Please if your going to review do bear in mind this is my first fic and am still getting used to the program. Hope you like it!

What happened to Rose next?

Chapter 1- Graduation


As I walked past the stands were people were watching the guardian trials I noticed Adrian and Abe, a good friend and the man I now knew was my father, sitting together after watching me ace my guardian trials. I had been told by many people that I was going to pass my trials with flying colours, especially after my extra training sessions that I apparently didn't need at all, but I had felt I needed to keep active to stop me from thinking about my resent trip to Russia and to keep me in good form so next time I would actually beat Dimitri properly. Of course I didn't believe I stood much of a chance against the Strigoi Dimitri, after all I'd only beat him once when he was Dhampir. Sure I knew I would pass the trials fine, but I had one hell of a strong strigoi coming after me as soon as I was out of the wards, that was either going to kill me or worse turn me; So you never know if things are going to go right as a lot of things to do with me go wrong, so why not now?

Seeing my father and the man that said he loved me get on only reminded me how life could have been so different, but unfortunately this was my life were talking about here and Dimitri was practically dead. If only Dimitri wasn't one of the undead, a Strigoi, he could have been there talking to my father and giving me support through out my trials. Just picturing him there made my eyes water, thinking about the future we could have had together; But no I was the lucky one who had to have my boyfriend turned strigoi, who I was currently waiting for to hunt me down.

I also had to be the crazy one who was going to try and free Victor Dashkov from his cell in prison, after he attacked Lisa. I wanted to leave Victor there to rot away but this was my last hope of helping the Dimitri I loved to regain his soul. I only want to free Victor in the hopes that he will lead me to his half-brother Robert Doru, who was one of phew spirit users and claimed to know how to turn strigoi back.

I was interrupted from my reverie by the sound of Alberta's voice talking to me. I had grown accustomed to this voice as she had taken over my training since my return. "Congratulations Rose! That was by far the best performance today, maybe even in the history of the academy," Alberta spoke. "I'm proud that all your extra training sessions with me and Guardian Belikov have been put to good use."

That certainly caught my attention. Alberta giving compliments was rare even to Guardians, but to me a novice? Perhaps she was ill, coming down with something, maybe brain loss? I quickly thanked her before going of to find Lissa about this party she had promised after my trials, not that I was to interest to be honest I'd rather do some more training.

Before I could find Lissa through the bond Christian came over, who quickly congratulated me, before we were interrupted by Adrian asking, "You ready for a bit of fun at the party?"

"Sure, it's about time for some fun, but I'm off the drinks today, after all it would show a good impression if I got drunk after passing the trials", I sarcastically replied while trying to sound enthusiastic, but I knew as soon as I saw his face he could tell I totally wasn't into partying, damn him and his aura reading.

"Yes, but we all know you so want to be that party girl you used to be", teased Christian not realising I wasn't into having a party at all, I flicked his head with my hand to go along with the charade.

"Sure, well I suppose someone's got to be the responsible one to keep you guys in order", I replied. "Besides could do without the headache". The parties I used to go to were a blast at the time, but you would never remember in the morning nor want to when you start vomiting from the alcohol.

"Oh I forgot, you're mad enough with the ghosts let alone being drunk", Christian remarked with a teasing smile. It was quite scary really; we were fast becoming friends, especially after working together on the strigoi attack, his teasing smile just made our friendship more prominent.

"Hello Rose, how are you doing? And you Christian?" Abe asked coming up behind us, making Christian and Adrian jump.

Christian, not having a clue who this man was and how he knew us, cut to the chase and blurted out, "Who exactly are you?"

"Well this is Abe Mazur, a very successful businessman, who has come to watch his daughter's trials and to see an old friend", Adrian answered before Abe could answer. It looked like Abe had managed to skip the part about who his daughter was yet again, seriously was I that bad a daughter?

"Who's your daughter then? I probably know her", Christian asked nosily, looking generally interested.

"You didn't tell Adrian either?" I asked while glaring at my dad, before turning to face the boys as I explained. "Abe here is my dad, I met him in Russia, when I realised he was following me I thought someone back here must have hired him to find me, but found out differently when I had a word with mom, who noticed the scarf he gave me."

Christian looked shocked, while Adrian had absolute horrified expression that almost made me laugh, especially his eyes that were practically bulging from his eye sockets. After a couple of minutes recuperation Adrian came out with a horrified, "What!"

"Well this Adrian is my daughter Rose, I'm sure you've seen her before though", Abe said slowly in a mocking voice; well now I knew where I got my awesome remarks from.

Poor Adrian only managed to stutter back, "B….u….t Rose told me her dad was Turkish and you haven't got the same surname and who's your old friend Janine?"

"Well Janine and I, that's Rose's mother Guardian Hathaway and myself, never got married as she wanted to be a guardian and marriage would damage her carrier. I am actually Turkish by the way." Abe explained before gong into business mode. "You sir I would like a word with later, but for now I think we better get going to this party of yours Rose."

Adrian's in for it especially if he was talking about me to my dad while they were sitting next to each other.