm close," she announced as it was her turn to pull away for air.

"I can feel it," he agreed as he nodded against her skin which was become slick with perspiration. Her breathing became even shallower as her breaths were nothing more than short gasped for air. Her eyes widened suddenly as he felt her convulse around him. Her mouth went wide but no sound came out. He slid into her twice more before his release came as he buried his groan against her neck.

"Why do I always see stars with you?" Blair spoke softly. Her words were barely whispers. If his ear wasn't next to her lips he never would have heard her.

"Because we were made for each other," he explained as he shifted just slightly so that all of his weight was not on her, but not enough to pull away as he knew how much she loved their closeness after they had made love.

"Is Charlotte still asleep?" she inquired as she turned to look towards the crib. Chuck's gaze moved with hers. He began to nod against her.

"Sleeping like the baby she is," he whispered against her cheek. She began giggled at his words. He moved inside her at just the right angle to send her into convulsions once more. A strangled cry of surprise escaped her lips as her eyes went wide once more.

"You okay?" he inquired as he watched a tear trickle down her cheek as she began gasping for air once more.

"That's never happened before," she nodded as she pulled him closer, making his arms give way so that he was fully on top of her once more.

"Making you orgasm without trying?" he inquired. She continued to nod against him as her hands went around his back so that she could trail the muscles she knew to be there with her fingers.

"How do you do that?" she pressed, "Drive me to the edge and back and make me feel like that is the best place in the world to be."

"As long as you're with me, it is the best place in the world to be," he stated as he kissed her softly.

"Chuck Bass is a romantic - who knew," she smirked devilishly.

"You do, my beautiful wife," he prompted her, "Just as you always have."

"Charlotte is a lucky girl to have you as a father just as I have always been to have you with me," she stated as she raised her hands to thread through his hair, pulling him close so that she could kiss him thoroughly.

"What if Charlotte wakes up?" Chuck asked. She wanted more. He could tell by the look in her eyes.

"This probably won't take long," she mused as she felt him nudge gently inside of her. He was beginning to respond in only the way he could.

"God, Woman, you make me crazy," he growled as he captured her lips.

TBC. . .