A/N: OK, I know I haven't uploaded anything in a really long time. I'm having a lot of trouble with my story to the point where I think I'm just going to forget about it. So to hold you over, I have uploaded a bunch of Draco/Hermione drabbles that I wrote over Winter Break. They are in no way related to each other or in any particular order. Wish me luck on my other story....I really need it.

"I can't take it anymore, Malfoy. What do you want from me?" Hermione Granger exclaimed in frustration.

"For you to shut up so I can say what I want to say," Draco Malfoy bellowed in return.

"Ok then. Say it."

"I..." Draco hesitated.

"Say it!"

He grabbed her by the shoulders firmly but not roughly.

"Granger, shut up and listen. I cannot stand you. You with your holier than thou attitude and your books and your friends. The way you organize my things on the table without my asking. The way you laugh at the most random things. The way you leave your socks in the common room."

"Is this going to be another insult-fest or is this supposed to mean something to me?"

"Granger, I can't stand you. But I also can't stop loving you."

She slapped him across the face, leaving a red hand print on his cheek.

"Ok. Not the reaction I was expecting."

"You smug bastard."

"Oh! That's a new one."

"You are something else, you know that? You strut around being the biggest arse and then you say things like that to me? I have loathed you from the start. And now you spew that total crap and expect me to believe you? Argh!"

"Apparently so. Are you quite finished?'

"No! One more thing. Go to Hell!"

She turned on her heels and strode to her room and slammed the door behind her. Malfoy groaned. "Oh, Merlin. What have I done?"

He stood in front of the lit fireplace with his hands in his pockets. Suddenly the door opened and Draco looked up, surprised.

He was surprised to see her walking towards him. And he was even more surprised when she grabbed his collar and whispered, "I can't stand you either," before she kissed him.

A/N: So that's number one of my What Are the Chances drabbles. I hope you liked it. Sorry it wasn't so detailed. Be sure to review!