Disclaimer: I do not own Disgaea or Lucky Star for hundred or thousand time and I make space so much so sorry!!

Chapter 1: The Vortex from the Game?

"Hey konata, what are you playing?" asked Kagami when they all gather at Konata house.

"Oh Kagami, I playing a game that quite popular now day. It's been called Disgaea: Hour of Darkness" answer Konata.

"Hmm, I realize the main character is a demon and an angel? Lets me guess you need to help the main character to defeat the enemy so he can become a dark lord or maybe conquer the human world"

"Oh you're so smart Kagami~nya. How did you know?" asked Konata.

"That sound like something you would choose to play" Kagami said.

"But Kagami, didn't you think that the Flonne person look a little like Tsukasa" Konata said as Kagami lean forward to see between Konata's shoulder.

"Well she did look and act like Tsukasa since Tsukasa is a little headed and doesn't like violence" comment Kagami agreeing with Konata.

"Why you in the other hand resort to violence aren't you Kagami~nya" tease Konata.

"Do you have death wish, konata?"


"What you're talking about?" Tsukasa asked when returning from WC with Miyuki.

"Well you know right" Kagami turning to both of them.

"It's really sound like Kona – chan" smile Tsukasa.

"Hm…" stare Konata at Miyuki.

"What wrong Konata?" asked Kagami.

"Hmm, I think Miyuki suit more as an angel than demon right?" Konata said, turning to Kagami.

"Well you right. Miyuki did appear as one" Kagami said.

"I don't think if I am an angel or not but Konata – san will make a good mischievous demon" said Miyuki smiling.

"Hmm, did you think so? I think I'm more an angel than demon" said Konata.

"You're an angel? The thing you will do it you an angel is causing trouble" scoffed Kagami at Konata option.

"You're cruel Kagami~nya" huffed Konata.

"Hey Kona – chan, what is that?" said Tsukasa pointed to a treasure box on the game screen.


"There, beside the enemy leader" Tsukasa show Konata the treasure box at the screen.

"Strange, I don't remember have a box like that in this game" said Konata.

"Try to click it, maybe have an item or gold in that box" said Kagami.

"Ok, click~" Konata clicking at strange treasure box.

What happens next is a vortex sucking all 4 of them into the game.

To Be Countinued.