Chapter 19

Wazzup peeps? Gabster here :D HAS EVERYONE SEEN THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER YET? It was brilliant, Jordi and I totally called each other and had a major conversing fest about it. :)

Anywho.. ON WITH EPIC!



I let out what felt like the thousandth tired sigh of the night as I put the finishing touches on my armor. Though I had volunteered for it, doing tonight's watch was not something I was looking forward to. I guess I thought that since I wasn't sleeping that much lately, anyways, it wouldn't make that much of a difference if I was out guarding the How or sitting in my chambers, so I might as well be doing something productive. But now that the time to actually be on guard duty had come, I realized that watching for Telmarine invaders was the last goal I had on my mind for this night.

Well, let me rephrase that. Watching for Telmarine Telmarine invaders was the last thing I had on my mind. The one that I was looking for was, technically, a Telmarine soldier, though not, strictly speaking, of the Telmarine nationality.

As much as I hated to admit it to anyone, even myself, Emily was all I could think about. Ever since I had discovered her at the Telmarine camp.. No, ever since we first realized she was missing.. No. Ever since she had first appeared in Narnia, she had always been there, constantly filling some part of my mind. And it was bittersweet to think about her, because first I would remember all the laughs we had had-like when we'd first gotten to the How and she'd ridden on my back and smacked my butt like I was a horse- but then I would remember seeing her at the Telmarine camp, very clearly a traitor to the Narnians. To me.

I guess I know what my family must have felt like when I betrayed them to the White Witch.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of all thoughts of her. She betrayed you. She betrayed all of Narnia. Peter was right all along. She's no good for you.

Sighing once again, I grabbed my sword and crossbow and headed off, trying to ignore the small part of my mind which was still hoping that Emily would come running back to the How, to me, calling "Hey guys! April Fools! I really got you, didn't I?"


I had just entered the Stone Table Room when I bumped in to Trufflehunter. When he looked up and realized it was me, something very subtle changed in his expression, but it wasn't subtle enough not to make me realize that something was up. It was the closest thing to anger I had ever seen him portray.

"Good evening, Your Majesty. Off to go watch, I suppose?" he asked casually. I was kind of bewildered; what else would I be doing in full armor with my sword and crossbow, going to dance a jive?

I tried to keep the sarcastic incredulity out of my voice, which was hard for me to do. "Umm, yeah, I've got the watch tonight. Why?"

Trufflehunter, in a perfect impression of my mum when she's been lied to by one kid and had the truth revealed by the other, nodded his head while gnashing his teeth together. "I see." He said, sighing. "Well, then, you'll want to let Lady Maria know she's relieved of her duties."

"Maria? What? She didn't have any duties tonight." I said, my face scrunching up in confusion. Had Peter given her some special job to do? No, he wouldn't do that. I know my brother too well, protective prick that he is, and I knew for a fact that he wouldn't give her any jobs during the night. It's way too dangerous I could hear the Peter in my head nag.

"That's not what she said," Trufflehunter replied mysteriously. "Good evening, sire."

I stared after him for a few minutes even after he had left. What was he on about, Maria saying she had 'duties' tonight? I didn't know Maria terribly well, but she didn't strike me as the secretive, go-behind-your-back type.

Then again, a small voice in my head, notably not Peter, said. You thought you knew Emily, too.

"Shut up." I growled to myself, buckling up my wits and heading out to the ledge.


Only about half an hour had passed before something actually happened-which was surprising, considering nothing ever happened on these watches. But anyways, I was sitting on the ledge, and yes, I was thinking about all the special moments I'd spent here with Emily, when a movement at the edge of the clearing caught my eye. I grabbed my crossbow and jumped to my feet, but instantly knew it wasn't a Telmarine soldier because the figure was much smaller. Keeping my hand on my weapon, just in case, I watched as the figure made its way at full speed through the field, clearly heading for the How.

When the figure got about half way through the field I was able to make out details, like that it was clearly a girl. It took a little longer for me to pick out specifics because of the dim lighting, but her hair caught what little light there was..

My heart leapt into my throat at the flash of blonde. I nearly cried out to her, but then I realized that this was not Emily. The hair was much longer, and more copperish also. And she was WAY too white to be Australian.

"What in Aslan's name..?" I whispered to myself, unfortunately recognizing her but dreading knowing what she was up to. But the magnificent face plant she pulled was so Maria-ish that there was absolutely no way to deny that it was her. So, watching as she pulled herself back up again and charged on like the Little Engine that Could, I slipped back in to the How to greet her. As I walked, it struck me that she was undoubtedly coming from the Telmarine camp. In the dead of night. While her best friend Emily was over there.

Hot anger boiled in me at this newest blow. Of course, I should've known that if Emily turned over to the Telmarines, her sidekick Maria would as well. So Escidia was right about her, as well. Almost unconsciously, I drew my sword and charged faster through the halls, ready to meet Maria and catch her before even more harm could be done.



"Why must I be so freaking..American?" I hissed to the empty chambers as I huffed and puffed my way back into the How. I realized now that I had SERIOSULY misjudged the difference between the How and the Telmarine camp, and the Narnian heat was taking its toll.

I really hoped no one had seen me returning; that I could do some fantastic, triumphant yell as I burst into the Stone Table Room, all the important Narnian leaders gathered around of course, looking at me in shock and admiration as I proclaimed my theory.

Of course; what I wanted to happen and reality just HAD to be complete opposites.

Nevertheless, I stumbled into the Stone Table Room with my arms flailing about; attempting to rasp out my news through my puffs.

"She-she-" I coughed, tripping over my own feet, and looking up to the Stone Table Room-

Which was completely empty.

"Oh my God!" I whined, throwing my hands up in the air out of pure exasperation.

I felt my body jolt with shock as someone grabbed my wrists tightly and forced me to the ground, my cheek thumping against the dusty stone floor roughly as I struggled.

"Let-me-go!" I screeched, hoping someone would hear me.

"Why? So you can steal the Narnian plans and return to your traitor friend?" said a familiar voice, full of undisguised rage.

"Edmund?" I screamed. "Ed- What the hell are you-"

"I said SHUT UP!" Edmund replied, and I was completely shocked to feel the cold metal of his sword against my neck.

"Edmund!" I hissed, confused and scared out of my brain.

"Get up, turn around and put your back against the wall." Edmund said slowly, and I did as I was told. He was holding a freaking sword against my neck; and I wasn't making any sudden movements.

I stared at him for a few moments before he spoke again.

"What did they send you for?" he asked calmly, but I could still see the hostility in his eyes.

I didn't say anything. I figured it was smarter to stay silent.

"What did they send you for?" Edmund repeated, louder this time.

"What did who send me for?" I screamed, unable to hold it in anymore. "What the FUCK are you talking about?"

"You're another spy for them! Just like Emily! Admit it!"

"Edmund, what the hell are you saying?"

"YOU'RE A TRAITOR TOO!" He bellowed, and I cringed against the wall, feeling tears prickling against my eyes and flooding down my cheeks.

"I'm NOT!" I squealed. "Edmund, I'm no traitor, and neither is Emily! She-She's drunk!"

"YOU-what?" Edmund cut off, his face ranging from fierce to confused.

"She's drunk! Smashed! Off her face!" I called, with no clue of what else to say.

"What are you talking about?" Edmund hissed, and I felt his sword against my neck again.

"I snuck to the camp..a-and she was there! Drunk! That's why she's there! She's-she's drunk!"

"Drunk?" Edmund's eyebrow raised slightly. I thought I was safe. "Drunk?'re a fool." He said quietly, letting his sword lower.

"What?" I asked. "I saw her, Edmund! She's not in her right mind! She's drunk!"

He shook his head, looking angry again; but not with me. "Maria! She's a traitor! Accept it! She's bad! She isn't with us anymore!"

"SHE'S NOT BAD!" I screeched. He was wrong; he was so very wrong.


"She's going to come back!"

"SHE ISN'T COMING BACK!" he bellowed, before throwing a fist at the stone wall, which surprisingly crumbled a bit. He then let out a rattling, labored breath, and cursing, strode away into the dark corridor.

I let out a quiet breath myself; not willing to believe that my last hope for saving my best friend had just melted away into the darkness. I slid down the wall, and sat there, staring off into space, grieving..and planning.



I couldn't believe I'd just done that. Accused Maria, Maria of being one of them. I snorted. As if Maria could be a spy. She was clumsy, loud and impossible.

I snorted again, before realizing how horrible I was.

I could just imagine what Emily would say. She would hit me, frowning, with a little crease between her eyes while I grimaced. Remembering her the way she was; or the way she SHOULD BE nearly killed me.

I let my feet guide me along the passageways, my mind wandering, specifically after a certain blonde Australian. It wasn't until I could hear her voice that I realized I was outside of Escidia's chambers. I hesitated at the doorway, realizing she was talking to someone and unwilling to interrupt.

It only took me a few moments to realize Escidia wasn't speaking English. With a prickling feeling I pressed my face to the gap between the ancient door and the stone wall, biting down on my lip.

She was standing over a small cauldron, a strange, eery blue light not unlike that of the dreaded Jadis glowing around the room. Escidia's usually pretty, elegant face was contorted in a cruel smile and look of intense concentration as she stared down at the small cauldron. She hissed and spat out a different language, her eyes widening as she spoke and moved her hands over the cauldron, pulling small viles from the folds of her dress and dripping them slowly.

After a few minutes, it occurred to me that she was making a potion. But to do what? That was the question. I felt the rough stone of the wall pushing into my face, but I didn't care. I needed to see this.

The light in the room pulsated more, becoming brighter and brighter as Escidia's voice grew louder. She was moving rhythmically now, stretching over the cauldron as she pulled out a final small vial of liquid which even from the distance I could tell, with a sickening feeling in my stomach, was blood. She reached out, and let three drops of the scarlet liquid fall into the cauldron, throwing her head back with a croaking breath, as the cauldron began to emit curling wisps of smoke.

And the curling wisps turned a deep red, and began contorting into a very familiar face.


I pushed myself back from the gap, and felt my back slam against the opposite stone wall silently. I was breathing erratically, gasping for air as I tried to comprehend what was happening. Maria was right..kind of.

I pushed myself away from the wall and began to bolt along the corridor, back to the Stone Table Room, plans coming together in my mind.



I swallowed deeply, feeling a massive lump in my throat as I realized that I had to go back to the Telmarine Camp. Alone again.

Aw, shit.

At least with Edmund I would have felt remotely safe..him being a knight and all. But he thought I was a fool, he didn't want to help Emily.

But I had to save her. She was my best friend, and she was intoxicated. Someone needed to get her back here where we could sober her up. And I suppose that job was mine, no matter how much I just wanted to go to Peter and beg him to come with me.

I stood up and leaned against the wall for a moment. All my plans for heading back to the camp sounded so stupid, and I couldn't seem to gather my thoughts after Edmund's rejection. I was surprised to hear light footsteps coming this way, and my heart started to beat faster.

Edmund had come back. He still cared about Em.

But when Escidia rounded the corner, swinging her slutty hips, I clenched my jaw and tried to ignore her presence.

"Crying over your traitor best friend?" she sneered. "I wouldn't be. She's nothing."

"Fuck off, Escidia." I growled.

"Ooh, not very happy this evening? What happened, realize that I was right this whole time?"

"Escidia, get out of my face." I said quietly, knowing that if I started a fight now, I'd never get the chance to go back and save Emily.

"With pleasure. It's not something I enjoy looking at." She laughed and strutted further down the corridor towards the food storage area.

"Fuck her," I sneered, and sped my way to her room. I knew it was childish and stupid, but I figured trashing her room was a good way to piss her off. I slipped inside, and began throwing around everything I could reach, knocking her mattress over, throwing her blanket around, kicking over the small table she had..under which was a small cauldron with a glowing light blue liquid inside.

"I'll bet this is like her beauty potion," I laughed, picking up the cauldron and getting ready to throw it. Right before I did though, I looked down and shrugged.

"Might as well get a little.." I giggled, looking around at the mess around me and finding a tiny glass vial. I uncorked it and filled it with the potion, plugging it back up and shoving it in my pocket.

I then looked back down at the cauldron, swinging it around, and threw it as hard as I could at the pile of blankets right beside the wall, knowing that the cauldron would shatter and the blankets could muffle the sound. After kicking aside a few more of her things that she had conned out of people, I giggled and stepped back to the doorway to admire my handiwork with a smile. That'd teach her.

Now to Emily.

I gritted my teeth and began making my way back to my room, several plans still running around in my head. I was so preoccupied that I didn't realize more footsteps coming quickly towards me. Edmund came jogging around the corner, his face full of intense concentration.

When he saw me, he jogged faster, pulling me into my room, and making sure no one else was in the corridor outside.

"We're leaving in ten minutes." He whispered. I felt my face light up with a grin.


After Edmund left my room to do whatever it is Edmunds do, I changed into my little battle suit. It was basically the exact same outfit as before, with Emily's skirt and bodice, only it had wicked chainmail. Feeling like a badass, I changed into it and flaunted around in it for a bit before remembering that we kinda had a mission.

Feeling excitement charging through me, I made my way to the front of the How where I planned to wait for Edmund. It felt good, knowing that we were finally going to get out there and do something. Sure, Edmund and I weren't exactly BFFL's, but we were united in our cause of going and getting Emily back. We were like the two of the Three Musketeers, off to get our intoxicated comrade.

Speaking of which, I was going to beat the crap out of that girl once she got back here. I swear, I'd gotten a few years knocked off my life from all the worrying I'd done over the past few days. Not to mention a few premature gray hairs...

Anywho, there I was, minding my own business waiting for my partner in crime. It was weird that I had gotten there before Edmund, because usually I was always late for like, everything important. So I was finally getting a taste of how annoying it is to be kept waiting when all the sudden Peter comes clambering sleepily into the room, and upon seeing him I promptly tried my hand at melting into the wall.

I'd been trying to avoid Peter all day, because I knew that if I was around him I'd get all fidgety and nervous and he would know something was up. And then he'd ask me, and I'm a horrible liar, and he would figure out what we were up to, and all sorts of melodrama would break out, and as you can very well imagine melodrama would kinda put saving Emily way off the radar. And of course, I'd been successful like all the rest of the day when it didn't really matter that much, but nevertheless he shows up at the last, most crucial second. Figures.

I shrank back into the shadows of the wall, pretending that I was a big colorful rock formation, but I was just a second too late. He came straight over to me with a big adorable grin on his face, and I already felt myself fidgeting guiltily.

"What are you doing up so early?" he asked, seemingly oblivious to the peculiar scene of me groping the wall. His cheerful, 'its my favorite person in the whole wide world' tone of voice did nothing to help my guilt.

"I could and shall ask you the same thing," I said back, my voice chirpy. Peter didn't seem to notice, however, as the smile slipped from his face to be replaced by worry.

"Couldn't really sleep, so I thought I might as well try and practice some for the duel." he replied, and then I remembered that today was the day that he was supposed to duel Miraz. Unsurprisingly, this only made me feel guiltier, and also much more worried than I already was.

"Oh... Right." I whispered, finally looking him full in the eyes. He looked sad. "How d'you think you'll do?"

Peter shrugged. "Well enough. As long as I manage to at least give the Narnians a good enough start, then I'll consider it a good fight. And don't worry," he added, smiling again. "We're making sure we get Emily back today. I promise."

Feeling like I was going to break down in a massive hissy fit, I quickly looked away from him. But as I looked away, I saw in a hall beyond Peter's back Edmund, looking frantic and slightly guilty. It was time to go.

I looked back up at Peter and realized that I probably wouldn't get to see him before the duel started. This would be my last chance to talk to him before mine and Edmund's sneaking around was revealed to everyone, before the big fight for Narnia began. Shoot, as much as I hated to admit it, this was potentially the last time I would get to see Peter alive.

I needed something to say, something to tell him how I really felt. 'I love you' sounded too cheesy, while 'I have strong feelings of intense desire for you' sounded too raunchy. So, looking up into his wonderfully sexy face, I chose a nice little compromise.

"I'm quite fond of your existence, Peter." I said, standing on tiptoe to give him a kiss. The poor thing looked kind of lost, but he muttered an agreement. Barely holding back an onslaught of blubbering, I turned him in the direction of the Northern Alliance's hangout, tactically keeping his gaze away from Edmund. "Why don't you go try and find Dilan or Perseus to help you fight?" and before he could say anything else, I turned and darted out of the How, and judging by the heavy footsteps behind me, Edmund was following.



I caught up with and easily overtook Maria as we ran through the field that separated the Narnian and Telmarine camps. I kept checking over my shoulder to make sure she was okay, because she was wheezing as if she were going to keel over and die at any point. When we reached the bushes at the edge of the Telmarine camp, she literally threw herself on the ground next to me.

"You alright?" I asked, seriously debating stabbing her then and there to get her out of her misery.

"I might be skinny," she wheezed, "But I'm still American. And I am not in shape!"

I let out a snort before turning my attention to the camp. It was utterly empty, other than a few soldiers lying around the dying remains of a fire. I shuffled forward a bit to get a better look, and sure enough saw, lying a little ways off, the sleeping form of Emily. I tried to ignore the usual thoughts and emotions that I felt whenever I saw her; there would be time for all that later, after we'd gotten her out of here. But first, we needed a plan.

I looked sideways at Maria, who was looking at me with eager anticipation on her face. Immediately, a plan popped into my mind, but the memory of the way I'd treated her earlier made me bite my tongue. But then I looked again out to where Emily lay oblivious and enchanted, and I made up my mind. My friendship with Maria came second to my relationship with Emily.

"Would you like to do the honors?" I whispered to her, indicating to the field. Her eyes widened as she realized what I meant.

"You want me to go out there and get her?" she gasped. I nodded, and she hesitated.

"Come on, this is your mission," I whispered encouragingly, as pieces of the plan more clearly fell into place. "I'll hang back and make sure no Telmarines sneak up on you."

Maria stared at me for a few moments before her eyes lit up with determination. "Right. I got this." she whispered, before crawling forward and getting to her feet. I drew myself to a kneeling position and watched as she crept slowly across the clearing over to the huddled mass of Telmarines, checking them all over to make sure they were asleep. Then she went over to where Emily was, and gave a little hop of joy. She looked up and swept the bushes with her gaze, apparently looking for me. Then she did possibly the stupidest thing I think someone could ever possibly do in a situation like this.

"Edmund?" she called, in a voice that was much too loud to be a whisper but not loud enough to be shouting. "Edmund, where did you go? I found her!"

Simultaneously, Emily and the Telmarine nearest her jerked awake. With shocking speed, Emily leapt to her feet and grabbed Maria in a headlock, while the other Telmarine kicked and slapped at his friends to wake them up. Maria yelped and clawed at Emily's arms, trying to free herself, while the Telmarines-clearly suffering from dreaded of all hangovers- all scrambled about, trying to make sense of what was happening. Meanwhile, I crouched farther down in the bushes, hoping to remain hidden for just a few moments longer..

"Emily, it's me, you idiot! Let go!" Maria squealed, squirming to get out of Emily's chokehold. "Dude, I'm here to help you! You gotta let go! Dammit, Em, don't make me-"

Maria cut off with a grunt as she punched Emily in the stomach, causing her to double over with a grunt. Maria fell ungracefully onto the ground, but in the same instant grabbed her bow and turned to the Telmarines. The instant their attention was diverted to her was the second I saw my chance. I dove out of the bushes and charged through the clearing toward Emily, who had recovered from the punch and was ganging up on Maria. I drew my sword and let out a shout as I smacked her in the side of the head with the handle, catching her as she crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Maria glanced over her shoulder to see what was happening, at the same moment one of the Telmarines ran at her with his sword raised. Still with Emily in tow, I lurched around Maria and stabbed him in the stomach, just as she turned to shoot the last of the soldiers who had been around the fire. We stood there for a moment, panting and staring at each other, before her gaze snapped down to Emily and she comprehended what was going on.

"Is she ok?" she asked, looking worried.

"She's fine, I didn't hit her that hard." I replied. Maria gave a short nod before turning and heading off, clearly eager to get out of the camp. I hauled Emily into my arms and took off after her, finally allowing myself to succumb to the happiness I was feeling at having Emily in my arms again.
