Betray Me, Kill Me, Save Me


"I can't wait until I'm older. There's nothing great about being young. Being young means that you're still naïve. That's why it feels like you're soaring in the sky or sinking beneath the ocean when someone you admire betrays you. Those emotions control your entire life and can make you lose sight of whom you are. By growing older, your heart grows more experienced. You grow one step further away from being controlled by your feelings and are able to keep from soaring through the sky or sinking to the depths of the ocean. That's what it means to grow older"
Hinamori Momo to Matsumoto Rangiku, Tobiume and Haineko


Ichi: Turn the Pendulum Back


Blood dripped from the wounds in his chest as his legs slowly gave away under him not longer being able to hold his weight.

-There is no greater Betrayal than when your Allies turn their Back on you-

His vision darkened as his life slowly began to seep out of him like a small ember of fire that lost its heat and glow bit by bit.

-There is no Death more lonely than when it is your Friend taking your Life-

There was only one last thought in his head before he lost his consciousness…

-There is no Salvation that is more beautiful than the Forgiveness of one who was Betrayed and Killed by your own Hands-

I forgive you…

-And nothing matures you more than forgiving someone the Crushing of your Faith-

110 Years Prior

The young-looking man yawned loudly as he stretched his arms over his head.

I hate mornings…

Scratching the back of his head he looked over his shoulder at the clock standing beside his bed. 7.30.

Sôsuke will start bugging me soon…

"Darn it," he muttered and stood up. Without giving a real thought to it he put on some fresh hakama and a new gi, then wrapped an Obi around his waist to hold everything in place as he reached into his closet at the same time to grab for his haori.

Yup, mornings were a real pain if you even had to do multi-tasking.

Not a second after he had motioned to put on his white haori did a knock on the shoji doors catch his attention.

"Ohayô gozaimasu, Taichô. I'm here to-"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. But honestly," he complained as he slid the doors open with his foot and directed his right arm through the non-existent sleeves of his haori. "How often do I have to tell you, Sôsuke? Just call me Ichigo, for heaven's sake!"

The glasses-wearing brunette smiled. "No can do, Taichô. Formalities, remember?"

Ichigo grumbled something about "Formalities my ass" as he paced past his second-in-command and towards the barracks of the first Division.

Kurosaki Ichigo hated mornings. He hated meetings hold in the morning. He hated paperwork and hated dealing with his Division. Put short.

He hated and loathed every aspect about being the gobantai Taichô of the Gotei 13 with every fiber of his heart. Then –why– in the name of all that's holy and sane did he accept this job willingly?


To fill out the hole his father left behind.

But this –however– was another story entirely.


On their way towards the first Division Ichigo's bad morning temper slowly diminished and Aizen waited patiently for it to finally settle down. He knew his superior well enough as to not bug him in the morning. He hung on to his life, thank you very much.

But before his moody Captain could calm down fully a little blonde and black blur hit him in the back making him roll forward a few yards.

"Hey, dumbass! It's amazing how your lazy ass was able to get out of bed this early before nightfall!"

Aizen couldn't help but look dumbfounded at the –very– petite Shinigami that just knocked out his superior… not that it wasn't a daily occurrence.

A black mass of Reiatsu in front of them caught their attention as said knocked-out Captain stood up and slowly – really slowly – turned towards them with killing intent clearly etched into his eyes as he bored his gaze into Hiyori's.

In the blink of an eye he stood already in front of her and kept her in a headlock.

"You little pest! How often do I have to tell you? Mind your elders, shrimp! And if you love to attack people from behind go into freakin' second Division!"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Let go of me you pedophile!"

"Pedophile?" He hollered back. "Take that back, monkey!"

"Who are you calling a monkey, you-!"

"That's enough you two! And Ichigo! I thought you were an adult? Why are you harassing a monkey anyways? Are you into some sort of kinky sex acts or something?"

"SHINJI!" Both of them shouted in unison at the blond Captain standing in between Aizen and his own Fukutaichô, Tôsen.

"Wait! You didn't just call me a monkey, too, did you?"

"Sure I did, monkey."

"I'll kill you!"

Ichigo was once again reminded of his morning crankiness and released the petite Shinigami so she could beat up Shinji and he got his peace once again.

Aizen smiled at his superior's clear irritation. "You should be used to her antics by now."

"I know…"


"Ohayô, Ukitake-san, Kyôraku-san, how are you?"

The two Shinigami in question turned around to be met with the sight of one Kurosaki Ichigo and his second-in-command.

The silver-haired man smiled. "Ah, ohayô, Ichigo-kun. I feel better but Unohana-taichô said I shouldn't overdo it."

Ichigo smiled back. "So it's like always, huh?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"And you, Kyôraku-san?"

"Ah, I feel good, thanks for asking."

"Say, Ichigo-kun… could you come to my Division barracks later?"

Ichigo looked at him questioningly. "Is it about Kaien?"

The older man nodded. "Yeah, I would like you to… do a little persuasion."

The orange-head sighed. "Sure, sure, no problem. But he's stubborn like that especially when I take part in it."

"Still, I would like you to try it."


The three Taichô continued talking whilst the two Fukutaichô walked behind them without saying a word.

"Say… did you see Hikifune? Or is she not even coming today anymore?"

The youngest of them looked around as well then let out a sigh. "Seems so. I bet they took her away as soon as she got the promotion without her getting a chance to say good-bye to anyone… like my father."

The last words were said with bitterness and both Shinigami knew well enough to not persuade this topic anymore – unlike one certain second seat.

"Um… excuse me? But… what do you mean by 'promotion'?"

Ichigo's eyes hardened the slightest bit. "If you don't know what a promotion is then look it up in a dictionary, Sôsuke."

Shunsui flicked with his tongue. "Ichigo-kun, don't be so mean to Sôsuke-kun." Ichigo's right eyebrow twitched. He then growled.

"Fine, if you want to know. Hikifune was assigned a rank higher than that of a Taichô… even higher than one in the Central 46."

He turned around and locked gazes with his inferior. "She was recruited by Division 0, the Royal Guard, a Division whose sole purpose is to protect the Spirit King."

At the mention of the King Aizen's eyes widened considerably.

"The… Royal… Gua-"

Kensei who now announced the arrival of their 'newbie' interrupted him.

They all straightened up as the doors of the meeting hall opened and revealed a flustered Urahara Kisuke.


"Huh? Uh… could it be that I'm… the last one? Ehehe… uh… sorry for my… tardiness… uhm… can I… come in?"

Ichigo sighed silently.

1… 2… 3…

"Don't act like a sycophant, Kisuke! You are now a Captain so act as one, damn it!"

All eyes fixed on Yoruichi as she let out an exasperated sigh. And Urahara? He looked like he just pissed his pants. "Uh… yeah…"

"Now pay attention everyone I bet the old guy will kick his ass in about 5 seconds," Ichigo whispered barely audible but Rose and Love to each of his sides heard him nonetheless and had to stifle a giggle.







"Don't block the door, child."

Sure enough the old man's foot connected with Kisuke's back sending him to the end of the room.

Ichigo once again sighed.

This meeting will be endless…

-So, now looking back at it I realize-

101 Years Prior

-Even though we turn the Pendulum back-

He coughed up blood as his gaze became blurry and his legs gave away under him.

"Ai… zen…"

The brunette man only smiled. "Sayonara… Kurosaki-taichô…"

With that his world became black.



This one voice screaming his name was all that he needed to come back to his senses and with his last bit of strength he brought his pitch-black blade forward for one last attack.

-We still won't learn from our Faults-


Okay, this is another AU –le gasp– nobody would've guessed! No, seriously. I changed some (yeah, okay, a lot) of the things regarding the past, as you all probably guessed already, ne?

Also, each and every Chapter that describes the past also shows things happening in the current timeline and is revolving *mainly* around Ichigo and one other person who plays a significant role in the memories. I also have to mention that the happenings aren't told in the right order and this whole crap could happen to confuse you or just annoy the hell outta you.

The things in bold are each a piece of the mind of either Ichigo or the other main person.

I think with this I wrapped everything up there is to say… if not, tell me in a Review or PM and I will explain it in the next Chapter XD

R&R, please~


Me: What's it this time, Strawberry?

Ichigo: So now I'm the freaking Captain of the 5th Division and this asshole of a wanna-be God is my effin' second-in-command?

Me: Well, no, not now. 100 or so years ago… and I don't see why you are making such a fuzz about it!

Ichigo: Oh, you don't? Maybe because this guy freaking ki-mphhmmmmwha!

Me: –is currently tying him up and stuffs a sock in his mouth– Urusai baka yarõ!

Ichigo: –frees himself from the sock in his mouth and curses weakly due to the lack of oxygen– Shine…

Me: –forgets her manners and begins talking like a guy– DAMARE! Respect your elders, kozo!

Ichigo: –makes a blank face– You do realize that I'm older than you? Even if this fic wouldn't exist, right, Kuro-san?



gobantai – as much as 5th in the row or something like that xD

Taichô – captain

Fukutaichô – lieutenant

hakama – the 'pants' of the Shinigami (dictionary said Japanese harem pants o.O)

gi – their upper robes

obi – the sash around their waist that holds everything in place

haori – the white coat the captains wear

Gotei 13 – the 13 Division Imperial Guards

Ohayô gozaimasu! – Good morning!

Urusai! – Shut up! (I think also used by men)

Baka yarô! – You idiot!

Shine! – Die! (used by men)

Damare! – Hold/Shut your trap! (used by men)

kozo – boy (I love to imitate Byakuya xD)

shoji doors – those wooden sliding doors