A/N Hey everyone, This is my first fanfic ever, so I'm truly excited to see what everyone has to say about it. So on that note, let the story begin.

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, shape, or form, own PJO. Do I look like Rick Riordan? No, therefore I do not own. :)

Annabeth POV

I was waiting for Percy to come pick me up in my school's office. We were heading back to camp together this year and, after getting Paul's Prius, offered to drive me to camp this year. Percy and me were closer than ever. We talked on the phone every night, unless I had to study. We were inseparable.

My Seaweed Brain walked into my school office, surprised to see me all ready to go.

"You're late." I told him.

"Yeah, but I thought you would be a little late considering you were a girl. So, I was hoping that you would be like other girls and-"

"When have I ever been like other girls, Seaweed Brain?" I interrupted.

"Possibly. A few times." I just giggled at his idiocy.

"Are we going?" I mentioned after we had stood here a minute too long.

"Oh yeah, yeah we're going." So we stepped outside into the bright light. It was really sunny today. Apollo must be happy about something, I thought as I sat into the passenger side of the Prius. Percy started driving and then I realized. This would be, just about, the last alone time me and Percy got for awhile. I better make the best of it.

"Percy?" I asked as I grabbed his hand.

"Yeah?" He looked at me, probably surprised that I held his hand.

"Well, I was thinking about what could happen this summer. There's not Kronos to deal with any more. There probably won't be many quests. Nothing will be new." Percy could tell I was a little glum from this thought.

"Well you don't know. There maybe a new Athena camper for you to boss around," I slapped him in the arm playfully, "Or there could be some god who has an issue. Maybe Artemis will have a panic attack about the moon." I laughed. "That's always a possibility." I giggled some more.

"How long is the drive from school to camp?" I yawned. I hadn't gotten any sleep lately from talking on the phone all hours of the night.

"I think it's about an hour more. Go to sleep if you want." Oh don't worry, Percy. I will.

I woke up to Percy yelling nonsense into my ear.

"WAKE UP, ANNABETH! WE'RE HERE!" At least now the nonsense was clear.

"Shut up Percy, I'm up."

"Oh hey! We're here."

"I got that." I got out of the car, once Percy moved, and looked at the beautiful Half-Blood Hill I was returning to. This was my home. I was back.

I held Percy's hand as we walked up the hill and talked.

"How's Sleeping Beauty?"

"She's fine. I'm happy to be back at camp."

"I am too." He looked at me happily before we passed Thalia's tree. We walked in holding hands and smiling while other demigods stared at us. I guess they weren't used to us yet. Nico had found us as we walked past the dining pavilion. He was taller now. Well, taller than me.

"Hey guys, how was school?"

"Boring as usual." Percy replied, sounding bored with school talk.

"Don't you like school?" Not that I thought he enjoyed it, but I didn't think he disliked it as much as it sounded.

"No, because I had a stupid mythology teacher this year. She knew nothing, or at least got nothing correct."

"Okay well," Nico interrupted, "I have to go talk to Chiron about adding something to my cabin. See you at dinner."

"Adding what?" Percy asked.

"You'll see. Just wait." Nico walked away backwards slowly, trying to be creepy.

"Seaweed Brain, I gotta go unpack. I'll see you at dinner." I really did have to go unpack, even though I definitely didn't want to leave Percy.

"'Kay. You wanna hang out after?"

"Sure. See ya Seaweed Brain."

"Bye Wise Girl." I loved when me called me Wise Girl.

------------------------------------------------At Dinner---------------------------------------------------------

I sat down next to my favorite sister, Madi, who was eight this year. I picked up some food and then got up to make my offering.

"To Athena." I whispered as I put my food into the fire. "Please let me and Percy have a not boring summer." I left and sat back down. Percy and me didn't even know how 'not boring' this summer would be.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! Remember, criticism helps so please tell me what i need to fix or compliments or anything!! I just need some support!! :) So again thanks!! Next Chapter will be coming soon.