Chapter 5


Grammar/spellings mistakes.


Her footsteps echoed in the dark dungeon. The dungeon was filled with the scent of blood, filth, and death. There were only a few lamps that lid the way, she could hear half dead prisoners moaning, begging for food, water and in some cases, death. She quickly walked by these cages, searching for the one she wanted. Her lips curved as she came to enclosure that she was looking for, the man was chained to the wall, his long, filthy, hair was hung over his face, obscuring it from view. Even though, she couldn't see his face, she knew it was him. She quickly grabbed the key that she had swiped from the guard's headquarters and proceeded to unlock the door. The figure didn't move as she entered into the cell. She quickly glanced around, making sure that there was no guard around. Although she had made sure that, when she sent a gallon to the best beer to them, the night before, they were probably sleeping it off by now.

"Neji Hyuuga, I know you can hear me, if you want to save Hinata from Sasuke, you better do exactly as I say," whispered Sakura, urgently her voice sounding sincere and pleading. At the word of Hinata, Neji Hyuuga's head shifted slightly. Sakura smiled inwardly, he could hear me. It was going to be easier than she thought it was going to be. The man didn't move as she whispered her plan to him. She waited for some kind of reaction, any reaction telling her that he understand what she was saying. She let a breath, knowing it was dangerous to linger any longer down here. She got up and her way to cell's gate. Just as she was about to reach for the gate, a quiet, almost inaudible whisper came from the man behind her.

"Why should I trust you?"

Since her back was to him, she smiled for a moment before answering, "Trust me or let your precious cousin become Sasuke's toy for the rest of her life."

She left without waiting for his reply. She knew he was going to do what she was going to say, she always had nick for mind games. As she made her way of the dungeon, still contemplating her plans and how easily her plan was coming together, she didn't notice the pair purple eyes that were watching her from the shadows as she left the dungeon.

Suigetsu watched from the shadows as Sakura left the dungeon. He could barely recognize her, since she was wearing a long black cloak with a hood to cover her head. At first, he thought it was Kabuto coming down here to question a prisoner, but once he took a closer look, he saw a glimmer of pink hair. He wondered what was the beautiful, soon to be wife of Sasuke was doing here in the dungeons. He was intrigued and curious at her actions. She made her way to the Hyuuga's cage and entered. He couldn't see what she was doing in the cage but, after a few moments

She came out with a smug smile on her face and quickly left the dungeon. He wasn't on due but he had left his favourite dagger in the dungeon after his shift and he came to get, since it was early hardly anyone would be here, especially after the drinking celebration they were having.

Suigetsu went to the cell where the Neji Hyuuga was held. However, nothing had changed; he was still chained up and unmoving but alive. He could know a dead man when he saw one and he saw plenty of dead men before. However, he knew that Sakura was up to no good, she didn't become Sakura's fiancée simply by sitting and looking pretty. Sakura was brutal, maybe even more so than any of the men. She was cunning and her acting was first rate. Her mother was once an actress after all, and her father army general. A deadly combination of brains and looks, she had gone rid of her fair share of competition when it came to establishing her place within the castle.

He smirked as he touched his eyes where the wrench known as Hinata Hyuuga had struke him, "This is going to be interesting."

Hinata silently prayed that he wouldn't come here tonight. Her bath water had gone lukewarm and she was sitting on the edge of the bath tub, staring into the water. Her reflection flickered in the water. Her body was long dry wrapped in her fluffy white bath towel. She was scared to open the door. Her new clothes was laying on the bed and her old clothes were taken away to be washed. She walked towards the door, her hand slowly grabbing a hold on the doorknob. She turned the door open and her hand clutched at her towel. He was sitting on a chair with his back to her, reading while a smoking a cigarette. She could see her clothes laying on the bed. She knew if she closed the door, he would hear it.

"Go on, put on your clothes," he said without looking up from his book.

She blinked and went the bed to see her night clothes were lay out. It was a thin white, night dress. She grabbed the dress and turned her back to him and dropped the towel on the floor. She quickly slipped on the dress over her head.

"Come here," he ordered.

She shook her head, refusing to budge from her spot by the bed. She couldn't go to the monster that held her captive in this room. He looked up from his book, his expression was clouded by the smoke from his stubbed out his cigarette and closed his book.

"Do you hate me so much?" he murmured with a sly smile on his lips as his eyes raked her barely clothed body. Her breath caught in her throat. She just wanted him to leave her alone. To her peacefully, wait for the three days to be up.

"Even if you hate me, your hatred, your anger, it's all mine."

He got up from his chair, moving with grace and dangerous look in his eyes. Goose bumps rising on her arms. He smirked as he ran a finger down her arm. She shrink back like his touch burned on her skin. Her eyes narrowed, she hated how he owned her. How he thinks he owned.

"I'll never be yours," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn't dare to look up at him. All she could hear was his breathing. She gasped as his hand grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him. His handsome, dark eyes burned into her skull like hot iron rod. His pure strength was crushing the muscles around her face.

"Too bad, darling. It is too late."

Author's note:

I'm so stuck on all my stories. If any readers have any suggestions, I would love to hear.

Sorry for being away for so long.

I like to thank you to all the people who reviewed so far.

Thank you so much.