The silver sleek frame slipped noiselessly through the base, ignoring humans and bots alike and having the same returned to him. The warrior was normally quiet until it came to the battle, or the obnoxious twins irritating him again. He'd always been rather quiet since planet-fall, and no one really understood why and nor would he give them an answer. Except for the possibility of one blue mech on base. Gliding forward on wheeled feet, the door wings mounted on his shoulders flicked as the mech paused outside the med bay doors. Venting softly, the silver frame snuck into the med bay, slipping up behind the back of a blue mech working diligently on one of the berth tables, peeking over a shoulder.

"Sideswipe. What are you doing?" Jolt asked, pausing in his work without looking up from it, an almost annoyed expression on his face.

"What's it look like I'm doing?"

"Haven't a clue since I'm not actually -looking- at you," came the snappy reply back. Sideswipe chuckled, gliding around to the other side of the berth and resting his elbows down on it, hands folded over one another and chin resting on the back of them and staring with a bored expression at whatever it was Jolt was tinkering with.

"Don't you have anything better to do than fiddle with...whatever it is you're doing?" asked the silver warrior, lifting his optic ridges and looking over the pile of what could be accurately called 'stuff' the blue mech was working with. Jolt snorted softly and finally looked up at the silver Corvette, staring optic to optic with the other mech.

"As much fun as it was redecoing the brats with sunflowers and daisies, I've actually got work to do. That I'm actually doing. Don't -you- have anything better to do than bothering me? Like, oh I the less fortunate like you're supposed to?" asked the medic-in-training, pulling his hands back from his project and grabbing a rag to wipe the grease off. Sideswipe smirked, tilting his head to the side and half shuttering his optics.

"Well, that would include Bee, Tweedle Dumb, Tweedle Dumber, and...oh. Right. You~"

Jolt snorted and folded his arms over his chest with the cleaning rag still in hand, staring hard at the Corvette in front of him. Lifting his chin up slightly, the blue mech responded in a slightly snobbish tone, "I'm an excellent fighter. Thank you very much."

"Oh, oh you are? And why's that? Because of those cute little whips you've got?"

"I'll show you cute...especially compared to those dull sticks you wave around on your arms."

The two stared at each other for a moment before both bursting out into laughter, Jolt throwing the rag at Sideswipe's face. The silver warrior snorted and shook his head before staring down at the pile of stuff on the berth, resting his chin in his palms and asking innocently, "So what are you working on anyway?"

"Ah, pet project for Ratchet. Wants me to work on building a cleaning drone from Earth materials. So far it''s been going slowly actually," Jolt finished in a mutter, huffing softly as he shifted his weight to one leg, glaring down at the hunk of material with a pout. The silver warrior stood up, setting a hand on his hip and reaching his other hand out to poke at the blue mech's horn crest with a smirk.

"Sounds like you need a break," came the devilishly smug tone from the Corvette. The Volt gave another snort and pulled his head away from the prodding finger with his own smirk.

"I doubt you're going to leave without me dragging behind your sorry aft anyhow, so what's the game plan?"

"Ever hear of post it notes before?"

"....No. But I have a feeling I'm about to find out."

"Oh yes. Yes you are. As will Ironhide when he comes out of recharge covered in them."