Hey, guys! This will be multi-chapter, it's a year of emails between the Skye sisters, set in AJ time.

Title: Emails to Europe
Rating: K (slght possiblity of change in later chapters, nothing above K+ I don't think)
Genre: Friendship, but involving romance
Pairings: Lana/Miles, Ema/Klaveir

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing, and will continue to own nothing in the following chapters. Everything belongs to Capcom. *sigh*

01/01/2010 6:42 pm

To Lana,

It's my new year's resolution to email you more. Are you having fun in Europe? I must admit it's strange, you not being here - works all right, I guess. Not getting to work with the forensic team is a put-down, and it doesn't help that I don't like my boss. Not one bit.

Your sister, Ema 3


03/01/2010 3:39 pm


I'm finding Germany extremely pleasant. I enjoy studying law further, and I was visiting a well-known German courthouse when I bumped into a certain Miles Edgeworth.

Why don't you like your boss? Which prosecutor do you work for?

Ever loving, Lana.


03/01/2010 7:44 pm

OMG Lana you met MILES EDGEWORTH? You are so lucky! What happened? What did you talk about? Seriously you are SO lucky! :-O

From your jealous sister, Ema.


04/01/2010 9:20 am


When are you going to get over your crush on Miles Edgeworth? It was nothing much, we just went out for coffee (or in his case, tea) and a catch-up. No big deal.

You're still avoiding my question, intentionally or not. Which prosecutor do you work for?

Increasingly exasperated, Lana. X


04/01/2010 12:30 pm

To Lana

Don't you realise how lucky you are to be on speaking terms with THE Miles Edgeworth? And I don't have a crush on him, thank you very much. I just think he is an important, historical person. With nice hair.

I work for a glimmerous fop by the name of Klavier Gavin. He really gets on my nerves.

From Ema xxx


05/01/2010 9:42 pm

To Ema

I went to the Berlin Cathedral today. It was beautiful. I'm not one for sightseeing, but how could I not visit it? I'm enjoying my stay, and I'm learning a lot about German society.

As far as I know, Klavier Gavin is very gifted at both the jobs he does. Why does he stop you from enjoying your job?



06/01/2010 5:09 pm

To Lana,

Reasons why Klavier Gavin annoys me:
- He insists on using words I don't understand
-He doesn't act like he takes his job very seriously
-His fan girls trample my crime scenes
-His music is just noise
-He takes advantage of my position by giving me useless jobs like security at his stupid concerts
-He steals my snackoos
-He deliberately winds me up
-He flirts with me
-He is 100% glimmerous fop

That enough reasons for you? Ema.


06/01/2010 7:22 pm


I don't want to be the one to break it to you, but as your sister it's my job. It sounds like Klavier Gavin has a crush on you. It's not an easy subject to give advice on, but I'd be careful, as he is your boss. It's wrong of him to flirt with you in the workplace, but stealing one of your snacks really isn't a crime. Give the poor guy a break.



07/01/2010 5:54 pm

Lana, I have to break it to YOU, but you're WRONG!!!! Klavier Gavin does not have a crush on me. That would be too weird for words. Anyway, the fop's like that to everyone, but because they all worship at his feet they just don't notice.

Tell me some more about Germany - this topic is making me awkward.

Ema :)


10/01/2010 6:30 pm


Ok, if you say so, I guess you know more about his actions than me.

I'm pleased to say that I've got a job. I'm not working on a murder case, at current, but I'm doing some rather boring work on property ownership. It's lucky that I am almost fluent at German by now. Sadly, this means I'll be quite busy, but I'll still answer your emails when they come.

Stay out of trouble, and it's not nice to call your boss a "fop".

Lana xxx


11/01/2010 7:22 pm


You can't sway me, he is a fop, and that's what I'll call him if I want, and what do you mean, stay out of trouble? I'm not sixteen anymore!

Its great news about the job, I'm really pleased for you. We've got a rather big murder case on our hands at the moment. The fop's being a real nuisance, breathing down my neck. He doesn't want to lose to Apollo again. This means that I'll be quite busy, too! You know, I think this is the longest I've stuck to a new year's resolution? Shame I'll be working too hard to really stick to it now.



16/01/2010 9:24 pm


I'm glad I finally found the time to write to you. It's all been pretty hectic, and this is the first time I've been free to sit and send you an email. Who's this "Apollo" then? Why would you be on first-name terms with your boss' rival? Unless there's something going on between you. I'm interested to know, especially since your reaction to my statement of Mr. Gavin having a crush on you.





There is nothing going on between me and Apollo. I only call him by his first name because he asked me too, and bought me some fingerprint powder. Not any powder though! It was the stuff I used in the case with Mr Wright. He's lost his badge, and taken on Apollo Justice as an apprentice. Weirdest thing is, he had a daughter! She has to be adopted or something, because he's too young to have a teenage daughter, and he didn't have a daughter when we met him.

Mr Gavin has been getting on my nerves even more than normal recently. He's bringing those flipping' fan girls with him everywhere, and he's made a habit of snatching one of my snackoos when he walks past and I have a bag with me. You think, as a famous rock star and prosecutor he could afford his own snacks, don't you?

Anything new happening in Germany? Talked anymore to Mr Edgeworth?



10/02/2010 6:22 pm


Where are you? You didn't reply to your last email, it's been ages since you wrote. The fop is driving me insane. Today I found a bag of snackoos on my desk. Valentines' edition. It was soooooo embarrassing, as everyone was asking who they were from. They didn't have a note, but my bet is they were from the fop, because he winked at me when I said I had no idea. Why give me snackoos when it's not even Valentine's day?

Write back soon, Ema


11/02/2010 8:14 pm


I have some fantastic news. I'm so sorry that I haven't been emailing, work is so overpowering! But the most amazing thing happened yesterday. Just promise me you're ok with it. Miles called me up, asking if I would like to go out to dinner with him. Don't freak out, please Ema. I'm quite pleased myself, but if it's too weird, me dating your childhood crush, then that's ok, and we can remain just friends.



13/02/2010 4:56 pm

Oh WOW, Lana! You and Mr Edgeworth! That's fantastic! I've told you before - I don't have a crush on him, I just kind of idolise him, I guess. That's such fantastic news! You and Mr. Edgeworth falling in love, getting married, having kids. It's so cute, and I'm really, really happy for you!

Annoyingly, I've received 2 more snackoo packets. I'm absolutely sure they're from the fop, the last ones had a little tag with the letter "k" on it. I don't know why he's doing it. To annoy me, maybe? There can't be any other reason.

Annoyed to the bone, but happy about your date with Mr. Edgeworth, that's me. Ema.

14/02/2010 7:34 pm


I've just got back from a date with APOLLO JUSTICE! Yeah, I know we're just friends, and it wasn't really a date, and I guess I was kind of using him, and I feel kinda bad now. But I'll explain it to you, I promise - I'll explain my weird day for you.

As you know, I'm one for sticking to tradition. It's my tradition not to have a date on valentine's day. I never get asked, and I don't ask anyone. I like it that way.

Today there was a bouquet of roses on my desk, but no snackoos, if you were interested. I'm sure they're from the fop - a joke, I guess. They were quite pretty, so I put them in a vase on my desk. He asked me if I was doing anything tonight. I told the fop my tradition, and he started to laugh and tease me about how I couldn't get a date. It was mean and not really like him to actually make fun of me, rather than just wind me up until I want to smack him.

There's been another really brutal murder. I had to go and examine the scene, and surprise, surprise Apollo was there with Mr. Wright's kid. We were chatting and he was trying to persuade me to let him use my x-ray whatsit. I was in a really bad mood, and when he asked I told him about the fop's remarks. He was kind of awkward.

Just then the fop arrives at the scene and without thinking I ask Apollo out on a date, to prove to the fop I can get a date. So Apollo agreed. Mr Wright's kid, Trucy, started to giggle hysterically, but then the fop just went away, so that was good. I dunno if he heard.

I feel a bit mean calling him a fop from this point onwards, actually, so I'll revert to Mr. Gavin.

So when I got back to the office to do some paperwork I wasn't expecting anything. If Mr. Gavin had heard about the date I had with Apollo, maybe he'd shut up, but apart from that... Thing is, Mr. Gavin was all icy when I gave him the case files. He called me "Ms. Skye" rather than Fraulein, like normal (embarrassingly), and was completely stern. No jokes, no flirts, no random German words.

I'm completely fed up with him. Why act so cold? Anyway, my "Date" with Apollo was a complete disaster. He pretty much worked out my "plan" before I had myself. Stupid lawyers. Why'd he have to practically cross-examine me? This is his theory:

I hated that I was dateless. I spotted Klavier and asked Apollo out to make Klavier jealous.

I got angry and left, but I can't help but realise he was right. Not about the jealous thing, but I did use him to annoy Klavier. I went to Mr. Wright's place (Apollo's always handing out there) and told him sorry, and that he was right (mostly). He looked so smug, and I swear both Trucy and Mr Wright were listening in.

Doesn't explain why Mr. Gavin was so cold, though. It's more his style to mock me about my choice of date, not blank me out.

Help sis! I prefer a glimmerous fop to a boss that completely blanks me!



It's hard to tell stories but keep them written as an email. I hope I did ok. Reveiw, please, as I won't continue with the story if nobody likes it.