
AN: Inuyasha and it's characters does not belong to me.

Reviews are as always appreciated. Enjoy.

They stood somewhat apart from the others, hidden by trees. They could hear their friends celebrating and knew they should too... but there were things they needed to say, needed to understand.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." She whispered, brown eyes wide, glinting with tears. Tears she didn't want to shed, she was so tired of tears.

"No." He agreed, a small sad smile playing around his lips. "But it did." She gave a sad laugh.

"Do... do you regret it?" She asked, turning away, unable to face him anymore. "Do you regret me?" She stiffened in surprise when his hand grabbed her shoulder.

"Never." He whispered harshly, forcing her to face him. Eyes softening as he saw her tears. He gently reached out, wiping them away with his thumb. "This wasn't what I planned, no... but things don't always go the way you plan. And no matter how things go from now... I will never regret this... never regret you... never regret us."

And she smiled, eyes locked on his. And he understood.

They were not supposed to be together. Had never planned to be together. But as time went by, their plans faded away. And as the danger grew, they found comfort in each other. Just as they did now, even knowing it was over, and that they had won... all that mattered now... was one another.

She buried herself in his embrace, feeling secure for the first time in a while. The outside world didn't matter. For now, it was only him... only her... only them.

She let her fingers trail down his arm, smiling when he took her hand in his, finally free of its covering, finally free of its curse. She gazed up at him as he cupped her cheek with his free hand, her eyes fluttering closed as his lips brushed teasingly across hers.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." He murmured against her lips. She pulled away and smiled, because she understood.

They were each supposed to be with someone else. That was what they planned. That was what everyone had believed. They had never planned on falling in love.

"No." She agreed, eyes sparkling as she leant in for another kiss. "But it did."