A/N: This idea came from watching a video on youtube. So, don't throw stones at me if you hate it!

Enjoy the Luka/Haku. (and not the Haku from Naruto, people! Get your facts straight!)

"Hey, guys! I'm back! And I brought our newest Vocaloid from America!" Miku called out to the six other Vocaloids who were in their rooms as four out of six of them emerged from their rooms and walked to the front room.

"Hey, Miku. What's up?" Len said yawning from his nap.

"Is this the new room mate you were talking about?" Rin wondered looking at the long pink-haired and blue-eyed woman.

"Yes. This is Luka Megurine. A Vocaloid like us. She's also bilingual," Miku said.

"Oooh!!" The two blonde twins said in awe while staring at the pinkette woman named Luka.

"What's that mean?" Kaito asked.

"It means I can speak Japanese and American language," Luka said in a calm yet tired voice from the trip.

"Oh...I get it now."

"Hey. Where's Meiko and Haku? They have to come and see our new friend," Miku said jumping up and down.

"Meiko's in her room sleeping her hangover off, and I think Haku's in her room doing the same thing," Rin said.

"Of course. Typical them," Miku said with her hands on her hips.

"Meiko and Haku?" Luka wondered who those two are.

"You'll meet them later. Oh, yeah! I forgot to introduce everyone. Te one with blue hair is Kaito. The girl with short blonde hair is Rin and the boy with blonde spiky hair that has some of it in a small ponytail is her brother Len. They're twins, and the girl with blonde hair that has one long ponytail on the right side of her hair texting on her phone is Neru. Mind her if she doesn't make that much eye contact with you. She's always on her cellphone texting to people," Miku introduced everyone while pointing at them.

"Hey," Kaito said.

"What's up?" Neru said not moving her eyes from her phone.

"Nice to meet you!" Len said.

"Welcome to the family!" Rin said.

"Nice to meet you all," Luka said bowing to everyone.

"Come on. We'll who you around the house. It's pretty big and you could get lost," Kaito said with a manly charm while holding Luka's hand before giving her a tour through the house.

"Heh. Lady's man," Rin said.

"Yeah, but what can ya do?" Len said to her sister as the two followed Kaito and Luka.

"Seems like they like her already," Miku said happily.

"Yeah. I wonder if Haku and Meiko will react the same way?" Neru said creaking her knuckles.

"I know Meiko will like her, but I don't know about Haku. She always seems out of it wen she's drunk or has a hangover from drinking," Miku said.

"I think Haku will find Luka okay. She'll just shy herself away from her, that's all," Neru told the aqua-haired teen.

"What makes you say that? Rin said that Haku's in her room recovering from a hangover like Meiko's doing."

"I'm talking, well, texting her over the pone right now."

Short, I know, but it's the first chapter, people. They're always short. Anyway, love it, hate it, think I should add something to it? Then send me a comment/review.

But if it's a bad one, then I won't respond.

Have a great 2010!!