Sister Moon

April hires the 18-year-old niece of an old college buddy. Unbeknownst to April, there is more to this young, shy, budding artist/author then meets the eye.

Rated T for violence and language

Author's Note: Well, this is my first published TMNT fanfic. Please don't judge too harshly but do review, and let me know if this is worth updating.


Disclaimer: I almost forgot. I DO NOT OWN TMNT. Only Chloe Mab and any other OC's i invent.

Chapter 1

Enter Chloe Mab

April set down the phone, thinking carefully about what she had just said.

Finally, she dialed up a number on a different, shell-shaped phone.


"Hi Leo. I need you and your brothers to come over, if you're not busy. There's something I need to tell you guys. It's not urgent or anything, but it is important."

April told him calmly.

She could hear the frown in his voice.

"We'll be over in ten minutes."

Exactly ten minutes later, she heard Raph and Mikey arguing and then, they all came from downstairs.

April tucked her hands onto her lap as she said," I've got some news that will affect your visits."

"How so?" Donatello asked as they all sat down.

April bit her lip thoughtfully.

"One of my old High-school friends, Paloma Rodriguez, is coming over for the summer. And she's bringing her niece. She asked if I needed anyone for hire, and I said yes, cause, after all, I can always use more help around here, with selling things. So, she asked if I would hire her niece, 'cause her niece is looking for a job and also needs a place to stay. So her pay would include board and food... meaning you guys won't be able to drop in whenever you want."

Mikey grinned as he asked," How old is her niece?"

April smiled thoughtfully as she responded.

"She's your age. 18. Her name is Chloe Mab. She sounds like a sweet young woman, from what Paloma told me."

Mikey asked slyly," what if she accidentally saw one of us?"

Leo growled," Don't get any ideas, Mikey. She probably doesn't like turtles."

"Especially not mutant ones." Raphael added with a roll of his fiery amber eyes.

"When are they going to get here?" The ever-practical Donatello asked.

"Three days. They're packing and stuff right now, and they're going to fly tomorrow. They should arrive the day after tomorrow."

Leo nodded softly.

"We'll be sure to stay away, and be extra cautious in contacting you."

April nodded.

"By the way, only Chloe is staying here. Her aunt, Paloma, is staying with family. So, it will be just Chloe that you'll have to look out for."

Mikey sighed.

"I wish we could meet her."

Raph chuckled.

"Maybe she's ugly as a bulldog with a bad hair day, Mikey. Just forget about it, Mikey."

April frowned.

"Raph, that's unkind!"

Mikey grinned.

"He hopes she's ugly so that way he doesn't have any trouble not meeting her!"

Raphael growled softly.

"Ya hungry for a knuckle-sandwich, Mike?"

"That's enough you two!" Leo snapped.

He turned to April.

"Thanks for he heads-up, April. We'll see you when we see you, I guess."

"I'm going to need some help moving furniture tomorrow. If you guys could stop by to help, that would be great. I'll have some lemonade fixed then, and cookies." She chuckled.

Mikey yahoo'd.

"Count me in! I'll be here!" he crowed as they left.

Leo nodded, grinned a little.

"We'll help ya, cookies and lemonade or not!"


As April looked around the airport, she could see her friend, Paloma, hurrying out of the terminal, along with another young girl, whom she could not see very clearly.

"Pally!" April called.

Paloma looked up and her golden eyes sparkled.


The two rushed forward and hugged, both chattering at the same time.

April finally got a good look at Chloe, who was hovering shyly on the side.

She was on the short side, a little big-boned. Her face was heart shaped and her eyes, big and innocent, were a sweet, grey-blue. She wore no make-up, wore light blue jeans with a pink t-shirt.

One of the most striking things about Chloe, besides her large, innocent eyes, were her lips; pretty, pink, and plump, and she opened them in a shy," Hi, Miss O'Neil. I'm Chloe."

"Just call me April, Chloe." April smiled back at the girl.

The exotic, dark eyebrows, thick and beautifully shaped, rose up in surprise and the long, dark brown hair fell into her face just a little as she ducked her head shyly.

"Okay, then, April…did you step out of a storybook? You're so pretty…like Aunt Paloma." Chloe smiled in a sincere way, her cheeks blushing just a little, her eyes shining softly.

April blushed.

"Aw, you're too sweet. Paloma was always the prettier one though."

"But you're both drop-dead gorgeous." Chloe protested, this time, not so shyly, smiling mischievously.

Paloma, in mock seriousness, chided," Now, enough of that! We're three gorgeous woman arguing about who is prettiest. Let's go already!"

April chuckled softly, as she looked over Chloe again, smiling at the young woman, who seemed shy and non-talkative.

Though not thin, she was healthy, evidently strong, from her developed biceps and triceps.

Her legs were well developed as well, and April could tell she didn't just lie around the house all day.

Her face was heart-shaped, her nose slightly upturned and her skin was a soft, pale tan.

April softly asked," So, Chloe, what do you like?"

"Um, reading, er, writing and I like to sketch. I also like physical activity…but I haven't been getting much of that lately." Chloe blushed as she looked down at her stomach

April smiled softly.

"Do you do martial arts?" April asked, out of the blue.

Chloe gave a somewhat bitter laugh.

"No, not really. I do a little shadowboxing, practice jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts, kicks and that's all. I used to be in Tae-kwon-doe, but I only got up to a striped yellow belt…pretty lame huh?" She grinned softly," My mom was in MMA for a half a year…and she got ripped. I mean, really ripped. I was jealous, but I couldn't join the class, cause we didn't have enough money to pay for her and me." Chloe trailed off and April could see it was a touchy issue.

Chloe then asked," Why? Do you do martial arts?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do." April smiled.

Chloe sighed.

"Do you think…well, do you work out regularly?"

"Yes, I do."

"Can I join in your workouts? Or, at least, can I try?" she asked, a little shyly.

Paloma quipped," You're talking to the push-up queen. She's up to 40 push-ups every morning, thirty triceps dips and 100 core movements."

Chloe blushed and muttered," well, I don't do anything else during the day…"

"She does push ups and sit ups throughout the day." Paloma chuckled softly.

Chloe looked down shyly.

"I was a chunky middle-school girl. I don't want to go back to that…but I'm damn well on my way back." Chloe sighed and then blushed," Pardon my language."

April smiled.

"Well, I can help you improve on what you know about martial arts. And I have a punching bag."

Chloe's eyes brightened.

"Seriously?! Awesome! I've always wanted a punching bag!"

Her lips were stretched into an excited grin.

April chuckled.

Paloma's eyes sparkled mischievously as she teased,' Must be a good stress reliever."

"Oh, it is!"

April laughed, as they all chuckled.

Chloe was smiling now.

Her eyes weren't so closed and she seemed more open.

And as she looked around the city, as they drove to April's apartment, the blue eyes grew brighter and larger with awe and curiosity.

"Wow…it's almost like a hive. All working together like a well-oiled machine." Chloe chuckled softly.

April nodded.

"I have to say, New York is pretty interesting."

Chloe looked a little shy as she said softly," I guess I would be considered a country bumpkin, since I'm from San Antonio

April laughed softly.

"New York is one of a kind, Chloe. Don't worry, you'll get in the rhythm."

Paloma nodded.

"It's not easy, but it's worth it!

Chloe giggled.

"I'll take your word for it!"


Mikey watched from the rooftop as April and the two other young women came into the room.

One was obviously April's age, with dark hair and golden skin. Her eyes were golden and she had a sweet, pretty face and a fully developed body.

The other young woman was younger, with long, light brown hair, pale skin and big blue eyes.

She was short, big-boned, healthy-looking and was deep in a giggle that shook her frame.

Mikey grinned softly as he pointed her out.

"I wonder what she's laughing about." Raphael muttered.

The four turtles watched as the three young women chattered.

The younger girl, Chloe, seemed friendly, her eyes wide and her plump lips stretched in a big smile.

Leo commented," she looks like a nice girl."

Donatello added," I wonder if she goes to the gym or something…"

"Huh? Why?" Mikey asked.

"Judging from her body-size, if she didn't work out regularly, she'd look like a blimp. Also, judging from the structure of her arms, she's somewhat built. I'd say she must do push ups, maybe pull-ups, but definitely push-ups."

Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael looked over at Donatello.

"You can tell all that from looking at her?"

"Yeah, basically."

At this moment, they noticed that Paloma had left and April was taking Chloe to her room.

They swiftly landed on April's rooftop and snuck in.

Then, they heard April's voice.

"Your work won't start until Monday. So, this weekend, you can just get to know the place."


A quiet, husky tone.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired is all. Sorry."

"Why do you apologize so much?" April's voice was kind.

"Heh, I'm just an apologetic person. It does have to do with my upbringing, but, I really hate offending people."

April smiled softly.

"Don't worry about it. You're very nice, Chloe, and I'm sure you wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt anyone. You kinda remind me of someone I know." April added with a chuckle.

Chloe's sigh drifted into their ears.

"Well, um, I suppose I'll go ahead and set my stuff up in here."

"Okay. Dinner will be ready shortly."


"Go ahead and shower and everything. I know traveling is dirty business."

"Oh yes." a husky chuckle.

"I'll see you in the kitchen."

"Okay, thanks."

April left the room and walked to the kitchen.

Moments later, Chloe came out.

She was shorter then Mikey, and they stared at her as she paused in the hallway.

Tears were glimmering in her wide blue eyes and they slipped down her cheeks as she went into the bathroom.

Leo softly slipped down the hall, into the kitchen.

April hissed," What are you guys doing here?!"

"April, we saw Chloe crying just now." Donatello told her softly.

April set her jaw.

"Okay. Thanks. But shoo! It's too risky, you being here right now! Go!"

They all went out her window, and April shook her head.

"Kids," she muttered.

So, why is Chloe crying? do you want to know?


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