A/N: Hey there my non-existent readers! Here is some fangirl mush for ya!

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto there would be so much more romance! I only own Aiko


"meh" normal speech

'meh' thoughts

"meh" Black Zetsu

(meh) A/N




BEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-CRASH!went the alarm clock as it flew across the room and smashed into the opposite wall, "Screw you, alarm!" I muttered and snuggled back into the many poofy cushions and comfy duvet that was my bed, trying in vain to go back to sleep. I wake up to the exact same thing every morning, and after the first fifteen alarm clocks going through the same procedure of being flung across the room every morning, my dad had bought very sturdy ones, and even if they crashed into the wall with quite some force, they didn't smash and they stopped beeping!

Anyway, enough about alarms, my name is Aiko Death (pronounced dee-ath) it was so embarrassing on my first day at high school! My teachers of course called me death, and it was so boring having to tell each and every one of my teachers how to say my surname! My parents gave a Japanese name just 'cause they're weird, it means 'love child', my mum being the hopeless romantic that she is, and my dad being rubbish at naming, he called his dog Zogman for Jashin's sake! My parents are weird, but then again, aren't all parents weird?

Oh, and did I mention, I'm a complete Narutard! I have this insane obsession over the Akatsuki and Gaara, the awesomest Kazekage in ninja history! Unfortunately all the bookshops around aren't awesome enough to sell Naruto volumes, or even any manga at all!!!!! But I manage by using God's greatest gift, the Internet! (AAH! Going off track!)

Anyway, my dozing was interrupted by our mad doorbell, my dad has a thing for giant red buttons and so, our doorbell consists of a giant red button with the words 'Do Not Press!' in bold letters emblazoned across it! And if you do press this insanely large button, then the Caramelldansen tune starts playing! As for me, I love the Caramelldansen, but it annoys the hell out of my mum! (Off track again!)

So the doorbell rings, and since my parents are out of town I know that if I don't go answer it, the Caramelldansen will be blaring constantly because my dad set it to repeat and can't remember how to turn it off, the baka! I groan and slide out of bed, slipping into my dressing gown and trudging down the hall in my fluffy slippers. I stretch as I reach the front door, and open it, but to my surprise there's no-one there, but there's a rather large cardboard box sitting on the mat. I stare at the box, wondering why the hell it's there, then look suspiciously around in case it's a prank, I mean, a house with a giant doorbell is just screaming to be pranked! As I look around, I gasp when I notice the snow everywhere! Then I remember what day it is and jump in the air, "YAY! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" I scream to the world, and then realise all the people passing by staring at me, and I retreat inside with the box, a humiliated blush adorning my features.

I rush over to the lounge with the box, where the fake Christmas tree and presents are, and clap my hands excitedly, but before I can lay a hand on my presents, the phone rings. I scowl at the phone, sending it a death-glare, before pushing the speaker button 'cause I'm too lazy to pick it up, "Hello?" "Hiya petal, Merry Christmas!" My mum said in a sing-song voice "Hi Mum! You too!" I said, my mum and dad had gone to America for work, and they couldn't make it back for Christmas, in fact, they won't be back until the end of January, something I was sad about but also grateful for, Hellooooo New Year's Party! I hadn't actually organised it yet, but I couldn't wait!

After chatting with my mum and then my dad, I was finally able to rip open my presents. I ripped off the wrapping paper in a frenzy, revealing fluffy socks, a candyfloss machine, and various other stuff, the best of which being the Akatsuki cloud print pyjamas that my best friend had searched endlessly for, I squealed when I opened those, I so have to glomp her when we get back to school!

I searched through the sea of wrapping paper, trying to find more presents, when I came across the cardboard box. I picked it up and shook it, trying to figure out what was inside, 'It might be a package for mum or something, I wonder if there's a label on it or something' I tipped the box upside-down, and discovered an envelope taped to the underside "Aha!" I said in triumph, and took off the envelope, 'To AD' it said on the outside. I frowned then shrugged and opened the envelope;

To whom it may concern,

the codeword must be chosen immediately after transformation.

Yours Sincerely,


"Well, that's helpful!" I muttered sarcastically, "What the hell? Codeword? Transformation?! And who the fuck is AF?!" I sat there for a while, not knowing what to do. I examined the envelope again, trying to find another clue, but there was only 'To AD' on the front, there wasn't a stamp or even an address, it was like it had been dumped on my doormat! "Who on earth is AD?!" I yelled in frustration, so I gave up and picked up a new pencilcase with my initials stamped on it, 'AD', I smacked my forehead "Jashin, I'm an idiot!" I said and crawled back over to the box, trying to prise off the packaging tape or whatever it was with my short nails, and failed, so I went to get some scissors, and sliced it open. Inside was, styrofoam, I dug my hand into the styrofoam and came into contact with something squishy and soft, and I lifted it out, it was a Deidara plushie! I squealed in excitement and tipped the box upside down to reveal a complete set of Akatsuki plushies, along with a smaller box. I jumped up and down on the spot and danced around, and then picked up the smaller box, I opened it to reveal mini versions of Hidan's scythe and Samehada. My eyes sparkled with happiness, I grabbed the Hidan and Deidara plushies 'cause they're my favourite characters and sat the rest on the cardboard box. I lay down on the sofa and held the Hidan and Deidara plushies above me in the air, feeling like the luckiest person in the world. I gazed at them for a while, "You guys are too cute!" I say, and then I put on a funny voice and make them reply "Yesh we are!" I glomped them, squishing them to my chest. Then there was a 'poof', and a puff of smoke, and suddenly there were two, very life-sized Akatsuki lying on top of me. I scream and jump about a metre in the air, landing on my butt, then scrambled to my feet and stared at them in shock and disbelief. They stared back. I kept staring. They also kept staring. And so we remained like this for about ten minutes, until Hidan started looking very bored, "Are you just gonna fucking stare at us all day?!" I blinked, coming to my senses, and took a step back 'Ok, there is no friggin' way that Hidan and Deidara are standing in front of me! I must be delusional! I probably didn't get enough sleep last night or something! Ok, I'll just close my eyes, and when I've opened them, they'll be gone!' I put my hands over my eyes, and shook my head to clear it, and then, very slowly, opened one eye. They were gone. I sighed with relief and relaxed, and then two pairs of hands grabbed my upper arms, I screamed in surprise and twisted round, pointing at them and babbling nonsense, and they were standing there, laughing their asses off at my reaction. I kept babbling until I thought 'Jashin-dammit! Say something!', I searched randomly through my head for a sentence, a phrase, even just a word, and I blurted out the first thing that came into my head "!" I screamed at them, and to my surprise, there was another 'poof' and puff of smoke, and they were plushies again.

"What. The. HELL?!" I said, hitting myself on the head, "This has to be a dream, I'm dreaming, it's a dream, it's a dream, it's a dream!" I said to myself, 'Ok, calm down, since it's a dream, how do you wake up from a dream?' the logical side of me thought. I sat back down on the sofa, not taking my eyes off of the plushies, I snapped my fingers "Ding!" I said, (I always say that when I get an idea for some reason) and pinched myself, hard, "OW!" I yelled, rubbing my arm, "Ok then, it's obviously not a dream!". I pulled my hair in frustration 'Jashin-dammit! What the hell am I supposed to do?!', then, the Konan plushie fell off the edge of the box, I jumped behind the sofa, glaring at Mini-Konan in case it did something, after a while, I gingerly made my way back over to the box, and poked the Mini-Konan...nothing happened. I relaxed 'Ugh! I could really use some help right now!' and then I looked back at the Mini-Konan, "Ding!" I said, picking it up, "Now how did I get Deidara and Hidan to, urr, turn big?", I asked myself, replaying everything that had happened since I opened the box, 'Hmm, I squealed, then tipped box upside down, then dancing, opened small box, grabbed Hidan and Dei, put the rest on the box, lay down on sofa, held them in the air, made 'em talk, glomp!', "Aha! The glomp of Doom!" I said, adding on the 'of Doom' for no apparent reason. I glomped Konan and let go, when I heard the 'poof' and the puff of smoke appeared, when it cleared, a full size Konan was standing in front of me. I took a few steps back, I mean, just 'cause it's the third time it's happened, doesn't mean I've gotten used to it!

Konan nodded at me in greeting, I semi-relaxed, "Ok, umm, c-could you tell me w-what the h-hell is going on h-here?!" I demanded, trying to keep the nervous wobble out of my voice and failing. Konan shook her head "No" she replied cooly, keeping eye contact, I stared at her blankly "W-What?!" I said, "No", she repeated calmly, 'Not one for words, I can see' I thought, "Well then, can any of the 'others' tell me?" I asked, "No" she said again. I sighed, rubbing my temples, 'Is she deliberately trying to piss me off?! Cos if she is, she's succeeding!', I thought.

My head was going into overload, what with the mysterious box and the letter and the plushies that go 'poof' and then turn into people and not knowing what the hell I should do! "ARGH!" I yelled and ran off to my room, locking the door, leaving Konan standing in the lounge.

I jumped into my computer chair and logged on, I mean, there had to be a fanfiction similar to my situation, I could see what happened and maybe one would tell me what to do. I frantically scrolled down the page, there were quite a few stories about them turning into cats, but only three about plushies, two were about yaoi, and the other one took place in the ninja world, so that was a brilliant help, don't get me wrong, I like yaoi, but it wasn't the best time for it! I sighed and slumped in my seat, wondering yet again what the fudge I should do, "Jashin-dammit!" I said to myself.

A/N: Phew! I finished it, all 2109 words of it! I'm quite chuffed at that, it's a new record!

Anywho, please please review, and feel free to give me ideas on how to improve or whatever!

Even if it's just a 'Hn' as Sasuke or Itachi would put it, but pretty please click that pretty green button below!