What he found odd was, he didn't look scared. Or repulsed. Or angry. Duncan simply hid behind one of the boilers, peering out and clutching the brand new Archie as to never let go.

His pale eyes flickered to his now dead stepfather, then back to Freddy. "Is... is he gone?" he asked quietly. Freddy nodded only once, every last drop of blood vanishing off his clothes and self as though never there. The burnt man turned back around away from the child, expecting him to run in fear.

... but no sound. All was silent. Duncan hadn't moved. Freddy would've known if he did. His footsteps would've echoed throughout the boiler room, down the corridor to the demon's ears. No such sound came.

Freddy turned back to Duncan, curious for he cocked an eyebrow in question. The boy's face was lit up, happy for the first time in his six years. A joyful smile was place on his lips' his eyes shining. To put simply Freddy was rather stunned.

Duncan then hurried over to him, being so small he had to wrap his skinny arms around one of Freddy's legs to hug him. He was crying tears of joy.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" he said, clinging to Freddy's leg like a magnet. Freddy let an amused grin escape his lips and crouched down, Duncan letting go of his leg.

He chuckled. "Least I could do, kid," he admitted. "Here." He snapped his fingers (or clattered his claws) and a cherry wood hilted swiss army knife formed from midair. Falling due to gravity even being present in the Dreamworld Duncan caught it with one handm its silver blade gleaming in the little light the boiler room offered,

"'Case sumthin' happens ya got protection," Freddy explained. He ruffled up Duncan's black hair with his knives. He chuckled. "Guess ya gotta Christmas afterall, kid."

"How'd you know it was Christmas today?" Duncan asked in young curiousity, starting to feel light- headed.

"I have my ways," Freddy said, tapping his head with his forefingered claw. Duncan then grew exceedingly numb and dizzy. Nausea came, as though he just got off a really fast merry- go- round after eating chili fries. Everything went black, and in the blink of an eye he was gone.

Freddy stood back up, scowling deeply at the vermin considered a stepfather. His glare was dreadfully loathsome as he towered over the dead body, and the demon kicked it once in the gut (though there really WAS no gut anymore). He gritted his sharpened teeth, then walking away down the other end of the corridor, vanishing into nothingness behind a boiler, not to come out again before someone falls asleep.


In the basement of 1429 Elm Street Duncan Blac sit awake on his matress, hugging his stuffed bunny Archie to his chest with a bright smile on his features.

He held up the swiss army knife, running his thumb over the inscription he hadn't noticed there before. Carved into the dark red wood were the words, "Property of Duncan Blac, so back off, or Freddy will come for you."

"Thank you, Freddy," the little boy murmured gratefully, looking at his reflection in the glittering blade shining from the moonlight now pouring through the single window in the basement. For a moment Duncan thought he saw Freddy's figure flash in the blade, but thought better of it. He was awake now.

And what a very merry Christmas massacre that was.