YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE GOING there fanfic readers. Okay here's the surprise. Yes. Okay be on the look out for a story called 'Teen Titans: Beast boy's true power.' It will be a BBXREA story. Just be on the lookout. I got the idea while looking on Beast boy's profile on the DC comic website.

Summery: Beast boy is feeling depressed and that he is nothing more than a freak. He gets a letter in the mail and a vile that contains a liquid in it. The letter states that the liquid will cure him of his powers; so he can have a normal life again. And to make things worse, Raven is just now starting to act on the feelings she feels for Beast boy after he reviles some disturbing news about his life. During an attack by the Brotherhood of evil, Beast boy starts to change and kills all of the Brotherhood. After that they find out who sent the letter and what is to come of out favorite changeling and empath. What will happen? Read and find out.

I will give you Two scenes. Scene one is when he gets the letter. Scene two is when he changes. Okay here we go.

Scene one: The letter.

"What is this? This isn't what I ordered." Cyborg asked while holding the vile up.

"Why don't you read the letter and find out." Robin said with a 'duh' look on his face. Cyborg mumbled something before opening the letter. As he read it, the look on his face became more serious than ever before.

"Hey Beast boy," he said handing the letter to him. "I think it's for you."

Beast boy hesitantly grabbed the letter and began to read it out loud.

"Dear Garfield Mark Logan..." he paused. 'How dose he know my name?' he thought to himself. He just shook it off and continued reading. "You might not know me, but I know you. I also knew your parents. They were good people. I'm sorry about what happened. When I heard about what happened to them I thought for sure that you died with them, but when I found out that you were Beast boy of the Teen Titans, I just had to wright. Let me tell you I am so sorry for what you had to deal with in your life. Yes I know. I know how they put you in cages. How they would beat you and whip you. I also know that you have the scars on your torso to prove it. You think of yourself a freak, a monster. Well I'm here to tell you that it all ends know. The vile in the box is a hard drug that will knock out any non-human DNA. Including your disease. Your human blood will be restored. You will have the normal life you always wanted. I just hope this helps.

"Your good friend, Mr. S

"P.S.: If you take it, it will take twelve hours for it to completely cure you."

Beast boy was speechless.

"I-I can have my old life back?"

Oh, are you hooked in yet? I hope so. I have a good feeling about this story. I'm sorry that the last scene was short, but I can't give away to much already. Anyway here's scene two

Scene two: the change

All of the titans were called on a mission to stop the Brotherhood of evil. They were sitting out side the entrance to the Brotherhood of evils lair. Robin stood on a rock and prepared to make his speech.

"Today is a sad day, for we lose one of our own tonight." he started. He then gave a 'come here' motion with his hand, and Beast boy walked up next to Robin. "This is the last battle Beast boy will have with us. He is retiring. So lets make this one count. For Beast boy." As soon as Robin finished all of the titans screamed, "For Beast boy!" in unison. Robin smiled and raised his hand up high. "Titans, GOOOOOOO!" With that all of the titans ran toward the enemy ready to tare something boy was stopped by Raven in the charge. When he turned to look at her, he could tell she had something to say.

"Hey Rea. What's up?" he said.

"Beast boy I know that you only have a few hours until...ya know. So I want to tell you something. Something important." She had Beast boy's attention now. He waited anxiously for her statement. She had a lump in her throat. Sweat was beating down her face. She had butterflies in her stomach. With one deep breath she started.

"Well I kinda...sorta...maybe...God I can't even talk to you." she said in frustration. She took another breath and started again. "Beast boy, I..." but she was cut off by Robin telling them to hurry up. She sighed in defeat and lowered her head. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her the biggest smile she had ever seen. "You can tell me after we kick their sorry butts. Kay?" She just nodded and refused to make eye contact with him. He gave her a thumbs up and left. Once she was sure he was gone, she said in a soft whisper, "I love you"

The battle lasted a few hours and it looked like the titans were defeated. General's (A.N.: I can never remember that old guys name in the Brotherhood. So I just call him General. Okay? Okay. Moving on.) army was ready to fire at any minute.

"In my experience, this would be a crushing defeat." he said in an old grody voice. Little did he know Beast boy only had three seconds until his change.






"ARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!" Beast boy screamed as he held onto his stomach. He walked out in front of the titans and fell on his knees screamin in pain. Raven was the first to run over to him.

"Beast boy a you alright?" she said with a tone of worry. He couldn't answer. The pain was to much. He summed up all of his strength to ask, "What's happening to me?" All Raven could do was watch in horror. Cyborg was running some scans on his arm for his friend, but what he found was not good.

"Cyborg, what's happening?" Robin asked.

"Robin, that hard-drug Beast boy chugged down isn't curing him of his powers. It's enhancing them." As if on cew Beast boy screamed again. Raven noticed that he was starting to change. And it scared her. She slowly back away from him. His skin turned from light green to forest green. His muscles grew to the point that his uniform ripped. The top half of his uniform ripped open. All of his scared glowed a bright green and disappeared from his body. His claws turned into talons, and they were retractable. Black tiger like strips went down his back, arms and legs. His hair grew out so long, it covered about two/thirds of his back. His canine teeth grew out a little more and his teeth sharpened. He opened his eyes and they were glowing bright green. He leaned back and let out one monster of a roar. It was so loud that the walls shook from the force.

As soon as he was done, he eyed the Brotherhood with hatred. With one swift move he charged at them, snarling while he did it.

Ah what do you think? Good? Bad? Please review this sneak peak. I want to know what you think of it.