Hi it's me thank you for all the nice reviews. This story is much better I promise. R&R

Night on the Titanic

Chapter one

The date was April 14, 2010; the anniversary of one of the most tragic day in the world. The unsinkable ship sinks. Jump city had always held a celebration in honor of the men and women who lost their lives that day. The teen titans were in the common room about to watch the festivity on the TV.

"Please what is this Titanic of which you speak?" starfire asked. Robin always thought it was kinda cute when she didn't know about stuff like this. It was kinda like watching a little kid trying to know everything. Robin was about to answer but beast boy beat him to the punch.

"The Titanic was the largest, strongest, and most luxurious ship the world had ever seen. It was called the unsinkable ship, that god himself couldn't sink it. But on this fateful night, April 14, 1912 at exactly 2:30 pm, the unsinkable ship... sank. 2,200 souls were on board, and only 700 survived. 1,500 men and women lost their lives in the cold waters of the Arctic. There were twenty life boats and only one came back...one. Six were saved from the water...six...out of 1,500. The third class people were locked in their rooms. The first and some second class just left them to die. The life boats could hold up to 70 men, and they were only loading them half full. Some of them had less than twelve people in them. The rich snobs didn't want to share a boat with the lower class so they let them die." beast boy said with a tone of sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to make you upset." starfire said.

"What? No you don't have to apologize starfire. It's just I get a little moody when I think about that night that's all."

"I don't see what the big deal is I mean that accident happened almost 100 years now." raven said.

"What? How could you even say such a thing? That event just showed us how cruel the world really is." beast boy spat.

"Well I think that people should just get over it."

"You know you can be really shallow sometimes. I bet you anything that you would think differently if you were there."

Those words cut through raven deeper than any knife could. He thinks I'm sh-shallow. Oh my god. How am I shallow? I just think that people should have gotten over it by now. She was now on the verge of crying. She couldn't believe he just said that. With that she ran out the room. Beast boy felt bad now. He saw how hurts she was and went after her to apologize. He saw the large steel door with the word "RAVEN" imprinted on the front. With a loud sigh he knocked on the door.

"Go away!"

"Hey um may I come in?"


"Raven I came here to apologize and I don't want to do it behind a door so please let me in."

"I said 'GO AWAY!"

"Not going to happen. I'm coming in." The door opened with a hiss and beast boy entered ravens' room. She was on her bed crying in her pillow.

"Raven look I'm sorry I just..." he then sighed as he couldn't finish his sentence. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Raven then started to turn away from her pillow to look face to face with the changeling. "So I said it. I'll just be going then. " beast boy started to walk out but raven stoped him.

"Wait I'm sorry too. I know at times I can be a total stuck up... well I think you get it. So are we still freands?" raven asked.

"Of course we are. You don't even have to ask for that." with that the two gave each other a small hug. When they realised beast boy noticed a small pocket watch on her night stand. He reached for it and carelessly pushed the small button on top. "Hey what's this thingy?"

"Beast boy no! That's a..." but she couldn't finish for the clocks' hands were spinning wildly out of control. A small beam of light shot from the watch and opened a portal. Beast boy and raven were sucked in. They landed on a boat. A very big boat. She saw herself in the reflection of the smoke tower to see that she was not as pale as she had been. She looked more like a pinkish color. Her hair was black and she wore a small like maid dress. "What's wrong raven?" beast boy said as he turned to look at him self. He was truly shocked at what he saw. He was tan not green. He had ho pointy ears, blond hair and Pepsi blue eyes. He wore a white button down shirt, dress slacks, dress shoes and suspenders. He was to shocked about himself he didn't even notice what he was waring.

"Where are we?" raven asked. Beast boy walked up to the boats edge and saw the name on the boat. He read out loud, "R.M.S TITANIC." They were on the Titanic.

"What kind of watch was that?" beast boy screamed.

"It's a time traveling watch. So you can relive some of the worlds most catastrophic events, and we got lucky enough to get the Titanic. We have three days until the watch scendes us back."

"Well what is the date?" beast boy walked up to a man and asked him what the date was.

"Why I believe It's April 11, 1912." beast boy turned to raven with fear in his eyes.

"Raven...we have three days until the titanic sinks."

Thank you for reading. Chapter two will be up soon so stay tuned. FYI I came up of this story watching the titanic movie and I thought it would make a good fanfic. No Flames.