Guardian Angel

Chapter 1: Deep Wounds Heal Cleaner

Usagi's POV

I had spent most of my life chasing after unrequited love, and thus far, I still came up short. Every time I thought I almost had my dear Takahiro-san something—or more appropriately, someone—stole him away from me. For instance, just a few months ago when I thought he was finally starting to realize my true feelings, he ran off and got himself a girlfriend. Damn, why did he have to be straight? Maybe I was wrong to think that the naïve man could possibly read me that well, even though I was clearly open with my love, hugging all over him and whatnot. But I knew how far to go, I wouldn't do anything that he didn't want. He might just really be that stupid, always playing Mr. Blind, but I wish he would at least consider.

The phone rang. Without even opening my eyes from my nostalgic self-tirade I answered it, "Hello?"

"Usagi, I was hoping you would pick up," came the man in question's voice through the speaker.

"Takahiro," I sighed. "I'm the only one here, who else could have?" I lit a cigarette.

Takahiro laughed, "True. Anyway, I called to invite you to a party at my place tonight."

"Oh? For what?" I asked, hopeful.

"It's a secret," he giggled.

Breathing in a puff of smoke, I replied, "Okay. What time?"

"Six o'clock. Don't be late!"

"I won't," I promised. Trust me. We hung up.

So at 10 till six I was standing on Takahiro's doorstep. The portal swung open. "Usagi! Come in," my old friend greeted me. I smiled adoringly at him and did so.

The apartment was decorated with flowers and streamers everywhere. There weren't that many people here, but those who were gathered around a table stocked high with a plethora of food and goodies.

"Oh! I'll be right back," Takahiro exclaimed. He returned with a boy that looked like he might be in high school. "This is my brother, Misaki."

My eyes nearly popped out. It wasn't the ear length brown hair, though it was a contributing factor, that sent me delving into the crevices of my memory, but those clear green eyes. Images of the brunette raced through my mind, the earliest being from eight years ago. That's right, he's the kid who brought the police when—

"Um… Nice to meet you," Misaki said, cutting off my train of thought. Only then did I realize I was staring.

"Oh, excuse me. You too."

He looked at me strange and went back to doing whatever he was before.

"Okay, now that everyone's here," Takahiro said after a few more people showed up. He took his girlfriend's hand and spoke loudly, "Ahem. May I have your attention? You're probably wondering why you're here, so I'll tell you. Kajiwara and I have decided to get married."

My heart stopped. What did he say? He was getting married? In that moment everything around me seemed to disappear. I couldn't hear the cheers of his friends, the hoots and hollers as the congratulated him, and I couldn't see Misaki watching me with knowing eyes.

I composed myself quickly. "Congratulations,"

"Ah. Arigatou. You're who I wanted to tell most. I'm glad you approve," Takahiro said, elated. It felt like he had stabbed a knife through my heart just then. My stomach twisted in a series of heart wrenching convulsions. I knew I couldn't keep this charade up much longer but I just couldn't leave either.

My rescue came in the form of a hand around my wrist. Startled, I looked over to see my love's little brother. "We're going to get some more champagne," he declared, dragging me away.

"Misaki…?" Takahiro called after him, then shrugged it off.

He took me all the way outside and under a light post. He just stood there with his arms crossed loosely, not saying a word, and I went to pieces. Takahiro was getting married. It was too late. Now I could never have him. I was trembling, I could feel it.

A voice from behind me spoke up; I'd almost forgotten he was there. "Listen, I'm sorry for my brother's ignorance. He's always been like that."

Yes, I know.

The boy's eyes narrowed slightly and he said earnestly, "He'll never return your love, you know. Just give up and move on."

His cold words stung like a thousand ice shards peircing my heart, but I couldn't deny their relevancy, which made them hurt all the more.

"I can't… just forget something like that so easily," I said crossly, wallowing in my own self-pity.

Apparently seeing that this wasn't going to work, Misaki's lips tightened into a hard line in what appeared to be annoyance. He took a step toward me. I didn't conceive his actions until it was too late and his lips were pressed firmly against mine. My eyes widened in surprise and my mind went blank. I pushed him away, "W-What the hell?"

He just looked up at me with that smug little smirk on his face. "I made you forget, didn't I?"

That's true. He had.

But not now.

Didn't he have any compassion? Any respect or consideration? I had just lost the man I love and here he was… He… kissed me!

I turned away from him. "Tell Takahiro that something came up and I had to leave. And that I'm happy for him," I added. That wasn't a lie. I was happy for him, if not for myself.

"Hai," came his suave reply. I could feel those green orbs of his scorching my back as I walked away.

When I got to my apartment I collapsed on the couch, nearly losing myself again. Slowly, still withering in agony, I lost consciousness.

Dreams of that boy invaded my sleep that night.

Okey-dokey. That's chapter 1.

If you haven't figured out already, this is a bit out of character. It's just something I had to do to fit the story line. Don't worry, Misaki won't be the seme... I hope. Heh heh... (sweatdrop)