Have I ever told you that I hate summer school? Well now you know.

Do I strike you as a middle aged guy? Didn't think so

When I got to the big house, I had to be extra careful with my footing. I really did not want to have a screaming Mr. D on my hands with a side of disappointed Chiron. I knew I was doing the right thing. I think. Whatever, I just want to get this conversation over with so that I can get away without any other campers knowing. As I made my trek up the staircase, I decided to just speed up time around me so that if I did make a sound, I wouldn't be caught so easily.

I got up to Rachel's bedroom door. She gives me the creeps because of the whole green smoke thing. I knocked on the door twice quickly with precision. I waited twenty seconds. No answer. Figures.

I opened the door as quietly as possible and crept inside. She was sound asleep, no trace of jitteriness in her.

Rachel's room was … interesting. The walls were covered in different paintings that were no doubt painted by the oracle herself. The whole back wall was dedicated to splatter-painting, with many strangely shaped and cut-off splats of different color paints on a canvas wall with plastic on the ground going to about three feet out from the wall. Under the window on the right wall of her room, was the oracle.

I went up and, quietly as possible, shook her awake. She woke with a start and looked around frantically, pulling out a celestial bronze knife in the process. I guess it was a gift from Apollo, seeing as it had a golden carved sun on the hilt.

"Whoa! Calm down girl! I only want a prophecy," I whisper-yell-explained.

She put the knife away and suddenly jerked upright in a sitting position, stared unseeingly from newly green eyes, and opened her mouth to let out the smoke from inside her.

"The dreams will call one to the place

That stores the powers of disgrace.

Four will follow, mad and wild

To make sure they save this child.

One gets injured, very ill

And one, by their father, is killed.

A soul will cure the one who's ill

And the ruler of the gods will forever stay still.

A child will live with a part of the one who's dead

And learn to control it in the end."

"Thanks Rachel," I said as she returned to normal. She only slumped back into sleep.

I turned around to go back downstairs, but was met with Chiron. He was standing in the doorway, looking very concerned.

"Did you hear the whole thing?" I asked him. He shook his head, so I retold him the prophecy. He only responded with a very concerned look, and an order to start packing.

I went back to my cabin and packed the essentials, the only thing going through my head was trying to make sense of the prophecy. As I ran back towards the big house, I thought I saw something move in the shadows, but ignored it.

I met up with Chiron on the front steps of the big house. A sudden ADHD driven thought popped into my head.

"Why was this prophecy so long?" I asked him.

He answered quickly while giving me a bag of drachmas and a purse (gold) with 500 American dollars in it, "Apollo got tired of haikus. Now go. Go before anyone sees you. Hurry! Take your vehicle and don't go on planes or boats."

I knew the drill. Whatever, it's only precautionary.

So then I set off to find my so-called "real" father.


I had been driving for a few hours now, over bridges and across freeways as I watched the sunrise out of the corner of my eye. Right now it was 10:34 and twenty-two seconds (I could tell because of my powers of time) and I was so hungry, my stomach wouldn't stop growling for even a second.

I came across a town called Whitehall on the edge of New York, next to Vermont. I came to a pizza place with an unimportant name, as I figured it was just another pizza place.

I walked in and was met with the immediate feeling of danger. As I looked around, all I could decipher was that there were two booths that were used, and seven workers. A little too many, if you ask me. I ordered a slice of pepperoni to go and waited patiently for it to come. Well, as patient as and ADHD ridden kid could be. One of the workers, who were all boys about 17-20 yrs., handed me my pizza and that's when it all went downhill.

I grabbed my pizza slice and the other six workers came up behind the one that handed me my food. They all started growing at an immeasurable rate and in five agonizingly long seconds, seven lastrigonions were standing in front of me. I pulled out my sword and the fight was on.

The first two were gone in mere seconds, and I got two more with a forceful jab because the idiots were standing with one literally right behind the other. In other words, they died as shish kabobs. The last three all went down in one major power slice that I learned from Zelda: Twilight Princess. I must say, these guys were not properly trained. The mortals, luckily, didn't notice a thing, and I left the restaurant in peace, eating my pizza-breakfast contentedly.

I'm sorry about the shortness but I'm out of actiony ideas at the moment because I'm also helping a friend with ideas for a story that she wants published. I was thinking of making this story 15 chapters with a possible epilogue so that the only one who would be able to continue this story would be the owner of M&M, also known as daughterofposeidon32498. I hope you liked it!