I do not own any rights to X-Men characters or settings.

Rogue's Gamble

The Stakes are High

Blaring over the PA, "Mr. Saunders, sent Marie to the Main Office please."

"You heard her, Marie," Mr. Saunders handed the study guide to her on the way out.

"Thanks, Mr. Saunders." Clopping down the hall. What I do now?

Upon entering the office, Logan grunted. "Ms. Marie, Mr. Logan is here for you." Logan stepped up and signed out on the visitor's log.

"Com'on kid, I'm double parked. I brought the bike, hope it doesn't mess up your hair." Rogue loved the bike, she fantasized about learning how to ride it.

"Na I'll be alright. My hair doesn't look so hot today anyway." She put the helmet on. Pulling up her gloves more securely out of habit Mounting the bike, Rogue held tight as Logan gunned the engine. The purr, that's the best part.


Taking the helmet from Rogue, he noticed her eyeing the bike. "You're not allowed to look at my bike like that. It's off limits kid." She smiled deviously. "Come with me to Professor X's study."

"Logan I don't remember doing anything to get in trouble." Rogue ventured.

Before he knocked on the door, "you worry too much."

Professor Xavier's crisp friendly tones welcomed them. "Ah yes, Logan, Rogue please have a seat." Charles folded his hands on his blotter. "Now for the reason I brought you home. The scan yesterday indicated that only part of your brain is active during an attack." Charles studied her closely, making sure Rogue was calm.

"What does that mean?" Rogue asked cautiously.

Professor Xavier handed over a copy of the scan. "It means that an isolated portion of your brain controls that function. It might be possible to suppress activity in that area of the brain. Your ability is situated in the autonomic nervous system, more specifically in the somatosensory cortex system. Just to make sure you have full understanding. This means that it is directly tied into your sense of touch. With a combination of pre and post synaptic neurointerceptors we may be able to suppress that function. This is not without risk, it would most likely interfere with your sense of touch. A less appealing possibility is losing your sense of touch permanently, if it works at all." Both the Professor and Logan quietly gauged her reaction.

Rogue took a deep breath. "Well, that's certainly something." Examining the stitching of her gloves. "Can I go through a trial an' see if I can have a few moments of a normal life if that's possible. I'm willing to take the risk at this point. Even if it's only for a shot time," I need to be able to touch without hurting anyone. A thought occurred to her, "couldn't this have waited until I got home from school?"

Steepling his fingers, "I sensed that it would be best if you've had some time to digest this before everyone else returned home."

"Oh, yeah guess you got a point there." Picking her book-bag up, settling it on her shoulder. "Thanks Professor. I'm going to go be alone for a bit." Rogue dropped her bag off in her room and took off out the back door. Retreating to a favored mulberry tree, she climbed up and nestled into the fork. "Get, you." The spider scurried away from her vehemence. Rogue pulled her gloves off and touched the cotton fabric of her cargo pants. She could almost feel each thread, so sensitive her sense of touch had become. Rogue looked longingly at the mulberry tree, wanting to touch it. The tree was a living thing, it would likely suffer the effects of her power. Mosquitos foolish enough to attack a patch of skin always died, not that she felt sorry for the blood sucking vermin.

Rogue had never been able to go to the butterfly show. Resentful remembering Kitty and perfect Jean coming back from the butterfly show with pictures of them covered in beautifully colored butterflies. The only pet she was ever likely to have is a pet rock. Her luck was just rotten. They don't even appreciate what they have. That I'll never have. Was that really a question, am I willing to risk it. Rogue thought angrily. Yeah, I'll risk it. If it works and I lose my sense of touch permanently I'll at least be able to console myself with loads of kissing. Rogue was glad she was alone, blushing was a very un-Rogue thing to do. On the other hand, it might not work and still lose her sense of touch. That might be too much to bear. What am I doing thinking about the worse case scenario? I should be thinking about begin able to take my gloves off in the middle of a crowed room, or wear a spaghetti strap tank. I wouldn't have to go to the beach dressed like a leopar. Sliding her gloves onto her hands, over her wrists and past her elbows, she climbed down.

It looked like everyone was home. "Kurt you seen the Prof?" Mr. Blue-and-fuzzy shrugged.

"I can help you find him." Kurt grinned so that his extra large canines showed.

"Alright, that'd be fine." Kurt grabbed hold of her securely and they pooffed around the Institute until they found him in the garden taking tea. "Thanks Kurt, I owe you one." She chucked Kurt on the chin. ~Poof.~ "Professor I've thought about it some more and I've decided that it is definitely a risk I'm willing to take. Just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it." The Professor offered Rogue tea, but she declined.

"Rogue I hope you have given this a great deal of thought. It may have permanent consequences." Charles sipped at his tea covertly looking for any uncertainty in her features. Seeing none he continued, "you and Logan will come to my study after dinner so we can discuss the plan."

"Logan, Sir?" She didn't mean any rudeness, but was unsure of what to make of Logan's involvement.

"Yes Rogue, Logan's mutation makes him a perfect candidate for testing." Charles was neither surprised by the question or the manner in which she relaxed upon its answer. "Do you have any other questions for me?"

Smiling wanly, "have you spoke to Logan yet?"

The Professor inclined his head. "I have, and I'm confident he is aware of the risks."

Feeling unaccountably shy, thinking about touching Logan with her bare skin. "When do we start?"

"I will need another week or two to formulate the neurointerceptors for our purpose. In the meantime it is a waiting game, for you. Rogue, I want you to know, that you can change your mind any time between now and when the first dose is administered. In all likelihood multiple doses will be needed to achieve any kind of affect. Even then, you can change your mind should you become uncomfortable with the risks or anything else for that matter."

Standing to go Rogue lay a hand on the Professor's shoulder, "thanks Professor X."

Rogue picked her way out of the garden onto the terrace. Mired in her own thoughts she hadn't realized Logan was watching her. "Hey kid. I guess Charles talked to you already." Rogue nodded mutely. Thinking she needed reassurance, "I'm sure the Professor knows what he's doing, Rogue. I think if anyone can help you it's him."

"I appreciate what you're doing Logan, you know you don't have to be a lab rat." Rogue was distinctly uncomfortable. She'd had too many experiences of receiving memories and thoughts best left unshared, to be truly excited. Deep in her heart Rogue harbored a fear that one day her gift would turn on her, spewing forth her memories and other stuff best not shared.

"I do have to be the lab rat. No one else can do it, it'd be too risky. I can't imagine what you go through, the sense of touch is something everyone takes for granted." Logan stared out across the rolling lawn. "Me included."

"Ah, yeah thanks Logan. It ain't a picnic." Rogue's discomfort grew, "I need to study for a test, I'll see you later."


Safely ensconced in her room, Rogue slid off her gloves. Figuring she should stick to what she said, Rogue pulled out the study guide Mr. Saunders gave her.

AN/This is my first in the print X-men Fanfic. Rogue is by far my favorite character.