A/N: Hi everyone this is my first fanfic so I hope that you all review and like it. Please be as honest as possible, with you reviews. Now to the story.

Chapter 1

"Emily hurry up." My brother shouted to me from downstairs. I groaned and rolled over. I did not want to get up. We all had a run in with the purple dragons last night and I was in no mood for school that a plus it was a Monday today.

My name is Emily I'm sixteen years old and I live with my four brothers and our dad. I'm adopted. Well we all are. You see my family isn't really the most normal of families. You see my dad is a four foot tall mutated rat, and my four brothers are 5'11" giant mutated turtles. Like I said not really normal.

I'm the only girl in the family so when I need a girl to talk to I talk to April O'Neal she's a family friend. My brothers are the best when we aren't trying to kill each other. There's Leonardo, we call him Leo, he's the oldest and the leader. I say leader because my brothers and I have been trained in Ninjitsu. He takes everything very seriously especially training and my schooling. It's really annoying he's even starting to be really uptight about what I wear. Next is Raphael, or Raph, he's the second oldest and most hot-headed person, or turtle, you will ever meet. He and I are really close. He lets me get away with everything, well almost anything, he taught me how to ride a motorcycle and how to use his Sais but no one knows about the motorcycle thing. We would both be dead if anyone found out, especially our dad. Then there's our brother Donatello, Don or Donny, I prefer Donny just because. He's the middle child and genius of the family. Don can fix anything you put in front of him. He created the battle shell, which is our version of a car, and our shell cells, our version of cell phones. He doesn't really care about how I dress as long as my grades our good, which they are. Then there's Michelangelo, Mikey or Mike for short. He's the youngest of the guys in the family and the goof ball. There's never a dull moment with Mikey around, he can always make you laugh. Raph and him bud heads a lot but that's what you get when you put impatient and annoying together. Then there's our dad. Splinter, he's our sensei he's trained us how to fight and has been the greatest father. We also refer to him as Master Splinter, but I can get away with daddy. This comes in handy when I want something and the guys are against it. Then there's me but we don't talk about my past, and that's the way its gonna stay. But as of today I am a human sixteen year old that just wants to sleep.

"EMILY." Leo shouted I groaned and sat up. I went over to my closet and went to pick out and outfit. After 20 minutes I finally decided on my black skinny jeans, with a red shirt and white jacket, with my new black heel boots. After I was dress I put my hair up in curlers and started my makeup. I hate my hair straight it looks horrible. When I was finished with my makeup my hair wasn't done yet so I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then walked back to my room and got all my books ready. When I was all packed up and found my jacket I unrolled my hair to see it looking awesome. I put my jacket on and grabbed my bag and keys and made my way downstairs.

"EM…" Leo started shouting but stopped the second he saw me.

"You rang." I said as I made my way downstairs. "Morning daddy." I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went over to pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Em." I turned around to see Don holding a cup for me.
"Thank-you Donny." I said as I sat down next to Mikey and grabbed an apple and leaned back in my chair.

"So Emily when will you be home today." My dad asked.

"Around 5 or 6 depending on whether or not the person comes when my shift ends." I said he nodded. I work part time at a restaurant after school sometimes. We really didn't have too much money so every little penny I could get I would take.

"Do you think you would want to go on patrol again tonight?" My dad asked.

"I'm not sure depends on how I'm feeling and how much homework I get." I said he nodded.

"Well excuse me I must meditate." He said as he walked into his room when he closed the door I looked at my brothers.

"Okay anyone else knows what that was all about, he's acting pretty strange lately." They shrugged. I just brushed it off and took a bite of my apple.

"Anyone know the time." I asked not wanting to be late.

"Around 7." Leo said and I looked at him like he was insane.

"I hate you." I said and started swearing at him in six different languages. I usually get up and 7 and I'm out the door by 8. No wonder I'm so tired he woke me up early, ass.

"Emmy." Mikey said calling me my nickname so I knew he wanted something.

"What do you want and how much is it gonna cost me?" I asked he looked at me with a grin.

"Well there's this limited edition justice force comic…" I cut him off.

"How much?" I asked

"45." He said I chocked on my coffee.

"Dollars." I said he nodded. "For a comic book." I asked he nodded again. "Mikey I really don't…" I was gonna say no then he gave me the puppy dog eyes which I'm a sucker for. I sighed and reached in my bag and took out my wallet. I handed him the money leaving me with only five dollars for the whole day.

"Thank-you." I shook my head.

"No more money this month." I said as I grabbed my bag and headed into my room to grab a ten. I was supposed to be saving this money for college but that wasn't really working out to well. My money pot that had started at five thousand dollars was now down to about five hundred. That's why I have a secret bank account that April opened for me. I love my family but I'm not going to ignore my dreams I'm going to follow them.

I walked back downstairs to see April there. I snuck up behind her and put my hands over her eyes.

"Guess who." I said in the squeakiest voice I could do.

"Hm let's see it must be my favorite little sister." She said. I moved my hands and walked in front of her.

"Hi." I said with a big smile and waved. Some days it scared me how much I can be like Mikey.

"Hey you're up early." She said.

"Yeah well my idiotic fearless leader of a brother decided that since we got home at 4 am this morning to wake me up an hour early, thinking that I really couldn't use the extra hour." I said giving Leo a pointed look. He just shrugged.

"Leo you really need to give her a break." She said he rolled his eyes, and I stuck my tongue out at him. "And that's not helping the situation." April said to me I gave her an innocent smile.

We heard the door open causing to turn and look to see Casey walking in. Casey is April's boyfriend, and Raph's best friend not counting me of course. Casey and I aren't really what you would call civil to each other for lack of better word.

"Hey short-stuff." He said bumping into me purposely. Ass.

"Hey douche bag." I said he just winked at me.

"Emily, language please." My father said to me I rolled my eyes as I mumbled a sorry.

"Yeah well I got to go anyway I'm gonna leave before the morons presence causes me to lose more cell brains then I already have in these three minutes. Bye." I said as I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the lair.

On my way to school I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I sighed.

"Do you ever give up Shane?" I asked.

"Nope." He said in my ear I pulled away. "So you miss me so much that you had to leave extra early to come walk me to school right." He said walking next to me I rolled my eyes.

"No, my brother woke me up early so I decided instead of sitting at home doing nothing to take the long way to school." I told him.

"Well since we have another hour till school starts and it's a fifteen minute walk you want to just go to the bleachers and talk." He asked.

"Look Shane I don't know how else to tell you this but I don't want to go out with you, alright so please stop trying." I said as I walked in the opposite direction towards the school. Truth is I have a major crush on Shane but I know that there is no way I could ever bring him into my world. Last thing I need is for one of my families enemies thinking that he's associated with my brothers.

Ten minutes later I had finally arrived at school and walked over to my friends.

"Hey guys." I said. Paul one of the funniest people you would ever meet, besides for Mikey, looked at me shocked.
"Whoa like dude you're here early, is the world coming to an end." He said pretending to hide behind Angel my best friend. We met through Casey and the best part she knows about my family so we have no secrets.

"Oh leave her alone you idiot. I swear you're like a more annoying version of Mikey." Angel said and I shook my head.

"Hun no one is more annoying then my brother not even Paul." I said as she came over next to me. She laughed.

"So true." She said still smiling.

"So Emily are we ever going to see your family, I mean Angels met them." Katie one of the girls said to me. I was about to answer when we heard the roaring of an engine. We turned to see all the jocks and their bitches arrive.

"Oh goodie, look who's here." I said Angel held me back knowing I would go at them just for the hell of it.

"Come on guys lets go inside." Katie said as we all followed her inside avoiding a fight that would definitely happen.

My locker was next to Angel but unfortunately also next to Shane, who was waiting there for me. Like he does every day. I groaned.

"Em, you know you want to go out with him, just say yes and I'll cover for you with the guys." Angel said I turned to look at her.

"I don't…." But she cut me off.

"You're gonna say yes or I'm gonna say it for you." She said I groaned knowing that I had no choice.

"Fine." I said as we walked over to our lockers.

"Hey ladies." Shane said

'Hey." Angel said and elbowed me.

"Hey Shane, um I was wondering if your offer was still good." I said reluctantly.

"Really." He said grinning like crazy, I nodded. "Okay great so tonight."

"I can't I have to work." I said.

"Well I can meet you after what time is your shift over; I know where you work so that's one less thing to worry about." I was about to try to get a different day but Angel spoke up.

"Six." She said I shot her a glare.

"Great so I'll pick you up at six." He said as the bell rang "Better get to class." He said as he walked away. When he walked down the hall I turned to her.

"Okay so you better tell me what the hell I'm going to say to my dad when he asks me why I won't be home till probably eleven." I said and she grinned.

"Meet me at your locker for lunch." She said and walked off to her next class.

The bell for lunch rang and I walked to my locker to see Angel standing there with a big grin.

"Alright, so what's this amazing plan you have?" I asked she dragged me outside to the tables.

"Okay so you are going to call Don and tell him to tell everyone that you won't be home till later cause after work your coming over to my place to help me with math." She said I looked at her like she was insane.

"Yeah you forgot one little thing, my family patrols at night what if…." But she cut me off.

"They won't."She stated I took my shell cell out of my pocket and hit Don's speed dial.

"Last time you talk me into anything." I said as the phone was picked up.

"Hello." I heard Don answer.

"Hey it's me."

"Emily your suppose to be in school." He said I rolled my eyes.

"I am, I'm at lunch, look can you tell the guys that I won't be home till later cause after work I'm going to go to Angel's to help her with her math." I said hoping he would buy it.

"Sure I'll tell them, what time you coming back." He asked, I looked at Angel she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not sure but I'll let you know alright." I said

"Okay see you later."

"Kay bye." I said before I hung up the phone. I looked up to see her smiling like crazy.

"You better cover for me." I said she nodded.

"Oh trust me I will." We spent the rest of lunch talking about tonight and everything. When the bell rang we went our separate ways as my mind ran through how awesome tonight could be.