Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto




Chapter One




Gun fire...


Inhuman shrieks...

The crackle of fire...

Screams of pain and death...

This was what life was like in streets of Konoha. It had been nearly 3000 years since he had been born, but Naruto knew that the Gods had never planned for these creatures to infect their planet. Over the centuries, the Hidden Villages had advanced extremely far in technology and learned how to properly utilize their chakra...Thanks to Naruto's help, that is...

He had taught his team of genin back when he was only twenty and a jounin of Konoha how to heal themselves with their chakra just by concentrating it around the wound and focusing it into medical chakra without handseals. After they had graduated to jounin, they taught it to their students, and then they became jounin and taught their genin, and so-on and so-forth. In addition to that, Naruto had been tinkering with machines and computers for several centuries while dropping off hints (read: selling detailed blue-prints and prototypes to large tech companies) so that throwing weapons were replaced with guns, rocket launchers, flame-throwers, and many other things. He helped them create a technological empire from the shadows.

That's when it happened...

A series of crude shuttles descended from the sky and crash landed inside every single Hidden Village, each containing some kind of giant, black, reptilian-like creature with a large crest on its head, no eyes, four arms, a second 'mouth' inside of its maw, and it was very strong. Naruto had watched the Xenomorph Queen, the only thing they had found to identify the beast, inside of Konoha with respectful fear and awe as it tore an APC into scrapmetal with only its claws and barb-tipped tail.

Since then, Naruto dedicated himself to slaughtering the acid-blooded creatures...


"Damn it, Dro! Knock it off!" Naruto bellowed at the soldier manning the artillery cannon, who was a little too trigger happy. Dro was one of the best marines Konoha had to offer, but he was definitly not the sanest. He had shaggy black hair that fell around his head in braided dreadlocks with white and red beads randomly interwoven in the braids. He had dark skin, pale blue eyes, and fanged canines. Dro was an orphan, but he had some Inuzuka blood in him from his ancestors.

"Oh, shut up, Fox!" Dro barked back as he fired another round, splattering a Xeno on the other side of the massive metropolis of Konoha. Instead of the village building upwards, Naruto had moved them in the direction of building down. Most of the buildings in Konoha were no more than five stories tall above ground while it was a thirty story deep maze beneath their feet.

"Can it! The both of you!" Barked a quadrupedal machine near them. It was roughly six feet tall at the shoulder and built in the shape of a reptile, most likely a dragon since its model name was 'Draco' XV-14. On its back were a pair of large cannons that flanked either side of its head, dual flame-throwers built into its fanged mouth, a pair of M56A2 smart guns attached to the sides of its head, and missile pods attached to the bottom of its chest and its foldable 'wings'. Although the 'Draco' had wings, it was incapable of flight and had a powerful and intelligent AI system. Draco also had a blade-like tip on its tail that was heavy enough to crush the armor of an APC like a wet cardboard box.

"Sorry." Both marines apologized. Dro was wearing the standard marine uniform and clothing with the rank of Private. Naruto himself had changed drastically over the past thousand years. Naruto's eyes were a metallic silver with black slit pupils and black sclera, his cheeks still bore three dark whisker marks on either side, all four of his canine teeth were now sharp fangs with the top pair being the longest, and his hair was a dark silver, which was a mix between shaggy and spikey, waist-length, and streaked with black.

His bangs fell around his face, veiling his left eye and framing his face. Naruto also had pointed ears with silver fur on the back and black near the tips, a long and bushy silver fox tail with a black tip, and sharp claws on his hands that were naturally black in color and able to be retracted to appear like normal fingernails. He stood at 5'3" and was the rookie of the year despite having no formal training by the chuunin instructors.

He was wearing a pair of baggy black and grey camouflage pants with six pockets on each leg, a black utility belt with half a dozen pouches on it, a dark grey long-sleeve under-armor shirt, a black and grey camouflage sleeveless turtleneck shirt over it, a pair of black fingerless gloves, a black hooded trench coat that went down to his ankles with dark silver flames along the bottom and the cuffs, a black and grey camouflage scarf wrapped around his neck, a pair of black steel-toe boots, a pair of black gauntlets on his forearms with a variety of blades hidden amongst them, a pair of black greaves on his shins that encased his entire lower leg in armor while covering his boots, black ANBU-style body armor on his torso, and a black flak-vest over his armor with his trench coat over it.

Crossed on his back were a pair of black katanas made of metals capable of withstanding the acidic blood of the Xenomorphs with hundreds of seals compacted into one main seal at the base of the blades. Slung over these was a M41A1 pulse rifle and a M41AE2, a pair of M4A3 pistols strapped to his thighs, and a sizable stash of grenades and magazines for his guns pocketed in his trench coat. Attached to Naruto's left shoulder was a heavy pauldron shaped like a fox's head made of black metal with two bright red eyes; it was because of this that Naruto earned to nickname of Fox.

"If you two keep bitching at each other, you'll only attract more Xenomorphs. Dro, stop firing at the Xenos on the other side of the city or they will be over here. Fox, you may be immortal, but you are still prone to idiocy. Now pack up and move out! We got a nest to terminate!" Draco growled at its two human companions, its synthesized voice making it sound all the more dangerous and intimidating. Not even acknowledging their orders, Naruto and Dro quickly grabbed their backs and followed Draco.

They had been ordered with the destruction of a nest recently located, but it was only a secondary nest, not the primary. The roof they had been on was charred, cracked, melted, and blood stained from years of constant battle between man and machine versus alien life forms.

As they ran, Naruto took the lead as he pulled out and put on a black half-face mask made of metal with a silver 'stitching' design over the area where his mouth was. The mask itself was something Naruto wore whenever he entered a Xeno infested area, a high-risk area, and/or a nest so as not to be caught off guard by Face-huggers and the design on it was a sort of joke since the mask kept a Face-hugger from forcing a Xenomorph 'egg' down his throat while the 'stitching' signified that nothing was getting in or out of his mouth.

In other words, Naruto wore it three-fourths of the time he was awake...

The only sounds heard at that moment, excluding those of war in the city, were Draco's heavy foot steps, Dro's boots thundering down the metal cat-walks and stone floors, and Naruto's...Well, Naruto wasn't making any sound, a common thing to 'hear' whenever Naruto was entering what he called 'slaughter-mode'.

Basically a mind-set that Naruto enters whenever he enters a Xenomorph infested area or any time Xenos are close...

Kind of like a boxer getting psyched for his next match...

Naruto slowed to a stop and shouldered his M41A1, Draco and Dro stopping behind him and readying the guns as well. Dro slowly moved forward to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his silver eyed comrad, his own pulse rifle shouldered and his finger twitching spasmatically in excitement just to squeeze the trigger.

"Why'd we stop? We're not even half-way to the nest, yet." Dro whispered so quietly that if not for Naruto's inhuman sense of hearing, the Neo Kyuubi never would have heard him.

"We have company...and lots of it. Three at 10 o' clock, five at 3 o' clock, one at 7 o'clock, three at 5 o' clock, and two at 1 o' clock." Naruto replied quietly. Dro nodded and Draco heard it as well only due to their radio/com-links. As quietly and slowly as it could, Draco unfolded its wings and readied all of its weapons.

"On my mark..." Naruto whispered as he focused chakra into his eyes, the slit pupils splitting into cross-hair designs with the mid-point missing. His vision blurred for only a second before becoming clearer than ever before, but in hues of silvers, blacks, reds, and blues and in a completely 360 degree view that penetrated short distances through walls. Silver and black signified inanimate objects such as walls, floors, ceilings, etc. Blue represented dead things while red dignified the presence of living things. This was part of his kekkai genkai, something he had inherited from the Kyuubi after they had fused.

The Xenomorphs twitched ever so slightly whenever Naruto's eye sight landed on them, almost as if they could sense his eyes focusing on them. As one, the Xenos tensed and prepared to pounce on them, but Naruto was ready...

"MARK!" Naruto bellowed as he spun around, kneeled, and fired a burst into the skull and chest the Xenomorph at 1, blowing apart its body like a rotten melon. Dro mirrored Naruto's actions and stance, killing two of the Xenos at 5, injuring the third by shredding its left arm and tail. Draco, being the only one not to turn around, finished off the five Xenos in front of them while Naruto spun back around and shot the five Xenos out of the air in an explosion of neon green gore and bits of onyx exo-skeleton.

Summoning his chakra into his left hand, Naruto raised said hand and brought up a medium-sized chakra shield that dissolved the acidic blood and gore from the dead Xenomorphs upon contact with the cyan-hue energy. Deactivating it and checking pulse rifle's current ammo, 75 rounds left, Naruto stood back up and watched as Dro did the same.

"Let's go." Naruto ordered calmly in a cold, emotionless, and monotonous tone of voice that snet a shiver of fear up Dro's spine and would have done the same to Draco had it been a living thing. Unknown to them, Naruto was being watched...

A hazey blur shifted, its position just outside of Naruto's field of vision, before it simply vanished...


AN: As those of you might have figured out by now, this is a Naruto/Alien trilogy cross-over. The guns are from Aliens (the second movie) and Draco is simply a figment of my imagination...A kick-ass figment, but a figment nonetheless. Dro, although faintly described in this chappter, will have a strong role in this story.

Anyways, I'm still thinking about throwing in a Predator cross-over. Should I do it? If so, should I have one of the 'Yautja' be a human (female) trained and raised by the Yautja species? Tell me via review and/or PM.

As for Naruto's bloodline, I have yet to think of a name for it and I am still arguing with myself over what the rest of it is going to be...For those wondering, YES, I do argue with myself...Last time it was over which bag of doritos I should get, but anyways...

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Please R & R!

-Phantom Wraith