A/N: Sorry this took a few days! I was really busy at work and then yesterday I went to New York City to see the Tim Burton exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art. Again, italics represent thought here. Anyway, here's the woefully short epilogue! The sequel is on its way!

Many, many, MANY thanks to everyone for their reviews and lovely support. Your kindness never fails to put a smile on this girl's face!


The entire cast took the stage to take their bows. They created a space in the middle and Sheldon and Penny came out hand in hand.

Everyone in the audience jumped up and stood clapping madly for them. Sheldon nodded briefly in acknowledgment of their praise, and then released Penny's hand and fell a step behind her, allowing her to take the spotlight.

He too began to clap, smiling at her. He had never felt so proud of anyone before. Penny had absolutely shined as Eliza. He had no doubt that her performance tonight was only the beginning. Many more opportunities would be coming her way.

Penny snuck a glance back at him and smiled. Sheldon felt yet another burst of warmth in his chest. He decided then and there that he liked that particular feeling. It was extremely foreign, but not unwelcome, much like the lovely woman beaming at him at that moment.

The lovely woman who against all odds seems to return my ardor, he thought, feeling inexplicably and utterly content.

. . .

Penny stepped forward and faced the crowd, awe struck.

I've never gotten a standing ovation before.

She felt really proud, but humble at the same time. She knew that without Sheldon, tonight wouldn't have been quite the same.

Her other favorite boys were there too. Leonard, Howard, and Raj approached the stage carrying a huge bouquet of roses. She leaned down and took it, beaming at them and giving them thanks. They really were so great to her. Even Howard.

She looked back over her shoulder at Sheldon and smiled. He was clapping enthusiastically for her and smiling gently. Penny felt more pride in that moment than she ever had in her entire life. Against all odds, she had fallen for Sheldon and he returned her feelings. The "beautiful mind genius guy" only had eyes for her, the aspiring actress/waitress from across the hall. He never smiled like that at anyone else either.

I could get used to this, she thought, eyes welling up with tears of joy.

. . .

Sheldon was waiting for Penny outside her dressing room. She emerged in the simple dress from earlier, looking exhausted but pleased.

"Hey Moon Pie."

He found that he couldn't be annoyed with her just then, so he simply replied "Hello Penny."

She stood on tiptoe and placed a small, chaste kiss on his lips. Sheldon felt an electric thrill run through him at the contact.

Before he could react or reciprocate, Penny had pulled back and was blinking up at him mistily.

"Sheldon, thank you so much for everything tonight. I don't know how I can ever repay you for all you've done for me sweetie," she said, sounding very much as if she was about to cry again.

Feeling slightly scared of having to somehow comfort a crying Penny, Sheldon patted her shoulder and said "There there. You needn't worry Penny, because I've come up with a suitable solution. I am going to ask a favor of you." He took her arm and put it through his, talking as they exited the theater.

"You see, my Mee Maw will be celebrating her seventieth birthday next month. She is throwing a huge party in honor of the occasion and it is my intention to dance with her on her big night, as my grandfather and father would have if they were still alive."

"Ok sweetie, but how can I help?"

"As we were dancing earlier this evening, I realized that my own skills in that area are woefully inadequate whereas yours are vastly superior."

"I took ballroom lessons for eight years," she said smugly.

"Excellent," he paused and looked down into her face a little shyly. "Penny, I want to do right by Mee Maw. Would you teach me how to dance?"

. . .

The look on his face was so cute and hopeful that Penny's heart melted.

"Oh honey, of course I will! It's the least I can do!"

He nodded and murmured "Thank you," looking very pleased.

Penny was just excited that they were going to be doing a lot more dancing together.

. . .

The boys were waiting for them outside. When they saw Sheldon and Penny, they burst into another round of applause.

Penny hugged all three of them and kissed them each on the cheek. Howard didn't even say anything lecherous, much to her surprise.

She was even more surprised when they all hugged Sheldon. He looked a little weirded out, but hugged them back anyway.

The best part of the evening came when Sheldon took her hand in his as they all walked to Leonard's car. She thought for sure that Howard's jaw was going to hit the floor, it fell so hard.

. . .

The car ride home was quiet. Sheldon opted to sit with Penny and Raj in the back. He made some excuse about not wanting to see his life flash before his eyes because of Leonard's haphazard late-night driving, but truthfully he felt loathe to leave Penny's side for even a moment.

. . .

They dropped Raj and Howard off and Penny snuggled up against Sheldon's side for the rest of the ride home. She didn't say anything. She just relished the warmth of having him at her side.

. . .

They walked up the stairs in companionable silence. When they reached the fourth floor, Leonard gave Penny another hug, congratulated her, and then went inside, leaving her and Sheldon alone in the hall.

Sheldon shuffled from foot to foot and Penny looked down at the floor, flushing a pretty shade of pink.

Finally, she looked up at him. "Thanks again for being my Professor Higgins tonight, Sheldon. You just name the time when you want to start your dance lessons. I promise I'll do my best," she gushed.

Sheldon cleared his throat and took a step closer to her, suddenly feeling very nervous. She now had her back against her door and he loomed over her. He was struck suddenly by how tiny and delicate she really was. He felt strangely protective of her.

He brushed a stray tendril from her cheek with a trembling hand and tucked it behind her ear. He leaned down and his lips hovered over hers for just a moment. His and Penny's breathing had quickened, and he could feel her breath mingling with his. He closed the distance and brushed her lips gently with his own. The electric feeling from before returned, stronger this time. Penny made a small mewling sound at the back of her throat as she began kissing him back. Sheldon increased the pressure of his mouth against hers before breaking the kiss.

Penny shivered a little as he whispered against her lips.

"I thought we'd begin tomorrow."

THE END (for now!)