Helloo (:

Guess what? I got my laptop back! The police recieved a hit from a pawn shop, and it turned out to be my computer. The guy who stole it from the airport was arrested, and I got my computer back. The bad thing is though is that he deleted everything from my computer. I dont even have Microsoft Word anymore so instead im using Word Pad. That means that all my stories are now gone. I dont remember where I was going with them either.

So I would like to know if you want me to...

Continue my story from where I left off?


Start over. I can make the chapters longer and fix them up. Also incorperate some stuff that you guys would like or change some stuff?


Just end the story.

I hope you dont choose the last option...

Also Im thinking about having a beta? Im not sure yet. But these next few weeks might get a little hectec and well im only gunna behable to update once a week maybe. I have a life(; Not only that but im going on vacation and I cant take my computer cause of past experiences...

Lemme know watcha guys think/want. That means either:



Sarah (i hate using my username so theres my real one(:)