See top of First Chapter, because i am lazy

Chapter 2
Things get complicated: Zabuza and a face from the past

Sitting in the boat headed to the Land of Waves, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. As I looked around I noticed Sasuke was staring at me and I couldn't figure out why, finally I got tired of it and said: "Take a picture Uchiha, it will last longer!" at that his face went a deep shade of scarlet, which from him was unbelievable! To what I said he replied as calmly as he could muster:

"I wasn't looking at you I was looking at the water BEHIND you." And of course I replied with "yeah a likely excuse! Who do you think I am…? NARUTO?" because of our bickering the ferryman said, "quiet down! Why do you think I turned off the engine! We don't want to be heard." The next thing someone said was a total blur, I was to busy sulking, I didn't even hear them say it was time to get off the boat. That is until Sasuke nearly pushed me out of the boat!

About 15 minutes later we were in a clearing that was unusually misty, and out of nowhere a HUGE sword came flying at us at lodged itself high in a tree, a few seconds later a man jumped onto the sword. And out from behind the tree came a girl who looked very familiar, but who? The next thing that was said I didn't quite catch, I was too busy trying to figure out who this girl was. Almost as soon as the talking stopped the girl did something I didn't know any one else could do, she had a battle form similar to mine but blue and with power over water. This girl was becoming more and more interesting as our battle waged on.

We fought for a good 5 minutes and it finally donned on me that I should ask her name: "by the way who are you?" and she answered with: "what does it matter, your going to die here anyway!" At that moment we were interrupted by Zabuza being pinned to a tree and Kakashi said something I couldn't hear, and out of nowhere a senbon needle pierced Zabuza's neck and out of the trees came a kid wearing a tracker ninjas mask. Just as he arrived the girl went to the water near us and stood on it she turned to me and said: "by the way my name is Yoko, Yoko Miyamoto." And she disappeared under the water. This was such a shock to me that I collapsed, not just from the shock, but from exhaustion. The last thing I said before blacking out was: " I can't believe it, she's alive, one of my older sisters is alive." And I don't know what happened next all that I can say is that some one picked me up, but it didn't feel like it was Kakashi.

I woke up soon after, apparently we had reached Tazuma's house. As I looked around I saw Kakashi sleeping in another bed and what surprised me most was Sasuke siting in a chair next to me asleep. As I tried to get up, Sasuke woke up and urged me to stay down. Why was he so caring right now? Is this really Sasuke, or is Naruto pretending to be him again? I just had to ask: "Ok who are you and what have you done with the real Sasuke?" and he gave me a "what the-?" look. I ended up having to explain what I said to him "the real Sasuke would never sit at my bed side like he cared because he doesn't!" that made him shut up, his response to that was just to look away, with a look of defeat in his eyes.

After a few seconds he turned back to me and said "fine believe what you want, but know this, I am the real Sasuke." He got up to leave but stopped and said "oh and before I forget, nice job against that girl, Miyamoto." Ok that sounded more like the Sasuke I know! Now if only I knew where my other teammates were. But I little part of me hoped Sakura was dead, but I knew Naruto couldn't be killed that easy.