
Final Fantasy IX


I do not own FFIX. If I did then Kuja would NOT have looked like a he/she/it (seriously, that man was more feminine than I am. Maybe not saying much, but still…)


Honestly, I have no idea where this is going. Broadly, this is based within the context of game. Please note that I will probably not bother to recap what is already in the game's cutscenes (I'm assuming that everyone reading this is familiar with the game's events). In case you get lost, I will have posted at the beginning of each chapter what major event has just occurred in the game. Enjoy!

Immediately after the Festival of the Hunt in Disk One…


Garnet watched the flower girl with the scrutiny of an actress studying for a role. Of course, this was not far from the truth. Bred and raised in Alexandria Castle, Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII was unused to the speech and cadence of commoners. Although she did not belittle their existence, she had never been permitted to mingle with the masses. As a consequence, she was uncertain how to "blend in," and present circumstances demanded that she "blend."

"How's it going, Dagger?"

It took her a full second to remember that 'Dagger' was her new name.
I may be—" she paused, catching herself. "I think I am beginning to—"

Zidane smiled encouragingly. "You're getting the hang of it?"

Dagger nodded. "I'm getting the hang of it," she repeated as naturally as possible. To prove her point, Dagger strolled across the street in what she judged to be a fair imitation of the flower girl. Proud of her accomplishment, she struck up a conversation with a little boy on a whim. "It's nice outside today."

The boy blinked up at her and grinned. "Sure is!" he enthused, reaching behind his back. "Here's a present!" Dagger was mildly surprised as an oglop was hurled at her. She was rather inclined to like oglops given that her uncle Cid had been transformed into one. However, Dagger had learned her lesson well from the garden path in Dali Village. She knew the correct response. All at once, Dagger screeched in terror and thrust her out her hands to protect herself from the harmless, bald bug. She felt a small twinge of regret as the oglop rebounded off her hand and landed unceremoniously in a mud puddle. Delighted, the little boy quickly scooped up the oglop and ran away laughing.

"Get back here, you snot-nosed kid!" Zidane yelled, suddenly at her side. The look of concern on his face only made Dagger happier. If she had fooled him, then she really was 'getting the hand of this.' Zidane frowned at the smile that was plastered across her face. "That was an act? Wow, Dagger, you're really coming along. Say, maybe when this is all over you could perform with Tantalus."


"Of course," he promised. "Ruby's started her own theatre now, and Boss will be looking for a new leading lady. You'll be perfect for the part!"

Dagger smiled but her tone turned serious. "Thank you, Zidane." As she walked away, Dagger had the distinct impression that Zidane did not understand her sudden shift in mood. She wanted to act with Tantalus, explore the world, and live her life as Dagger. But she wasn't Dagger. She was Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, and when 'this was all over,' she would have to return to that life. "We should get back to the inn," she decided, forcing a lighter tone. "Steiner and Vivi should be done exploring the city by now."

Zidane nodded, but he didn't miss that Dagger's smile didn't reach her eyes.

* * *

Vivi had never been in a city as big as Lindblum. He had been overwhelmed in Alexandria, but Lindblum made Alexandria look about the size of the cave where he had lived with grandfather Quan until—Vivi shook his head to stop that train of thought. "This is a big sword," he commented to shift his focus. In a second, Steiner was leaning over the specimen, examining the blade.

"This sword is completely impractical," the knight loudly proclaimed, pointing at the blade for emphasis. "It looks like it's been cut in half! A blacksmith in Alexandria would never be caught selling such shoddy equipment."

"Pipe down, Rusty," Zidane announced his entrance. "Besides, I once saw a spiky haired guy with a sword just like that. He inspired me to learn to fight in the first place. Too bad he didn't stick around." Always one to be interested in traveling swordsmen, Steiner remained quiet. Suppressing a grin, Zidane continued to tell the story to Vivi, "He could kill any monster with a single blow, and he had some real potential in the theatre. Boss offered him a job, but he said he was still searching for something."

"I would surely have heard of such a swordsman if he existed," Steiner declared staunchly.

Zidane shrugged. "Not likely. I heard he got trapped in an avalanche crossing the Aerbs Mountains. Bad way to go." Score: Zidane - 16, Rusty - 0. "Anyway, I came to find you guys. The oglop wants all four of us present when he names me the winner of the Festival of the Hunt."

Steiner shot him what was obviously meant to be a murderous look. He really needed to work on his glaring technique. "What do you mean, 'all four of us?' Zidane swear to me that the-person-I-cannot-name-whom-I-will-escort-back-to-Alexandria-Castle is with Regent Cid!"

Zidane assumed a relaxed atmosphere just to see the vein throb in Rusty's temple. "Dagger? She's waiting for us at the inn."

The vein practically popped out of the skin. "You mean to tell me that you left the princess alone in a strange city!"

Zidane smirked. If Rusty didn't look so ridiculous all of the time, him flaunting the fact that Alexandria's 'kidnapped' princess wasn't a district away might be taken seriously by the near-deaf crowd. As it was…"Okay, Rusty, you win." Confused, Steiner stopped in his rant. "If you really want Dagger and I to be together that badly, then I promise to never leave her side again." Grinning, Zidane sprinted out of the armor shop before Rusty could think of a response.

* * *

The elaborate halls of Lindblum only served to remind Freya of Burmecia. She frowned at that. Everything seemed to be reminding her of Burmecia lately. Zidane's sudden appearance hadn't helped matters – the pesky monkey – as she had first met him at the start of her quest to find Sir Fratley. Honestly, she was amused that Zidane had survived this long. Quick as he was, Zidane had a nose for trouble like no other creature she had encountered in her travels.

"Where is Zidane?" she questioned, mildly impatient. As runner-up in the Hunt, she had been invited to dine with the Regent. Truthfully, she wanted nothing more than to leave Lindblum. Sir Fratley was not here, but she had heard a rumor of a Burmecian knight headed toward the Ceebell River. Unfortunately, she was a knight of Burmecia, and to refuse an invitation from Lindblum's Regent would be a grave discourtesy. Still, the formalities could not begin without the Hunt's winner.

Freya's eyes shot to the doors as they opened, but it wasn't Zidane. Stifling a glare at the unsuspecting guards, Freya sighed heavily and stalked to the window. She could just see the Marshland from here. Even if she managed to leave before nightfall, she was at least six days behind Sir Fratley. Freya looked through the glass in frustration. After five years she was so close to catching up with him, but it seemed that whenever she got close something delayed her travels. Silently, Freya cursed herself for entering the Festival of the Hunt. Sir Fratley had never seen the point in entering such competitions, but Freya had always felt the need to test herself. That need probably just proved how weak she was, even after all this time.

The doors opened behind her, but given the lack of immediate outburst, Freya surmised that Zidane had yet to arrive. "Enjoying the view?" came a high-pitched, oily voice. Turning on her heel, Freya bowed her head in acknowledgement of Lindblum's newly transformed Regent. The over-sized oglop wobbled to her side, barely peering over the latticework lining the bottom of the windows. "I'm afraid that I bring news of Sir Fratley," the Regent continued, "A Burmecian of his description was seen entering the Marshland two days ago, but he has yet to emerge."

Freya looked sharply at the Regent. "I had heard he was moving toward the Ceebell River."

The Regent made a motion that might have been a nod for an oglop. "I had heard that rumor as well. I'm not sure what Sir Fratley is looking for in the Marshland, but not many Burmecians roam the world as they once did," he reasoned. "I trust my scouts' eyes."

Freya gazed at the Marshland with a new intensity. Less than a day's travel. Zidane had better arrive soon.