Always loved that he just popped in at random moments when there's really no need for him to be there (except to argue with Kirk or Spock when something dangerous happens). And I wonder about that first time he came up, what the crew's reactions were...maybe I'll expand this one. Maybe.

Life is But a Dream

Characters: Leonard McCoy, Bridge Crew


The first time Doctor McCoy showed up on the Bridge heads turned. Kirk's first thought was medical emergency, and he barked, "Report, Doctor."

McCoy stopped mid-step, hands clasped loosely behind his back, a look of bemusement crossing his face.

"Nothing to report," he drawled.

Kirk frowned. "Then what is it?"

McCoy shrugged. "What's going on up here?"

Spock raised an eyebrow from Science, but when McCoy wandered over he was gracious enough to explain the system they were mapping.

Soon, heads no longer turned. Medico on the Bridge wasn't protocol, but Doc was different. He was part of the family.