Bella's pov.

I had decided to move to Phoenix.

Country Phoenix to be precise.

My life could no longer be in Forks. The sad looks. The curious stares. My Fathers constant 'understanding' along with Jacobs's pathetic efforts to talk to me. I absolutely had to escape rainy, dreary forks. I just couldn't take it anymore. So, like a coward I ran...And, now I find myself sitting at this tiny bus shelter, in a small town, in dry, hot Arizona, waiting for my ride to the Farmstay retreat that I had accepted a job with.

I was so thankful I was accepted for this job at the time. Now I am not so sure.

The heat felt like it was sinking deep into my skin. I tried to ignore it but my brain was in high speed, turning to things I didn't want to remember......

I started thinking of why I was running. No matter how I pushed the thoughts away, they kept returning.


My best friend, and then later, my boyfriend.

I thought we had a future. I had it all mapped out. I thought he loved me; at least that's what he had said. I had been working so much at the restaurant, but that day, two weeks ago, I got off early... I found him down on the beach, entwined in Leah's embrace.


He just looked at me apologetically, sheepishly, and said that it was love at first sight. I mean, how can you love someone that quick, when you already love someone else??? It absolutely blew me away. He had been avoiding me for 2 weeks before I had discovered him and her that day. Now that I look back, it was exactly the time that Leah had been back from college. It wasn't so much that he was with her; it was that he didn't tell me. He lied by omission. I didn't think we ever lied to each other. Boy was I wrong.

Stupid, Stupid Bella. That had become the monotonous beat in my head. 'Fuck him. Fuck them all' I said to myself as I squinted against the glare of the sun and looked down the road for what felt like the 100th time.

So sick of thinking of this shit.

I had been waiting for a full 60 minutes before I saw a small plume of dust on the horizon. I could have waited in the nearby diner, but I wasn't sure what to expect in the way of transport out to my new employment.

The Job description was accommodation plus all meals included. 3 months probation for both parties, a great pay rate, wireless internet, the use of facilities and one day a week off, but one week every six off to go home, visit family, go to the city, shop or whatever.

One free week every six.

I was so happy to stay away from Forks for that time. I wasn't going back any time soon.

As the plume of dust got closer and closer, I could see a black pickup starting to slow down. It came to a halt in front of me. A good looking guy, maybe in his twenties, with dark, short wavy hair and huge muscles, jumped out of the driver's seat, cocked his hat at me, and spoke...'Bella?'

'Yeah, that's me' I replied with a small smile.

'Hey, I'm Emmet, from the retreat. Have you been waiting long?'

'ummm, like, probably an hour' I said with a shrug, looking down at my suitcase.

'Oh, here' He said coming around the front of the pick up toward me. 'I'll get that for you'

'Thanks' I murmured. I was suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed with my new adventure.

I watched as Emmet, grabbed my suitcase and loaded it into the back of the pickup, hardly registering its weight, and I knew that bitch was heavy, because I packed it that way! Everything I would need, and then some! I don't normally need a lot of stuff, but I had no idea what to expect and it gave me some comfort knowing I had most of my things close by, and I was prepared for anything.

'Anything else you need from the store before we go?' Emmet asked.

'Ummm, no. I'm all good' I replied.

'Ok, well, jump in while I race into the store for a quick sec.'

I got into the cab and true to his word; he was only gone for a few moments it seemed. He jogged back with a huge bag of chips in his hand, and climbed into the driver's side of the cab.

'Want some?' I shook my head no. 'Well buckle up, because it is about an hour back to the ranch'. He said as he ripped the bag of crisps open like a starving man, and dove his hand into the bag and stuffed a handful into his mouth, smiling with glee.

I did as I was told, buckling up, trying to push the nervous thoughts running in a long stream through my mind, away. I tried really hard not to think of America's most wanted, NCIS, Law and order, CSI and all those shows that show young women being lured to their mangled deaths by jobs and 'nice' looking men etc.

Just as my nerves were getting the better of me, Emmett spoke up.

'So, you're a chef?'

'Yep' I popped the 'P' looking out of the window, at the dry grass and cacti.

'I love food. Actually I'm hungry now. I guess I can wait until we get back tho....' he trailed off as he munched on his chips. 'This will have to do until we get there'.

He turned to me with a huge smile-

'So, I thought chefs were meant to be fat or some shit? You are so skinny; do you even taste your own food? You know what they say...Never trust a skinny chef!' He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

'Hahaha! That's so funny! You will absolutely die when you eat some of my cooking!' I started feeling a little bit more relaxed.

'Yeah, that's what I am afraid of! I'm makin' you try everything first, so I know its ok!'

I laughed again at this jovial man. He seemed harmless enough. I don't know what I was worrying for.

'I guess you will be under Edwards wing. Don't mind him, he can be a grumpy ass and a bit emo sometimes but he is a good guy at heart'.

My heart sank. Great. Another temperamental prick. Just my luck.

Emmet gunned the engine, and wheeled the vehicle around to head back the way he had come. I looked out the window for a few minutes, with questions swirling around in my head.

I wanted to know more about where we were headed, and I started peppering Emmett with questions.

'So, what is this place like? How many people work there? What are the rooms like? Do people ask crazy things of you? Are most people nice here? Are you the owner? Do you know much about my job description? What is expecte....'

'Woah, woah, slow down pixie, I'll answer all your questions in due time! Let me take a big breath for it all!'

I smiled sheepishly at this huge boy of a man. 'Sorry' I said. 'I am just so curious'.

'Nah, that's cool. Just kidding pix! But, ill answer all your questions, just one at a time!'

'hmmm, high energy chick, I can see you are going to get along with a few people' he murmured under his breath while looking ahead at the road.

'What did you say?' I asked with a small frown.

'Oh, don't take that the wrong way, I just meant that Alice- you will meet her shortly, she is pretty excitable. She's great, you will love her. Actually, you will love most people that work at the retreat, save for one or two freaks.'

'Ok.' I said simply. 'But you gotta tell me something about where I am going'. My body was thrumming with excitement now that we were on our way.

'Sure. Ok, where to start.............' Emmet looked ahead in concentration.

'Ok, the owners are Aro and Jane. They are pretty cool, if you stick by the rules and do your work. You will be working in a kitchen with about 5 other people and I think that goes in shifts, so you will have to ask when you get there. Edward is head chef, and you will work under him. The others that work in the kitchen are just cooks, except for one other chef, and you will have to direct them at times. Umm, what else? The facilities are a gym, horseback riding, a pool, you are entitled to one free massage a month and you get your own room, which is sort of like a studio really. Small, but works for everyone. I train the horses, and lead the trails when the clients want to ride, which is most days. I was free for a few hours so offered to come pick you up today. We are getting a new massage therapist tomorrow, but I am busy at the time she gets in, so that will be someone else's job. Oh, and also sometimes you will be asked to fill in on someone else's shift if they are sick or away and they can't find anyone- within reason of course!'

'Cool' I nodded. I could do that. I am confident most of the time. I just wasn't that good at confrontation, and it looked like the new job was going to be alright. I feel nervous in new situations too but Emmet was just like a big teddy bear, so I felt ok right now.

'Ummm, so about this emo, 'great guy' Edward that I have to work for...?'

'He is a really genuine guy. He is a bit OCD with his knives, and he works like a demon, but he cares a lot about people. He is like a brother to me. You guys will get along when you get used to each other, it just takes time to settle into the ways of the retreat'.

'Thanks Emmet'. I smiled genuinely at him. 'I mean it. I am glad it was you that picked me up today'.

'I think we will be great friend's pixie' Emmet said. 'I can just feel it!'.

'Ummm, my name is Bella'.

'I know, but I like you so I'll give you a nick name'. He grinned at me while shovelling more chips in his mouth.

'Me too' I smiled warmly at him. He didn't seem to be coming onto me, but was just real brotherly which was nice since I was an only child.

I enjoyed the scenery as it flashed by us. The odd cottage or ranch on a huge amount of property seemed to be the usual here. Emmet was watching the road and humming to himself. I took the opportunity to text my mum Renee, and then my dad, Charlie, to let them both know that I got here ok. Mum was so excited when I told her I was coming to Phoenix. I had to burst her bubble by letting her know that I was going to work at a farmstay retreat, not come live with her. She understood. Her life was busy and I know she wanted to have me closer, but I also knew that she would get caught up with her own life, her new husband Phil and her friends.

I knew I needed this.

That was the simple part.

Facing the challenge was a whole different story!

'Here we are' Emmet announced as he turned off the road into a huge sprawling property.

My mouth gaped. I was speechless. I just stared trying to take it all in.

In front of us was the most beautiful ranch, paradise retreat I had ever seen. Green grass spread out for what seemed like miles. There was a huge blue lagoon pool off to the side, with a little 'oasis' type spa that joined with a small waterfall to the pool.

The huge, huge ranch was 3 stories that I could see from where I stood gaping. There was white, and green, and glass and garages. There was stable further away from the main house with some trails that lead up the grassy slopes, up into the hills. 'That's where Emmet must spend most of his time' I thought to myself. 'Not too bad at all'.

While I had been staring at the beauty in front of me, Emmet had gotten my baggage out of the pickup.

'Come on pix, let's get you settled into your room, follow me'.

I trailed behind trying to take it all in. I was so glad Emmet was here, I felt safer with him close by.

He led me past the glorious pool, and toward the back of the ranch house.

There behind, was a long set of what looked like units, or dorms.

'Wow' I murmured. 'Just wow.'

'It's great huh? All the workers love it. It is an original part of the ranch!'

It was one long building, made of large stone that must have come from the hills not far away, and had about 10 doors along it. It looked very quaint, and cute.

'You are room number 7. Your key is on the coffee table inside' Emmet said as he opened the door for me and my luggage.

Inside was pretty small really. It was sort of a studio, but at least I didn't have to share with anyone else. Privacy. It's what I need. I am a great friend, but not 24/7. I need my recharge time. I got a lot of that back home, I was glad I could here too.

I stepped into the room for a closer look. There was a two seater couch just inside the door with a small coffee table in front, and in front of the coffee table was a small stand with a tv on top and a small dvd player on top of that. There was a bathroom farther into the room with a toilet, and then a room next to the toilet was the bedroom with a double bed in it. It was cute and compact. It would serve me well.

'Wow, a double bed as well?' I said.

'Yep. Nothing too good for our little pixi! You never know........soon ya might want to share that bed with some one!' He laughed loudly at his own joke while I swatted him on his arm, and he pretended to be afraid.

'Ohhh, she's a feisty wench! Ok, ok, so you won't be sharing anytime soon. I was just putting it out there, in case you get cold is all!'

'Thanks Emmet. You're running at 108 degrees are you? I'll keep that in mind.' I laughed

'Hahahaha!' He threw his head back and laughed loudly. 'Oh Bella, you will get to know me eventually. I won't be molesting you any time soon, I can promise you that!'

'Okaaaay' I said a little put out. There was nothing wrong with me was there? I was starting to wonder......

'Nah, I am just trying to let you know it isn't against the rules to 'entertain' friends in your room. That's all. Now, I'll let you settle into your room. Meet in the office at 1500 hours to get your marching orders.'

'Yes, you do strike me as the military type...' i grinned cheekily at him.

'Ahhh, you don't even know the half of it!' He quipped back.

'Hmmm, I'll keep that in mind, and Ill behave.' I saluted at him.

'Just make sure that you do, I'll be watching.....' He called as he walked out the door.

Alone all of a sudden never felt more alone.

For the second time that day I mentally kicked my but to Forks and back, but the thought of going back to Forks made me suck it up and change my mind a bit. I would rather try to swim across the lake I saw in a brochure that isn't far from here, than go back to forks.

I looked around my snug living quarters and sighed.

Where to start? I guess I should start unpacking.

I dragged my suitcase into the bedroom to the wardrobe. There was a long mirror on the door and I could see my reflection. I looked lost, and I felt like that too.

'Come on. This will be fun. If you hate it, you can always go home. You might love it. You will meet lots of great people and have a good time, and if you don't, go somewhere else. You are a big girl now. It's going to be ok, ok?' I gave myself a pep talk. I just wish Jacob and I were still talking. He was great in these situations, but I wasn't ready. He took my safety net away. I was on my own. It sucks.

I slid open the wardrobe and started packing my things away. There was still a lot of space surprisingly.


I heard someone call out at the front door.

I came out of the bedroom to see a stunning, young female with short dark brown hair, in a funky style, standing at the doorway.

'Oh hey' I replied. 'I'm Bella. I'm starting in the kitchen tomorrow I think. Come in if you like'.

'Hi Bella. I'm Alice. I live in the next room. Number 6. I am so glad you have come here. You are going to love it here. We are all just like family!'

'I really hope so. I am feeling a little bit weird all of a sudden, like alone. Know what I mean? Ahh shit, forget I said that. Nice to meet you Alice. So what do you do?'

Alice giggled' It's really ok. I totally know how you feel. We have all been new at one point and had a first day, so yeah, I know how you feel. Anyway, I do the beauty side of things, from spray tans to facials. We are getting a new Massage therapist tomorrow. The last girl quit under interesting circumstances, but we will talk about that some other time. I'll give you a skin treatment soon, you'll feel like a million bucks after!'

'Thanks Alice, we'll do that. I need to meet Emmet at the office right now tho, would you be able to show me where to go?'

'Sure, let's go. Don't forget your key' Alice smiled and called in her sing song voice.

I grabbed the key and we were on our way after locking up. We walked along a path to the front doors. They slid open and we entered. My nervousness returned tenfold. We walked over to the door marked 'office' and knocked.

'Come in' was called in a deep voice.

'Hi Aro, this is Bella. She is the new chef starting here.'

I couldn't help but stare. The man was attractive in a weird way. He had piercing eyes, dark hair and such pale skin for someone that lives in such a hot climate.

'Thankyou Alice'

Alice turned to me, squeezed my hand reassuringly, smiled and left the room.

'Bella, welcome. Take a seat. We have been looking forward to meeting you. I am sorry that Jane couldn't be here for your introduction. We have heard so much about you'. He sat down behind his desk and removed some papers from a drawer.

'Uh, really? I mean thank you. Your retreat is very beautiful.' I slid into a seat in front of the desk.

'Thank you Bella. I hope you like it. Emmet will show you around and he will introduce you to the kitchen staff. He will be here momentarily. I trust that you find your living quarters suitable?'

'Yes sir. The rooms are cute and very suitable. The building is so beautiful; in fact the whole place is stunning.'

'Yes, we like it here. You are welcome to go on any walking track, we only ask that you stick to the walking trails, we can't protect you if you go outside of the boundaries.' He looked directly into my eyes when he spoke, conveying a message.

A chill rippled up my spine. I felt uneasy. There was so much unspoken in those words and I didn't think I really wanted to know what was out there. I might just take Alice with me. And a gun, yes, and maybe a knife. I wonder if they have any spare around here....

I was snapped out of those thoughts when Aro spoke again.

'Here is your roster for the week. We will be making up a new one before the end of the week and you will have that one soon. Here also is your employment declaration. You will need to read over it sign it, and return it along with your bank details for wages to be deposited. With that, I have included your wages summary for the first 3 months and then after the probation period, your wages will go up, then every year after that, your wage will increase by a percentage, dictated by me. I hope you find everything in order. Don't forget to enjoy yourself outside of work hours. We just ask that our employees are respectful to the visitors and each other. Use the facilities. If you aren't sure of something, don't hesitate to ask.'

He slid the papers across the desk to me with a smile.

'Thankyou' I said and returned the smile.

There was a knock on the door and Aro called out to enter and then stood up.

Emmet walked in and Aro clapped his hands together with glee. 'Ah, perfect timing. Please show Miss Bella around and introduce her to everyone.'

'Not a problem sir.' Emmet said.

I stood to leave but said politely 'It was good to meet you Sir' I held out my hand and Aro took my hand in both of his; 'and it was delightful to meet you my dear.' He then did a little wave and smiled. I took this as my queue to leave.

After closing the door to the office Emmet and I walked toward the kitchen.

We could hear some yelling coming from inside. As we walked through the door we saw a tall bronze haired guy angrily waving a knife in the air as he roared 'Don't ever do it again!'

'Dude, dude, calm down. It's ok. Just wipe it off, sharpen it and it's as good as new.' Emmet called out. 'I have someone for you to meet- this is Bella' He pulled me forward a few steps.

I did a small wave and said 'hi' to everyone in the kitchen.

I barley heard the introduction or the replies when Edward turned and my eyes locked with some intense green ones.

The air between us sparked and snapped with electricity and time ceased to exist. Edward and I were the only people in the room and there was a wave of quiet like I was under water...................

Edward broke eye contact and turned back to his work station.

.............'and it has potatoes in it, so if you can remember what it was, it was awesome, and I will love you all forever.'

'Sorry, what was that?' I said slightly dazed.

'This, sort of salad, it's got all sorts of things in it, I'll tell you about it on the way around. If you know what it's called, I will be indebted to you forever if you make it for me'.

Emmet kept talking about food as we left the kitchen. I glanced back at Edward and I saw him cut a quick glance in my direction but didn't make eye contact again. Damn. I don't know what just happened, but whatever it was, it was big, and it was scary, and I was going to find out.