Okay without the Author's Notes, this drabble really is exactly 300 words (as said by my word-count). Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater.

Morning Routine

"Oh, we are gonna be so late!" Maka fretted. "I can't believe we overslept!"

"We?" Soul snorted. He had already gotten dressed and was presently leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets as he waited patiently for his frantic partner.

"Oh, shut up!" She scowled and she would have loved Maka-Chopping him if she had the time.

"Hey, it's okay if you're late to school once in your lifetime. I can promise you that you won't drop dead." He rolled his eyes at his favorite, hardworking bookworm who, currently, was practically hyperventilating herself to death as she tried to tie up her pigtails.

"Neh, Soul? Could you help me out, please?" She asked, fumbling with a hair tie.

"Like with what?" he quirked an eyebrow.

"Could you…" She glanced around quickly, grabbed her green-and-white tie and tossed it to him. "Could you tie my tie for me?" She pleaded.

"Fine." He sighed, making his way over to her. As she flipped the hair on one side of her head and tightened it quickly, Soul wrapped the tie around her neck. He leveled it out to make it even as she began tying her other pigtail, trying not to him in the face.

Maka quickly finished and waited, a little flustered as Soul folded her tie in a loop. She blinked in confusion and looked away slightly when she felt her heart skip a beat.

A few seconds later, Soul finished. "There." He straightened it out and tightening it for her, so it fit comfortably around her neck.

"Thanks." She smiled, grabbing her long, black jacket and sliding it over her arms. "Alright, let's get going then."

Maka grasped his arm and pulled him along after her and he smirked and followed her out.

Just their usual Morning Routine…

A/N: Eh. Just a little something that came into my mind one day :3 Hope you liked it!

Please review!!