Love for the Unloved

He is dangerous, he is scary, he is powerful, he is Gaara of the sand. Why do I have to be stuck with someone like him? Sakura thought to herself, then she looked at Gaara.

"What do you want?" What an annoying girl...sheesh. Gaara thought to himself, and glared at Sakura who was just stareing at him. "What?!"

"N...Nothing! I'm sorry!." Sakura stuttered. Sheesh whats stuck up his ass? Gaara stopped walking and looks at Sakura.

"We aren't even halfway there yet and already your stareing at me I'm...some sort of monster!" Gaara yelled, and Sakura blinked confused.

"What?'s just...that I-" She started but then got so rudely interupted by Gaara.

"You what?! Your afraid of dying?! That's it isin't it?! All because of the damn Shukaku weaklings like you are afraid of me!...It's probably best..." Gaara said annoyed as hell.

"Actually...I completly forgot about the Shukaku...I'm sorry Gaara." Sakura said pitying him a little. Does he even have any friends? They both walked in silence the rest of the way, and then suddenly Gaara uses his sand to stop Sakura. "What is it Gaara?" I don't sense anything... Gaara and Sakura were on their way to resuce Naruto Uzumaki, whom was attempting to rescue Sasuke Uchiha from Orochimaru. Right after Sakura said that Naruto landed in the spot she was going to walk. "N...Naruto-kun?" She asked confused to see him so soon, and he looked at her.

"Sakura-chan!...Hey...why are you here?" Naruto asked with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"We came here to rescue you Naruto...and help you bring back Sasuke-kun." She said smiling.

"...Speaking of him where is he?" Gaara said bored.

"I just so happen to be right here!" Sasuke said jumping down from a tree and he looks at Naruto. Damn you Naruto...why do you come back?! After all the warnings I give you! Why do you keep coming back?! "Leave, before I have to kill you just like I did Itachi." He said grabbing his sword.

"Well then we will have to fight, I am bringing you back Sasuke! Even if I lose my life doing so!" Naruto yelled confident in himself.

"Why?" Sasuke said his eyes dull and his voice emotionless. "Why?!"

"Because Sasuke! We are best friends! We are teammates! I'll do anything to bring you back! Damn it!" Naruto said as he punches Sasuke. The two fought for awhile and after Naruto gets beat to a bloody pulp Gaara steps in and knocks out Sasuke a few minutes later.

"Get Uzumaki, i'll get Uchiha." Gaara said picking up Sasuke. Then a few minutes later they were on their way back to the hidden leaf village.

They were all in the infirmary now and Tsunade just walked in. "How is Sasuke doing? Is he awake yet? Also is Naruto healing well?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

"From what I can tell they are both okay...just still asleep thats all." Sakura said sitting next to Sasuke's bedside. Tsunade nods and looks at Gaara whose leaning against the wall staying away from everyone.

"I thank you Gaara, for helping us bring back Sasuke Uchiha, I contacted your village and they said you will be able to return in a month." She said and she steps back in fear at the look on Gaara's face.

"Fucking brilliant! Who the hell am I staying with?!" Gaara yelled annoyed and pissed off at the same time.What's going on at my village that I wouldn't be able to return? What a pain.

"'ll staying with me." Sakura said and she flinches when Gaara looks at her. What an ass!

"Fucking wonde-" Gaara was interupted by Hinata who ran into the room.

"I...uh...heard that...Naruto-Kun was hurt." Hinata said shyly then she looks over at Naruto and runs over to him. "N...Naruto?" She said unsure if he could hear her, and Naruto slowly opened his eyes.

"H...Hinata?...Is that you? W...What are you...doing here?" Naruto weakly said. The now awake Sasuke groaned.

"I...Isin' obvious...god damn...Hinata loves you Naruto." Sasuke barely said and sighed when Hinata starts stuttering. Then Naruto looks at Hinata and smiles leaning his face towards her.

"H...Hinata...why didn't you say so?...I...I've liked you...for awhile now." He said smiling then he kisses Hinata. Then Sakura stands up hurt.

D...Doesn't...anyone like me?! Sakura thought to herself before running out of the room crying. Gaara watched her run out of the room a little shocked that no one was going after her, so he decided to follow her himself.

"Sakura?" Gaara called out. Where is that annoying girl?! Suddenly Gaara heard crying and he followed it walking a little faster now. "Sakura?" Gaara was shocked to suddenly be hugged by a crying Sakura. Why didn't my sand block her? "A...Are you okay Sakura?" He asked confused, and once Sakura realized who it was she jumped back shocked herself.

"I...I'm sorry Gaara...I uh were someone else." She said wiping away her tears. Gaara just shook his head.

"It's fine about we get your mind off of Uchiha and Uzumaki and you give me a tour of your house? I'll just camp out in the living room since I can't sleep." He said rubbing his head, and when he sees her nod he follows her to her house.

"Hey Gaara..." Sakura waits until he looks at her. "Doesn't it suck to not sleep?..."

"Not really...I got use to it...there's just nothing to do...everyones asleep...but not like that really matters, I don't have any friends so I just do what I do when it's daylight." Gaara shrugged and went over to the couch and sits down. "Hope you don't mind, even if you do I don't really care." Sakura sighs.

"Gaara, why are you such an ass all the time?" Sakura asked innocently and flinches when Gaara glares at her.

"I don't need love or affection Sakura Haruno, I don't need friends, and I don't need you! Once this month is over i'm gone!" Fucking annoying piece of shit.

"Your so's quite sad, does the panda need a friend?" She said making a pouting face.

"What the fuck?! Panda?...Where the fuck did you come up with that?!" Gaara asked confused and annoyed. Sakura just smiled and grabbed his hand leading him to the bathroom. W...What the fuck is she doing?!

"Look in the mirror Gaara...what do you see?" She said amused and Gaara looked in the mirror.

"I see a monster." Gaara said frowning.

"Gaara, don't think so low of yourself, if you were more open and maybe smiled the lonely panda would have friends" Gaara looked at Sakura confused about how she could be so happy.

"How am I a panda Sakura?" He asked still confused. I'm actually kinda curious now. She just smiled and held up a finger signaling to wait a minute and then she runs out of the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later with a picture of a panda and walks back over to Gaara.

"Look at the panda then look at your reflection, don't you kinda see a resemblence?" Gaara looked at the picture for a few minutes then he looked at his reflection.

"I guess so..." Gaara said still looking at his reflection. Well...I have the black around my eyes like a panda...I guess I could be a panda. He looks at Sakura. "Sorry you were saying what? I didn't hear you."

"I was saying that you would look kinda cute in a panda costume." Sakura smiles and Gaara frowns.

"Why the hell would I wear a panda costume?! That's just werid!" What the hell?!

"I'm sorry mr grumpy panda." Sakura yawns. "I'm going to go to bed."

"Alright...good night." Gaara watched Sakura walk out and waited until he heard her bedroom door shut before he walks out into the living room.

Maybe Gaara isin't so bad... The was the last thought that passed through Sakura's mind before she was fast asleep dreaming about Gaara.

Why do I keep thinking about that pink hairded werido? She doesn't seem afraid of me...panda...why did she bring that up? If anyone else called me a panda they would be dead...why didn't I kill her? Gaara spent his night thinking about Sakura and Sakura spent hers dreaming of Gaara. Sakura woke up in the morning and saw Gaara standing over her with a blanket. Uhhh...

"Gaara! What are you doing?!" Oh my god! What the hell!

"I'm sorry." He said then he dropped the blanket. "You looked I thought that you would like an extra blanket." Gaara said and shrugs.

"Oh...well then I guess it's okay...I...I wasn't talking in my sleep was I?!" She said nervously and Gaara smiled a little.

"Nope not at all." I'm so not going to tell her that she kept on saying my name...which is werid enough. All of a sudden there was a loud crashing sound and Sasuke came running into the room. "Uchiha...what the fuck do you want?!" Gaara said growling.

"What the hell are you doing in here Gaara?! Exspecially with Sakura!" Sasuke yelled balling his hands into fists.

"Why the hell do you care?" Gaara asked amused. Sasuke blinked and crossed his arms then he looked at Sakura who was still in bed.

"Get up and hide me damn it." He demanded.

"Hide you? From what?" Sakura said getting up.

"From Ino thats what! She heard I was hurt and then she came running into the ifirmary and I finally escaped! She's going to find me! Hide me!" I'm in no mood to deal with Ino...or Sakura to be honest. Sakura sighs and goes over to Sasuke grabbing his arm and starts leading him somewhere. Why is she touching me? Ugh. She stops at the attic and pulls the staris down. "I'm going to be up there?" Pathetic.

"Yes you are, and don't complain or else I tie you to a pole in the middle of the street and let Ino get you." Fucking ass. After that little statement Sasuke didn't complain and climbed up the stairs into the attic. "I'll bring you food...eventually." Sakura said closing it and she looks at Gaara who was watching the whole thing.

"Does that happen all the time?" He asked with a slight smile.

"The Ino thing or the Sasuke thing?" Sakura sighs before continueing "Ino and I use to always be after Sasuke...I guess I just eventually got tired of him telling me off and gave up. This is the second time Sasuke asked me to hide him."

"Why do you do it?" Gaara asked confused about why she looks sad.

"I guess I do it to keep Sasuke away from Ino the longest I can." Why am I telling Gaara all about this?