Chapter 46 Unattractive can be attractive?

(Bubbles pov)

A month? I gotta date him! FOR A MONTH! Blossom and Buttercup better appreciate this. It feels like I just gave my soul away or something!

My phone buzzed, it was a texts from Zane telling me that we were going out tonight. Wow. He didn't even asked! I mean, most guys would ask girls if they wanted to go out! Not tell them. Sigh, but I'm doing this for my sisters.

I replied back asking what time and where.

(Night Fall)

(Buttercup pov )

"Taco," I was holding my daughter in my arms, "Can you believe your grandpa can still get women knocked up?"

"Oh," Ms. Rice exclaimed, "Don't use that word!"

"Knocked up?"


"Fine!" I looked down at Taco, "Taco, did you know that your grandpa can still get some?" as Ms. Rice rolled her eyes.

"When were you gonna tell us?" Blossom asked, siting on the couch next to Brick.

"When the time was right," the Professor said.

"In code, that means: When she was nine months," Butch said.

"Wow, the only girls in this house that aren't having any kids are Bubbles, Molly, and Mia,"

"Mia? Who would wanna be her baby daddy?" Brick teased.

"Yeah, wouldn't he run away?" I said, giving Taco to Butch.

"I know I would," Butch laughed, "Think about the child? Having to hear her sing every night?

"The kid will go deaf," the Professor said.

"Dad," Blossom raised an eyebrow, as Butch, Brick, and I all laughed along.

"Just telling the truth,"

"Anyway," Blossom said, "I guess we are all cool about you and Ms. Rice having a baby together,"

"Yeah, I'm cool with that pops," Brick gave a thumbs up, Butch did the same.

"Don't call me pops," the Professor said firmly.

"Daddy-O?" Butch suggested.


"Sugar Daddy?"


"Baby Daddy, cause that's what you are,"



"Then what do we call you?"

"The Professor, like you always have,"

"Okay... Professor," Brick teased at the end, as the Professor rolled his eyes.

(Night time)
(Bubbles pov)

I decided, the best way to lose a guy is too dress unattractive. So, nothing like a grandma gown, slippers, and wild frizzy hair to turn a guy off. Oh, and I just ate tuna, so I'm in luck. He just might call this off!

Just as I walked down stairs, I saw Buttercup coming up the stairs with Taco, she paused, looking at my outfit, "Bubbles? Why?"

"I got a date with a devil tonight,"

"Well pray to Jesus he'll go away,"

"I'm trying to turn him off so he'll cancel it," I explained.

"You know, theres the good old fashion word called 'no'?"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes, heading down the stairs, "Goodnight, Bc, night Taco,"

"Night, night, zombie women!" a little voice called out, followed by Buttercup's gasp, "Butch! Grab the camera! Shes starting to talk!"

"Isn't she a week old?" I thought, then shrugged. There was a knock at the door, I smiled rushing over to it, opening it. There stood Zane dressed in a blue shirt with gray sleeves, black jeans, and white shoes. His face went blank when he saw me. Perfect!



"You look...," he gave me a flirty smile, "Amazing,"

I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head as I gave the 'wtf' face. I could hear Bc laughing at me from upstairs. Who would have guess that unattractive could be attractive?

Note: I was thinking about rewriting this story, but change of plans! I'm back! Hopefully I can finish this story this year! Anyway, REVIEW!