The next morning, Haku was still asleep with a slight headache from drinking last night. Luckily, she closed her blinds upwards so sunlight wouldn't come in and bother her or her minimum-sized hangover. Drool was running down the side of Haku's mouth as the silver-haired woman was in sub conscious sleep, she felt something heavy on her chest that made her begin to panic and think...

'Oh, god! I think I'm having a heart attack!' Haku immediately opened her eyes to see Luka sleeping with her head against the other woman's chest. Haku wonder why Luka was asleep in her bed until she remembered what happened last night and blushed. She allowed Luka to sleep with her fro the night who didn't mind the company at all as Haku was taking a breath in, smelling a faint scent of fresh tuna.

She smiled at the fragrant and unique smell inflating her nostrils when Haku was about to move Luka off of her. So, instead of doing that, Haku remained being laid on by Luka for a while longer as the crimson-eyed woman continued to smell Luka's tuna scent for a good five minutes in the silent room Haku and Luka shared for the night. She suddenly fell asleep where for once in her years of drinking, she felt content as she heard the soft sound of birds singing.

0 0 0 0 0

In the kitchen, Kaito was getting a half eaten bowl of ice cream and began to eat the rest half tiredly.

"Ugh. I gotta lay off the ice cream." Then, Kaito rethought of what he was thinking before saying aloud, "Nahhh!" As the blue-haired man saw Meiko walked into the kitchen with red eyes and messy hair from drinking beer late last night. "Well, if it isn't Miss Drunky McDrunk Pants."

"Shut-up," Meiko angrily told him making coffee, "Ugh, my head is killing me."

"Welcome to the club... Is everyone still asleep?"

"Yeah. Even the troublesome Kagamine Twins," Meiko said sitting next to Kaito and waiting for the coffee to be ready.

"I'm surprised to hear that."

"Yeah. I know."

Meiko's coffee was done as she poured herself a cup and drank it down without cooling the substance down.

"You know, you should wait until the coffee cool's down," Kaito told Meiko.

"I don't care. My tongue is too numb in the morning for me to feel anything from drinking too many beers," Meiko said drinking her still scolding hot coffee who felt it rush down her throat, "Hey. Speaking of drinking, is Haku up?"

Kaito shrugged. "I dunno. She's so quiet when she wakes up, she can be anywhere because of her being so light on her feet."

"True that, true that. She's like a ninja. Well, minus the skills of a ninja when she's sober, that is." Kaito agreed as Meiko chugged down the rest of her hot coffee.

"I might as well see if Haku's up or not."


Meiko puts down her cup before walking upstairs and going to Haku's closed door. Knocking on the door, the light brown-haired woman said, "Hey, Haku. You up or are you in the bathroom?"

0 0 0 0 0

In Haku's room, she could hear the sound of someone knocking on her door and Meiko's voice asking her if she's awake. Haku's eyes began to open at that and saw Luka's head still leaned against her chest as the silver-haired woman blushed at that who saw Luka slowly open her eyes from the knocking and talking that was coming outside of Haku's room.

While Haku remained silent, she saw Luka move her body around a bit before stretching herself out and yawning as she laid her head back on Haku's chest and looked up at the crimson-eyed woman.

"Good Morning."

"G-Good Morning," Haku said, "Did you sleep well?"

Luka nodded with a smile on her face. "Thanks to you, I was able to sleep peacefully." Haku blushed lightly at that as her and Luka got out of bed. Stretching to get her joints from being stiff, Haku couldn't help, but stare at Luka's clotheless form. Luka was wearing a black bra with a pair of black underwear as the singer saw this and smiled at what Haku was looking at.

"You like my underwear?" Luka said as Haku blushed again hearing this.

"N-No. I wasn't looking there," She said covering her face with her blanket as Luka lightly laughed at that and walked to Haku's closet, "H-Hey. What are you doing in my closet?"

"Nothing. Just looking to see what you have is all," Luka said looking at Haku's clothing in the closet as Haku was slowly rising from being in bed. She still felt her head lightly pounding from drinking last night.

'Well, at least it's not as bad as it usually i- huh?" Haku looks to see Luka holding up a dark purple bra. "Hey! Th-That's my bra!" She exclaimed jumping out of bed and taking the lingerie away from Luka with a red face.

"Oh? You seem bigger than most of your friends, though," Luka said as Haku's face turned dark red at that.

Luka smiled and giggled at Haku's shyness as she trailed her blue eyes up and down Haku's body and what she was wearing. Haku wore a long black shirt that was unbuttoned, revealing a black bra. The grey-headed adult wasn't wearing any pants or shorts where Luka saw Haku wearing a black pair of underwear. Luka could also see how good Haku's figure was that made the pinkette smile even more who saw a faded scar on the left side of Haku's stomach.

"Hey, Haku. How did you get that scar?"

"What scar?" Haku looks on her body to see on what Luka was talking about.

"This one." Luka lightly pokes at Haku's stomach as it made the red-eyed woman jump from the gentle touch. The scar is almost in the shape of a narrowed sideways 'I' that was running across her midsection.

"O-Oh. I got that two years ago when I got into a fight with someone. Unfortunately, I don't know who, though because when I sobered up, I found myself lying next to the bar I usually go, with the fresh wound on my stomach," Haku explained.

"Wow. Where you able to fine out who attacked you like that?" Luka wondered.

"No. I was too drunk to remember his face from when it happened. Besides, it happened about two to three years ago, so I'm fine," Haku said who heard Meiko knock on her door again.

"Hey, Haku. You up yet or still sleeping from your drinking again," She said through the door.

"Yeah, I'm up, Meiko. I'll be out in a little bit," Haku called out.

"Okay. If you see Luka, tell her the same thing. I'm gonna get something for this damn headache," Meiko said mumbling her last statement before walking off to the kitchen.

Luka smiled. "Your friend really cares about you."

"You could say that. She's just making sure I don't overdrink with the sake I have every night," Haku said as Luka put her clothes on.