Wow... um... hi! Long time no see! So, this is a new story that I have planned out. Hopefully, I will have time for it. I am hoping to possibly get an update schedule. Once I get one, I will let you guys know! Hope you enjoy this story... I have been thinking about it. It is similar to Reasons Beyond My Control, but it is different. Reasons focused more on Rosalie, but this one focuses on Bella and Edward. So, enjoy. Let me know what you think!

Also, this story does contain non-graphic rape. You have been warned.

Also, this is the Disclaimer that will be used for the ENTIRE story (it will only be posted once): I do not own Twilight. The wonderful Stephenie Meyer does. I merely own the story plot. That's about it.


"I bet Charlie would still prefer me over Edward. Can't wait until next time!" Jacob yelled with that lopsided grin that I used to love on his face. Now, it was making me cringe and bring back memories of what had happened. He proceeded to speed off, leaving me by the invisible truck that only left me with memories of him.

I refused to think about it, hoping to come up with some lie for Charlie, Edward, and my sanity's sake. Nothing seemed like it would fit. After all, what else could have happened to me if I was sore everywhere and I could barely walk? Tripping would not have any effect, but how could I pull that off? Not to mention that my clothes were torn up because the mongrel had done the unthinkable. He had…

How would I be able to go on? I was one step up, and I couldn't walk anymore. I gave up, and I fell to the ground, pain making me unable to move.

Charlie came outside, seeing my fallen form.

"Bella!" he screamed, running to my side. "Are you okay?" he asked. If only he knew, I thought, hoping he wouldn't find out what happened.

Jake had pulled me closer to him, not letting me move a single inch away. I could feel the heat radiating off of me everywhere.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream, hurting my own ears. "GET OFF OF ME," I yelled, hoping that Jacob would hear me.

Only then did I notice Charlie. He backed away, hands up in the air like a convict. "Bella, what is wrong?" he asked, frantically. I could tell that he was frightened now, all shock gone. He would definitely be suspicious now. My idea of not letting him know how I am so filthy is useless.

"It's nothing, Dad. I can get up; I just tripped. Thanks, though," I said, getting up and brushing the dirt, hoping to show him that I am self-sufficient. This, of course, caused me to almost scream in pain. Charlie, trying to be a parent for once, went to grab me but thought better of it.

I walked into the house, heading for the stairs. The stairs, though, hurt like a thousand knives were stabbing into me at the same time. I needed to take a shower, which seems more important than the pain. I need to wash dog off of me, so I could be halfway clean. It would never cleanse me thoroughly, though. Nothing ever would. I am useless, dirty.

I knew that Edward would be back. I didn't want to leave him unknowing, but I also knew that he wouldn't want me anymore. I was used, tarnished, damaged. Why would he stay with someone like me? He deserved so much better, especially now.

I disregarded the thought of what to tell Edward, stepping into the shower. The hot water felt great on my skin, and I continually cleaned away with my towel until red whelps appeared on my skin. I couldn't get clean enough! I still felt dirty, but I didn't want to explain to anyone about why I was bleeding profusely.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel. I went to my room, got dressed, and collapsed on my bed, hoping to die. I didn't want to live after what had happened today.

I turned on my CD player, and I put in the CD that Edward gave me for my disastrous birthday. I pressed play, and I listened to my lullaby. It made me cry even more; knowing that I was dirty and that Edward would never love me again. I was damaged beyond repair.

Edward jumped in my window seconds later. Noticing I was crying, he lied down on the bed with me, and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I wanted to fight against his hold. I wanted to scream, punch, kick, but I couldn't. He held me so tight against his skin. I was going to have bruises; that was for sure.

"Please, Jacob, don't! It's not supposed to be like this," I yelled, hitting him. I hoped he would get the message.

"But, it is. You need to have options, Bella. I am definitely an open," he kissed me, "option if you would just consider it."

I screamed a bloodcurdling scream, wanting him to get off of me. It brought back…nightmares, to say the least.

"Love, what's wrong?" Edward asked, scared to death.

"Nothing, Edward. Just don't worry about it," I said, hoping that he wouldn't see through the lie.

"Love, you are a terrible liar. Please tell me what is going on," Edward said, dazzling me so he could find out what is going on. I made a vow to not let him know. It was selfish of me, but I couldn't see him leave me.

"It's nothing. Please, don't worry about it. I am begging you," I said.

"Okay, love, you win for now. You won't have to tell me what is going on tonight, but you will tell me what is going on… Soon," he said, making sure that he got his point across.

Edward's point of view

I had just finished a hunting trip. Bella said that she would be visiting Jacob later today, so I took this time to go hunting for small prey in the local park. That way, I wouldn't be able to just sit and think about what is going on.

I didn't really have fun hunting. I never liked hunting since I met Bella. She always took up my time, and my brothers hated hunting with me because I would always wonder about what was going on with Bella, even if she was sleeping. I would try to imagine what her dreams would be of.

This time, Jasper and I went hunting. He needed to go more often than the rest of the family, so I took this opportunity to go with him. Also, he was the least talkative person in the family; he liked to keep low, trying not to spark up the wrong emotions.

"Edward, what is wrong? You are nervous," Jasper asked.

"I'm just nervous about Bella. I hope she is okay," I said, hoping that he would stop questioning. I didn't want this to get any worse for either of us.

Jasper understood my pain. He apparently wanted to see his Alice too. So, we looked for some animals quickly, and then we ran off to meet our loves.

I ran quickly to my home. I wanted to change and then run over to Bella's room. I wanted to see her before she went to sleep.

Time wasn't going against me today. I ran home, changing as soon as I got in the door. I ran out 25 seconds later, and I made it to Bella's within 2 minutes altogether.

I jumped into the window, like I normally do. I took in the scenery around me for a second. Something smelled off. Bella had apparently taken a shower already, but a new scent was overpowering.

I realized what it was a few seconds later. Bella was lying on her bed, her CD player in hand. I heard the music. It was her lullaby that I wrote for her. Something was off with the position she was in, though. I instantly knew that something was wrong.

Bella was crying. I don't know how long she had been crying, but it seemed to be awhile based upon the wet spot. Not even knowing what happened, I wanted to take her pain away, and I wanted to make sure that whoever had hurt her would pay for this terrible deed.

I lied on the bed next to Bella and grabbed her waist, hoping to make her realize that I was here for her. Her heart immediately picked up the pace, and she seemed to be scared.

She let out the loudest scream I had ever heard in my existence, making me jump back to the other side of the room. I sat on the chair there, waiting for answers. I wanted to know what was going on now.

Through Charlie's thoughts, I could see that he was debating on whether or not to come upstairs. He was still undecided, so he would check up on her when she was sleeping.

"Love, what's wrong?" I asked, scared that this was the running and screaming part that I knew would happen.

"Nothing, Edward. Just don't worry about it," she said, blushing a very deep red. She was lying to me, that I was sure. I wondered why she was lying; something big must have been going on.

"Love, you are a terrible liar. Please tell me what is going on," I said, hoping to make it clear that I wanted an answer.

"It's nothing. Please, don't worry about it. I am begging you," she said, desperate.

"Okay, love. You will tell me what is going on though," I said, warning her. She would let me know one day or another.

She nodded, acknowledging this. Her heart, though, picked up the pace.

"Love, why don't you go to sleep? I am going to stay over here, I promise," I said after she yawned. She nodded once again, and she soon fell asleep.

I decided to listen in to Charlie's thoughts, hoping that he would know what was going on.

I need to get to sleep… I have to get up in the morning really early. I still want to find out what is wrong with Bella. I am going to go check on her. He started walking up the stairs, making me run to the closet. Once he left, I went back to my resting place. She seemed really freaked out today. It was like something had happened with her and Jacob. If he did anything to hurt my daughter… his thoughts trailed off to what he would do if Jacob would ever hurt Bella. I was fond of all of them, but I had my own plans. My plans involved much more pain and much less police duty.

I had only tried to help her when she fell. It wasn't like I wanted to do something. I touched her, and she screamed. I wonder what had happened…

Hmm… Charlie had gotten the same response as me when someone touched Bella.

I wondered what had happened, but I disregarded that thought as Bella started talking. Well, screaming in her sleep.

How did you like it? I hope you liked it. Anyways, let me know