Just a few things before I begin... Sorry about the long wait. I was finally able to catch up on sleep, and I had to visit family over the past week when I wanted to committ to the story. Also, I have no prewritten chapters with this story because it was just an errant thought that came to me one day.

I hope you enjoy it! A lot goes down in this chapter.

Edward's Point of View

"Of course," I said, smiling for encouragement.

I went to pick her up, as always, but she screamed when I touched her. I instantly started to berate myself, but I wondered why she didn't want anyone to touch her.

"Bella, love, what's wrong?" I asked, hoping for an answer.

"Nothing… It's just… can we take a car? I'm not feeling up to being carried," she asked, hesitant as always. Lately, she's been really reluctant to say anything, and it was making me wonder what was going on.

"We can, but would you like to explain why?" I asked, confused.

"Not right now," she said while looking down. I knew better than to push her for answers because I would get none.

"Okay, come on, then," I said, guiding her to my Volvo that Alice had conveniently brought for me. Charlie was gone for the day, wanting to get some fish to put into the freezer.

When we made it to the house, I took Bella's hand. When we got inside, Bella seemed a lot better than she had all day. I wondered why for a brief second, but Esme interrupted my thoughts.

"Bella! It's so nice to see you!" Esme said, running up to Bella.

"It's nice to see you, too," Bella said. She seemed a little more… cheerful? I made a mental note to ask her about this later.

"Hey! Long time, no see, Bella!" Emmett came up to her, about to give her a hug. Bella shrank into me and screamed when Emmett touched her. Emmett immediately backed up, yelling at himself under his breath and too low for Bella to hear.

"Emmett, she is doing the same thing to everyone. Don't beat yourself up over it," I told him too fast for Bella to hear.

"Do you know why?" Emmett asked, wondering.

"No. She came back from Jacob's like this. Why?" I wondered. I remembered Jacob's thoughts before.

I think I need to go talk to Rosalie. It seems a lot like a situation she was put in at the time. I wonder if something happened while Bella was with Jacob. Emmett's thoughts screamed.

"I'll talk to you later. I have to run," Emmett said, leaving the room to go talk to Rosalie.

Bella yawned while talking to Esme about food. I noticed her yawn, and I figured she wanted some more sleep.

"Bella, would you like to go rest in my room?" I asked, sensing how tired she was. After the nightmares, she probably wanted to get a restful sleep.

"Yes, please. I'll talk to you later, Esme," Bella said before turning to go to the staircase.

Bella and I walked up to my room. She then lied down on the bed, patting the spot next to her for me to come over. I complied, and I soon found her fast asleep on the other side of the bed.

While Bella was sleeping, I decided to listen in on Emmett's and Rosalie's conversation.

"Rose, something is going on with Bella," Emmett ran into the room saying. He had noticed that Bella had freaked out when he touched her also.

"Like what? What would it matter to me, anyway?" Rosalie said in her most arrogant voice. Her thoughts screamed that she was genuinely concerned, but she had to put up a show.

"Rose, she screams when someone touches her… it's similar to what happened to you after Royce had – " Emmett stopped right there, hoping that he made his point across without having to say the words that would send Rosalie in a downward spiral again.

Why would he even bring that up?! I've just gotten over it, and here he goes. Emmett to the rescue! No one should ever go through that, and I know something may have happened between Bella and Jacob, but nothing could have happened like that. Though a mongrel, he does have some common sense. Plus, he would never hurt Bella. Wait, Rose, why are you even worried about this. It's Edward's problem; he's the one that brought Bella to the family; it was against our will, might I add. Now, the nightmares are going to come back… thanks, Emmett, love you too.

"Do not compare Bella to what happened when I was raped," Rosalie said, growling for the full effect.

A thought hit me then! Jacob had wanted to express his feelings to Bella that day. I replayed his thoughts in my mind.

Maybe I can show Bella how much better I am than her blood-sucker boyfriend. I know that what I am feeling is right. I do love her. I don't know what she'll say, but maybe, just maybe, she might realize that I am the one for her.

Jacob had planned to admit that he loved Bella yesterday. Bella wouldn't be as freaked out as she was now if Jacob had just done that. Jacob had raped Bella also. It was all there: Bella scared of being touched, the nightmares, and the fear that I felt radiating from Bella. That dog had raped my Bella.

Words could not express what I was feeling. I wanted to punch the wall; I wanted to hurt something to take back the pain that that mongrel did to my Bella. I slowly got off the bed, wanting to be away from Bella in case I did do something to hurt her. I didn't want her to go through any more pain than what she had experienced unwillingly.

I ran to the forest, the only place that I could actually harm something without any human finding out about my super strength. Yes, my strength was beyond the strength of a human, but it wasn't enough to help Bella. What was the point of having it if you can't use it when it is needed? There was none. There was also nothing that I could do now except be there for Bella.

Bella. What to do to help her? I knew it would be a long process, but I don't know if I can stand her being hurt all the time. I wouldn't be able to handle it…

Be strong, my thoughts exclaimed. Be strong for Bella. She needs you.

The only problem would be how to admit to Bella that I knew what happened.

I went to go talk to Carlisle, knowing that he would be able to help me more than anyone else could. He understood more about this because he had to deal with this often. He had to know something better than my scattered ideas of what to do with Jacob.

"Come in, Edward. What's going on?" Carlisle asked as I was about to knock on the door. Carlisle was reading a new book published about vaccines, but he soon put it on top of his desk once he noticed that something was going on with me.

It probably has to do something with Bella. I wonder why she screamed when Emmett went to touch her. I mean, it's not like anything could have happened. Alice would have seen it.

Alice. She wouldn't have seen it if it was Jacob that had done this to her. It's times like this when I wish I could trust my sworn enemy.

"You're right; it is Bella. I think something happened yesterday when she went to Jacob's. I think she was…" I had to struggle to get the worst word out. "I think Bella was raped," I got it out, immediately falling to the ground.

Once again, sorry about the wait. Sleep deprivation+a week off=sleep... and now I'm back into the pattern of things.

Thanks to everyone who has been reviewing. Your reviews really make me want to write, and it actually makes me start to think out what is going to happen.

If you haven't already, you should definitely read my other story Reasons Beyond My Control. I think that you would love it. I just got a review last night that said that I should continue it. If you have any thoughts about that, let me know. Of course, it would be over the summer time. I don't need another story to keep me busy; one is enough.

Thanks again guys! You are the best!
