A/n – Thanks everyone again for the lovely reviews and faves, seriously I'm just overwhelmed by how much everyone has enjoyed this!

And thanks too for the little reminders to get my ass into gear! Just settled into my new job so things will continue to be a little crazy…

I hope you all enjoy this final extra! (:

Please note – Once again mature sexual content.

Extra Two – Big Spender!

"Hey, Naruto? Did you buy a car?"

It was a Tuesday morning and Naruto had just arrived in for work, the lifts closing behind him as he made his way over to his office space. He had been in the process of booting up his computer when the question had frozen him in place, his heart already beating faster and his face hot with just the slightest touch of embarrassment.

After a short pause, Naruto came back to himself and turned in his chair to answer Sakura, his team leader who was standing behind him.

"Ah, no actually…I…sort of won the lottery the other day…down at Tadashi's on the corner," He smiled, hoping the lie didn't ring false. He had done some research, just in case someone had noticed him being chauffeur driven to work and he'd miraculously discovered that Tadashi's Grocer store did weekly lotto draws for customers…

"Oh, wow! How lucky for you!" Replied Sakura as she practically squealed at him with delight. "It's such an expensive car too; I never knew Tadashi's gave out such extravagant prizes…"

Naruto gulped, quickly searching for a reasonable explanation. "Oh, no, I don't actually own the car! The prize was just that the company who owns it will drive me anywhere I want for a month or so…and since I have to work, well – " He laughed, "This is all they can drive me to!"

"I get it," Sakura nodded, still quite satisfied with Naruto's answer, "that makes more sense – considering how expensive those cars are to buy! But still, a great prize all the same."

She smiled once more before moving away between the cubicles, leaving Naruto somewhat exhausted and slightly out of breath.

He'd been dating Sasuke Uchiha, a world renowned figure in the business world, (not to mention his current boss) for over a month now and there were things that had started to concern the blond a little bit, especially said things his co-workers had started noticing…

It had started maybe a week after they had first decided to make their relationship official. Sasuke had insisted on taking him out shopping for new clothes.

"Don't be ridiculous," the brunet had answered when Naruto had tried to explain that it wasn't really necessary. "Shouldn't I be allowed to buy some things for you?"

Hardly able to argue with that, Naruto had given in but, the shops they had gone to hadn't even had price tags on their clothing items and the blond was just that little bit worried – especially when Sasuke kept buying him almost two of everything, mostly business suits and countless pairs of shoes.

"Bill this to my account," the brunet had intoned everywhere, his expression always serious and professional.

This was also about the same time that Naruto had started wondering just how well off the Uchiha was when it came to money…since the man himself also didn't seem to have to know the price for anything they were purchasing…

His co-workers had all noticed his new clothes which he had nearly stopped wearing altogether except only sporadically and never two days in a row. He tended only to wear one of the suits (despite Sasuke buying him several others) and only once a week, the other days opting to wear his own clothes so as not to arouse so many questions. This way he had managed to wave it off, explaining he had inherited some money from a distant relative and had lashed out with his spending for once, hence the new suits and shoes.

And then Sasuke had bought the car for him.

"Sasuke, honestly, I really don't need my own car, I'm fine catching the train to work!"

He hadn't backed down this time – there was no way in hell he'd be able to explain this sort of 'gift' to anyone without them figuring out what was really going on between the elite businessman and himself and he didn't need a – (what had Sasuke called it?) A 'Rols-roy's anyway! He was happier riding the train everywhere, and was more than certain that this 'Roll-roy' was definitely more expensive than any car he'd ever be able to afford in his entire lifetime.

"Not just any car, Naruto, but one manufactured by Rolls-Royce. Just consider it an early birthday present then."

"My birthday's just been!" He'd exclaimed in frustration, the Uchiha remaining unfazed.

He'd refused to take the car as a gift no matter what Sasuke said, but that hadn't stopped the stubborn man from sending it every morning to pick him up for work.

And it was completely noticeable! He would just have to start leaving his apartment earlier in the mornings to avoid the damn car's arrival…

Other than those two occasions, Sasuke had thankfully not bought anything else for the blond, for which Naruto was understandably relieved. There was no way he could buy Sasuke things of equal value to the clothes and car but had decided in payment that he would take the brunet out on the best dates the man had ever experienced.

Naruto had never dated another man before so he wasn't sure if taking Sasuke to similar places to what you would take a girl to would be okay, but the brunet never seemed to mind in the slightest. They had gone to the Zoo on several occasions; Sasuke being strangely drawn to the Panda Bears and the imported European Foxes. Sometimes they didn't have time to go out places, what with Sasuke's never-ending work schedule but he seemed content enough just to spend time with the blond; even grocery shopping had turned into an outing that Naruto looked forward to. The blond was reluctantly starting to think they were acting like they were newlyweds…

The last place they had visited was an amusement park which Naruto hadn't been so sure about until he had caught the light in Sasuke's eyes. He could hardly believe the man had never been to one in his entire life – even in his childhood, and had been completely awe-inspired by the size of the roller-coaster, clowns on two metre high wooden stilts and trivial things like fairy-floss on a stick, which Naruto had found kinda' cute.

As Sasuke pulled at some of the pink sugary fluff on his stick with a look near close to absolute wonder, Naruto looked around slowly, knowing that even though he couldn't see them, Sasuke's multitude of black-suited bodyguards were currently stationed all around them. He always tried to ignore the fact that while out in public like this they were never far from the elite businessman and his 'friend' as Naruto had been so aptly labelled.

There was also the minor little detail that Sasuke always had to hide his identity when out at places like this, today's disguise being a large blue bowler hat, very similar to the one that the brunet had worn when he'd first met Naruto. The large hat practically covered half of the man's face, but the accessory that Naruto thought was definitely the most hilarious part – Sasuke was also wearing a big fat bushy moustache.

"Oh, jeez…" The brunet mumbled quietly as some of the fairy floss became caught in said overly large moustache, creating a pink sticky mess that appeared near impossible to clean off. Naruto vaguely wondered what people with real moustaches did in situations like this.

"Come in here, I'll get it off for you," Naruto laughed, as he casually took the brunet's hand and led him straight into the nearest bathroom.

"Naruto, you shouldn't hold my hand remember, there's too many peop – What are you doing!"

Without hesitating (and luckily for him the bathroom was near empty of people) Naruto hastily pushed the stunned brunet into an empty cubicle and locked the door behind them.

"Shh, you want your bodyguards to find us?" Naruto whispered as he pressed Sasuke up against the cubicle wall and urgently moved his lips to the other man's still protesting mouth.

"Mmm! Stop Naruto, not in a place like this…" Sasuke moaned, his voice barely above a breathy whisper as the blond in turn became impatient and pulled the brunet's fake moustache clean off.

"Your guys will have a replacement one," Naruto answered instead, the taste of fairy floss on Sasuke's tongue driving him near crazy with desire. He'd wanted to touch the other man like this all day, what with Sasuke's innocent naivety when it came to amusement parks. Naruto would have to remember to take him more often, just to see those new childlike and wondrous expressions of his.

Taking advantage of Sasuke's momentary lack of resistance, Naruto had moved his lips to the soft skin of the brunet's neck, sucking gently on all of the man's most sensitive spots. Within seconds Sasuke's supple body was putty in his hands as the Uchiha tried to stifle his own moans of pleasure, Naruto's skilful fingers already reaching underneath his boxers.

"Mm! N-Naruto…ngh!"

It was a day out together Naruto was sure he wouldn't be forgetting any time soon and remembering it always made a boring day at work go much, much faster.

Work had been hectic lately, and Naruto hadn't been able to see Sasuke in over a week, but finally they'd both managed to find time spare and had agreed to spend the evening together. Naruto was nearly over the moon just thinking about cooking the beautiful Uchiha a homemade dinner.

He'd just woken up for the morning and hadn't even showered yet as he made his way down his apartment building's hallway to grab the mail and to also meet with his landlady to pay the week's rent.

The rent was fairly reasonable for a place so close to the central part of Tokyo and the landlady never minded if on the off chance he was a bit late with it. The blond liked to think of himself as a pretty dependable guy and hated making anyone wait for anything that he owed them. That's why, if he could manage it, he always ended up paying her a day earlier then necessary.

He took the stairs down to the ground floor and knocked quietly on her apartment door. He didn't have long to wait as the door was immediately swung open for him.

"Good morning, Kurenai," he greeted as the older woman smiled gently and gestured him into her apartment.

"Morning, Naruto, I didn't expect to see you this morning to tell you the truth! Did you want any coffee?" Kurenai moved away from him and held up a pot of freshly made coffee as she began pouring herself a generous amount into a large white mug.

"No, I'm good, you didn't expect to see me? What about the rent money?" He answered as the heavily pregnant woman before him began eagerly sipping at her hot drink. "Should you be drinking that…?" He inquired nervously as he vaguely remembered reading somewhere that having caffeine while pregnant was heavily discouraged.

"Oh, don't worry it's decaf," she replied flippantly before continuing, her voice suddenly growing excited, "But seriously now, Naruto, did you win the lottery or something? I was so surprised to receive that cheque! Honestly, Asuma and I are over the moon. We can finally have that holiday we've been planning for years and I can buy a nice new cot for the baby," she finished happily as Naruto stood dumbfounded, clearly not understanding what she was saying.

What the hell was she talking about!

"Umm...A cheque came you say?" Naruto had a bad feeling about this as he suddenly remembered a conversation he had recently had with Sasuke…

The Uchiha had been insisting that Naruto move somewhere nicer, or if he so chose into Sasuke's own private apartment. Sure Naruto thought it'd be great to live together but how much suspicion would arise because of it? Not to mention the blond's sense of pride at not being able to pay for his own place anymore! He had insisted he was fine with his current apartment and now he realised the brunet really had given up all too easily. He should've known!

"Yes, a cheque from you! For the years rent paid in full," Kurenai beamed as one hand lazily cupped her swollen stomach, "I can't thank you enough, it's just so generous of you, especially with the baby on its way, things will just be so much easier."

A year's rent? Did she really just say a year's rent?

"Don't…Don't mention it Kurenai, think of it as an early baby present." Naruto grated out as normally as he could. It would just create further problems if he denied ever knowing about the cheque.

"I won't Naruto, don't worry. I know it can get troublesome when a lot of people know you've won the lottery." Kurenai answered, still smiling as she drained the last dregs of coffee from her mug.

Naruto just grinned harder, not willing to answer her. Sure, he had kind of won the lottery in a way…but at the moment it was looking more and more like it was becoming a problem.

He had to speak with Sasuke.

Naruto arrived into work almost ten minutes late, his tie rumpled and his hair unruly as ever as he angrily made his way to his office space, his frustration and worry clearly evident on his face.

After leaving Kurenai's apartment and collecting his mail, he'd found another surprise waiting for him that Sasuke had forgotten mentioning. He'd gotten a pay-rise and not just any pay-rise – his weekly amount had more than tripled. Naruto was sure he'd never seen so many zeros on a pay cheque in his entire life.

He 'fwumped' down into his office chair heavily as he immediately stabbed the on button on his computer and warily looked around the office for any sign of his team leader Sakura. There was no way she'd let him come in late and not be angry about it, but honestly Naruto was not in the mood to argue with anyone but Sasuke. The day could not end fast enough in his opinion. They seriously needed to talk about Sasuke's over-frivolous spending on him.

The Uchiha really needed to understand that he didn't need to buy Naruto's love!

"What time do you call this, Naruto! You're late again!"

Naruto sighed loudly as he let his head thump into his computer's keyboard, Sakura standing over him looking like some unleashed demon from hell. He'd only been ten minutes late! Ten friggin' minutes!

"C'mon! Let's hear your excuse!"

It was definitely going to be a long day.

Naruto got off work at a quarter to six and immediately dodged round the Rolls-Royce waiting for him and headed down the street to Tadashi's Grocers to grab some ingredients for dinner.

Luckily the day hadn't turned out as bad as he'd thought it would and he'd managed to cool his head about Sasuke and properly prepare some kind of way of bringing up the brunet's obvious obsession with over-indulging him.

He picked out some fresh beef steaks as well as several different kinds of vegetables, perfect for Korean Barbecue, a dish the blond was sure the Uchiha probably hadn't tried yet and would most definitely love. The meat was expensive but it wasn't like Naruto couldn't afford it, what with his current salary (here the blond sighed heavily) being insanely out of the ordinary, he figured just this once he'd splash out a little – besides, the food was primarily for Sasuke anyway!

Grabbing a few other items for a quick dessert, Naruto took a taxi down to Sasuke's apartment (so that the meat wouldn't become warm) and let himself in using the swipe key card the brunet had given him some weeks before.

The lights of the apartment were already on which Naruto thought strange, seeming as they only turned on with voice command, something he'd only just gotten used to and usually always turned off when the apartment was unoccupied. Sasuke had already emailed that morning, letting him know that he'd be working a little late and would only be home around six-thirty, so unless the Uchiha was home fifteen minutes early, there really shouldn't have been anyone else in there.

"I'm home," Naruto called anyway, just in case Sasuke was indeed home and hastily took off his shoes and suit jacket before heading towards the dining room, his grocery bags in hand.

There was no answer, but Naruto suddenly heard the subtle chinking of cutlery against china, coming from inside the kitchen.

"Hey, Sasuke, you're not eating yet are you? I said I'd cook tonight! Don't go ruining your appetite."

He couldn't see inside the other room yet, as he hung his coat on one of the dining-room chairs, and once again grabbed up his grocery bags, making his way around the corner and into the kitchen.

"What's wrong? Too tired to talk…?"

As Naruto entered the kitchen he knew immediately that he had been right – someone was eating in there.

But it definitely wasn't Sasuke.

He stopped in the doorway, trailing off uselessly as he took in the tall man standing before him. The man was wearing full business attire, a black suit with a dark blue silk tie, his hair, obviously long was tied back in a ponytail with the bangs falling smoothly around his face as he in turn stood eating from a bowl in hand that the blond could vaguely make out was full of breakfast cereal. Naruto couldn't deny that the man really did resemble Sasuke a lot, but much older. They even had the same expressions, except this man had an almost dangerous glint to his eyes as he stared at the blond expressionlessly.

They stood silent for a few moments, the older man not appearing bothered by Naruto's sudden appearance in the slightest as he slowly chewed the mouthful of cereal he was finishing and immediately lifted another back up to his mouth.

Naruto knew there definitely had to be more to it, but why for the love of God was the man eating cereal…?

"Umm…Hi…?" He inquired quietly, not really expecting an answer seeming as the man was yet to actually say anything or acknowledge him in any way besides staring.

"Hi." The man answered almost immediately as his eyebrows lifted up and into his hairline, his mouth now curving into a smirk even though he was still chewing a mouthful of cereal.

Now Naruto was definitely a bit freaked out.

Here he was, standing in his boyfriend's kitchen completely motionless with another man that he could only fathom was perhaps a sibling of said boyfriend, and that was now currently eyeing him like he was some kind of delicious and forbidden fruit.

He felt himself shiver despite the room being fairly warm. Man! Did this guy have some bedroom eyes or what!

"And who might you be, hmm?" The man suddenly enquired, his eyes still holding some sort of bright glint to them.

"Oh! I'm a friend of Sasuke's – Uzumaki, Naruto," Naruto answered hastily, quickly making do with a short bow in the other man's direction.

"Uchiha, Itachi, Sasuke's older brother," the man replied as he in turn inclined his head towards Naruto, his hands still fully occupied with his slowly emptying bowl of cereal.

"Sasuke isn't home yet obviously, so you have your own key then…Naruto, was it?" Itachi asked lightly, his tone far more easy going than what the blond was expecting.

It went without saying that this guy already knew he was more than just Sasuke's 'friend'.

"Ah, yes," He answered, coughing a little as he turned away from Itachi and began unpacking his groceries onto one of the kitchen counters. "It's just easier that way, you know? I always get off work a little earlier than him."

"Wow," Itachi whistled, "you must be a very special friend then. I've never known my brother to give out his apartment keys to anyone, not even to me."

Naruto froze. What kind of game was this guy playing?

He began searching in the cupboards around him pulling out a chopping board and knife.

"If you don't have a key then, how'd you get in?" He replied instead, avoiding the man's obvious jab at him altogether as he found an apron in a drawer and hastily tied it around his waist, effectively protecting his suit pants and shirt.

There was no point in not starting dinner just because this guy was psychologically trying to abuse him, and he was pretty sure that was what the older brother was trying to do.

"So where do you work, Naruto? Must be somewhere quite exceptional for you to afford that Giorgio Armani suit you're wearing there…?" Itachi noted idly, as he pressed the tip of his spoon to his smirking lips.

Holy shit, he's definitely fucking with me! Does he just want me to come out with it or something!

"Oh what? This suit is Armani? It was a gift, so I really had no idea," he laughed loudly, hoping that his voice still sounded normal. He had no friggin' idea when it came to labels so technically he hadn't lied!

He busied himself slicing a carrot into thin pieces ready for grilling as he prepared himself for the older Uchiha's next line of attack. Would it be his new shoes? Also being another gift from Sasuke or maybe there was still a hickey on his neck! God, he hoped there wasn't!

"Oho, how generous a gift! Your naivety must be a part of your charm then."

The Uchiha went back to eating his cereal calmly as Naruto's chopping of the carrot became a little bit more jagged and sporadic. That one had definitely hit home. It wasn't like he wanted Sasuke spending so much on him – it wasn't like that was the reason why he loved him!

"If you don't mind me saying, Mister Uchiha, but does my presence here bother you?" He didn't look up to gauge the other man's reaction as he continued to focus on chopping the now partially butchered carrot. He would just cut to the chase then, it was obvious Itachi knew more about his and Sasuke's relationship then he was letting on.

"You're not doing that right you know? You'll damage your wrist if you keep using the knife like that."

Before Naruto had time to react, before he even had time to notice that the Uchiha had moved at all, Itachi had his body pressed close to the blond's back, his hands coming down to lean on each side of him, trapping the much smaller man against the kitchen counter, his right hand now sliding slowly down Naruto's wrist, grasping the hand still holding the knife.

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea," Itachi whispered into his ear as Naruto froze up in shock, the older man now guiding his hand in correctly chopping the carrot. "But please, call me Itachi."

"What – what are you doing?" Naruto finally managed to choke out as Itachi helped his fingers release his grip on the knife before sliding his cold hand up the blond's throat, cupping his chin and guiding his face upwards.

"I can buy you suits too you know, Naruto, if that's what you want?" Itachi whispered against his ear, making him shiver in horror as his body finally started fighting to get away. "Why don't you pick me over Sasuke instead?"

"Alright Itachi, cool it – let the guy go already."

Naruto in the process of elbowing Itachi in the ribs finally felt the man release him as Sasuke stepped into the kitchen, his expression livid at finding the situation now currently before him.

Itachi laughed and stepped back from the now hyperventilating blond, his hands waving lazily in front of him as he grinned wickedly. "My bad, my bad. Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

Sasuke moved further into the kitchen and plonked his briefcase and a bottle of red wine onto the kitchen counter as he glared angrily at the older Uchiha.

"I'm certain you understand that Naruto and I are dating, so stop messing with him," he practically deadpanned as the older brother went back to his bowl of cereal and Naruto regained his bearings, his face now turning a nasty shade of grey. "What are you doing here anyway, Itachi?" The younger Uchiha squeezed at Naruto's wrist lightly, implying a silent greeting as he still faced off with his brother.

"Oh, you know, I'm here and there – I honestly just popped by for your cereal." Itachi smiled pleasantly as he drained the milk from his bowl, and then set it down in the sink. "Well, I should be on my way. It was nice seeing you Sasuke…"

He turned and winked at Naruto. "It was nice meeting you too, Naruto…"

Sasuke sighed as he tugged at his brother's sleeve and pushed him out of the kitchen towards the entryway. "Just go already, I'll talk to you later."

Naruto confusedly tried to go back to chopping the carrots, as Sasuke re-entered the kitchen, his smile apologetic, he moved forward to cup the blond's cheek. "Sorry about all that," he murmured as he kissed Naruto's lips lightly.

"Is he always that full on?" Naruto questioned as he decidedly poured himself a glass of water, Sasuke moving over to continue chopping up the vegetables.

"Don't worry about it, he just likes fucking with people – especially when they are involved with me." The brunet replied nonchalantly as he placed the carrot slices into a bowl.

"What, he's done that sort of crap before!" Naruto yelled, "I seriously thought he was coming onto me!"

"Well, believe it or not he's actually 100%, completely and utterly straight (Naruto couldn't believe it,) but there isn't really a limit as to how far he's willing to go," Sasuke answered, as he began slicing up a nearby turnip, "Only a few months back I was having a business meeting with some new clients I was considering that Itachi hadn't liked beforehand, when all of a sudden, he bursts into the room wearing a bright purple wig and flowery dress, his face all painted up like a dolls, yelling at the top of his lungs (here Sasuke struck a pose and waved the knife in the air) – "Sasuke! Did you forget we've got rehearsal for the upcoming drag show festival! What are you doing just sitting there!" and then just as suddenly ran back out, leaving everyone in the room speechless. Needless to say, I didn't make the business deal after that…God I had to pay so many people out just to keep them quiet about it."

Honestly, Naruto was just speechless. What kind of wack job was this older brother?

"Umm….I see…"

"Seriously don't worry yourself about it, Naruto, from what I heard when I came in, he was just testing the waters to see if you were with me for me or just for my 'added benefits'."

Not realising that Naruto had stopped dead, Sasuke finished slicing the turnip and busied himself filling another bowl with the vegetable pieces before placing it down beside the bowl filled with sliced carrot.

"Ah, by the way Naruto, what are you making? Was I supposed to slice that up?" The Uchiha laughed as he finally turned towards the blond, immediately catching sight of the other man's serious expression. He fell silent, a slight frown marring his features.

Naruto quickly cut straight to the point, not wanting to drag out anything unnecessary. "You paid for my rent didn't you? And…gave me a pay-rise, right?"

Sasuke frowned for a few moments more; his cheeks slightly flushed before he reached for the nearest bunch of vegetables and began washing them. His expression changed to one of nonchalance; his tone of voice nonplussed, "Yeah, what of it? Haven't the payments gone through yet?"

Naruto laughed in spite of himself as he quickly moved to take the bunch of Bok-choi from Sasuke's hands, turning the other man towards him and pressing him lightly into the kitchen counter.

Without giving the Uchiha a moment of warning, Naruto captured the man's lips, and moved in closer as his hands slowly slid up and into Sasuke's hair, an intimate caress he knew the brunet loved.

Sasuke relaxed almost immediately, his hands in turn moving up to grip onto Naruto's kitchen apron as the blond deepened the kiss, leaving the Uchiha completely and utterly breathless.

They broke apart slowly, their lips lingering centimetres apart as the only sound permeating the hushed silence was their quiet gasps of breath, their hands still tightly holding onto one another.


Naruto whispered onto the other man's lips as his hands slowly smoothed down the brunet's soft cheeks. Sasuke didn't answer, but instead pressed his body against Naruto's, preparing dinner obviously forgotten as he moved in once again for another kiss. The blond pressed a finger to Sasuke's lips, reluctantly stopping him from moving closer as he spoke quietly, obviously hesitant in breaking such a beautiful moment between them.

"I don't need all this…luxury from you – you don't need to pay my rent or give me a pay-rise, I don't need them – I don't even want them." Naruto murmured, as his fingers smoothed slow circles against Sasuke's temples. "I'm not with you for your 'benefits', I'm with you because I'm in love with you, okay?" He continued as Sasuke's eyes grew wide, his hands now loosely holding onto Naruto's waist.

"Even if you suddenly lost everything tomorrow and became one of the poorest guys I know, I'd still be in love with you," He said reassuringly as Sasuke still remained silent, "So…So you don't need to buy me all this stuff, okay?"

"But…" Sasuke finally managed, his hands tightening on Naruto's hips, as his expression became troubled. "I…I know you love me. But I've never felt like this before…" He moved forward suddenly, burying his face in the blond's neck, his arms now holding the other man tightly. "How can I make you feel like you're special to me if I can't buy you things?"

Naruto felt his ears growing warm as he hugged the brunet back tightly, his hands lazily trailing up the other man's spine.

Sasuke moved backwards slightly till his face was once more inches away from Naruto's, his lips slowly moving in closer. "You're special to me, Naruto…" He whispered as he teasingly pressed his lips to the blonds, "How else can I express how much I love you?"

Naruto was lost. He didn't really know if Sasuke expected a verbal answer or if his now obvious erection pressing against the other man was answer enough as he moved forward, his lips almost devouring the brunet's as he pressed him back against the kitchen counter.

The brunet responded immediately as he once more moved to wrap his arms tightly around Naruto's broad shoulders, his answering desire already straining at the fabric of his pants.

The blond vaguely remembered from some obscure part of his mind that they were both supposed to be preparing dinner but as his lips moved slowly down Sasuke's beautiful neck, the brunet panting quietly into his hair, that he didn't really mind if they just ate later…

"You don't mind if we just eat later, right?" He asked anyway, his lips close to Sasuke's ear.

"What?" The brunet answered between breaths, his eyes completely unfocussed.

Naruto laughed instead of explaining as his hands slid under the Uchiha's thighs and lifted the other man up onto the kitchen counter, his arm sweeping several kitchen utensils hurriedly out of the way.

"Never mind," he murmured instead as he slowly began sucking on Sasuke's soft earlobe, his hands now busy unbuttoning the other man's pants.

"N-Naruto…I want to touch you too," Sasuke panted quietly as Naruto's warm hand finally wrapped firmly around him, a sharp gasp forced from his parted lips.

"Just relax," the blond answered instead as he pulled Sasuke's hard erection from the confines of his pants, his thumb gliding slowly over its glistening tip.

"Nnn – Ah!" Sasuke threw his head back in abandon, completely unaware of the blond slowly sliding him forward on the bench, his legs being spread further apart.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good, Sasuke," Naruto whispered breathlessly as he bent down, half leaning on the bench top and licked a long trail along the length of Sasuke's cock, his right hand running teasingly up the brunet's still clothed thigh.

With a loud moan rich with longing desire, Sasuke fell back completely, his head creating a resounding 'thud' as his hands immediately twisted into Naruto's beautiful blond hair, the other man starting a promising rhythm, his warm, wet mouth sucking hard and long at the tip before sliding slowly all the way back down…

"So…good…" Sasuke gasped out, his body already slipping over the edge, his hips shallowly thrusting into Naruto's skilful mouth.

The blond in turn stopped stroking the Uchiha's thigh and while still bringing Sasuke to his completion quickly fumbled with the brunet's loose pants. He pulled them down roughly, his fingers seeking the man's warm skin as with one sharp movement he pressed hard against Sasuke's opening through the thin barrier of his underwear, the extra stimulation making the man cry out in surprise as he arched upwards, his hands still gripping tightly at Naruto's hair.

"Na – ruto!"

Warm liquid filled Naruto's mouth as he continued to suck Sasuke dry, his fingers pressing ever deeper into the beautiful man's tight heat.

As he swallowed every last drop of Sasuke's satisfaction, his lips pressing a lingering kiss against the soft smooth skin of Sasuke's lower stomach, Naruto knew that he would keep this man forever – that no one else would ever satisfy him like this…even when it was just him giving all the pleasure.

Sasuke sat up shakily, his cheeks heavily flushed and his eyes still half-mast as he reached for Naruto's obvious need, intent on returning the favour.

"Later," Naruto murmured instead, his hands grabbing Sasuke's arms and wrapping them warmly around his own neck as he once again claimed Sasuke's lips, their tongues tangling passionately together; their heart's both beating the same frantic pace…

Sasuke was waiting.

Only a few weeks had passed since Naruto's passionate declaration of needing nothing but his undying love and affection and the Uchiha had purposely refrained from buying the blond so much as a pair of boring old business socks.

That is, until now.

He had finally thought up the ultimate plan.

It was a cool Autumn afternoon and the sun was setting beautifully behind him, but he paid it no mind as he sat comfortably at his large mahogany office desk, his hands calmly folded in front of him as he watched the 7'o'clock news report, silently waiting for the adjoining program to begin.

"And now Ladies and Gentlemen – the moment you've all been waiting for!" Announced the television host as the studio crowd behind him began to cheer, "Who will be tonight's lucky winner of our incredible forty-two million dollar jack-pot!"

Sasuke sat a little straighter in his chair in anticipation. Even though he already knew who the winner was, he still felt slightly irritated for some reason.

Kakashi, his personal assistant snorted beside him, obviously trying to conceal his amusement which briefly drew the Uchiha's attention a split second long enough for him to shoot a heated glare in the aforementioned man's direction.

"Leaving," the tall man chimed happily as Sasuke quickly noted that the television host had begun drawing large numbered balls from an even larger barrel.

"4…6…23…45…16…27…32…and…28! That's it everyone! Check your tickets – Good luck and Good Night!"

Sasuke sighed heavily, knowing that his plan had gone off without a hitch. Any moment now Naruto would be ringing him…

As if on cue, his personal cell phone within his inner suit pocket began vibrating, his fingers already reaching for it knowing that it could only be his beautiful blond letting him know that he'd just won forty-two million dollars in a nationwide jack-pot.

Who knew lotteries were so easy to rig…?


Sasuke immediately frowned, not expecting Itachi to be the one calling him.

"I just won forty-two million dollars in a nationwide lottery draw." His older brother deadpanned as his hands' grip on the phone tightened dangerously.

"Coincidentally, Naruto gave me this ticket – told me he'd gotten it in the mail and didn't want it."

Sasuke could hear the phone's sides beginning to crack beneath his fingers.

"You wouldn't have anything to do with this would you?"

The younger Uchiha was speechless for a few moments before he managed to clear his throat.

"There's been a mistake." He choked out roughly, but Itachi didn't give him any more of a chance to explain himself.

"Ah! Sorry Little Brother! I won't be returning it – seeming as this was a 'rig-free' nationwide Lottery draw I won and all. You know you're not supposed to do these things, why do I even bother keeping your name out of the headlines?" He finished, feigning exasperation as he in turn hung up the phone.

Sasuke was left listening to the dial-tone, his face the very picture of disbelief.

His phone began vibrating silently in his hand once again as he numbly lifted it back up to his ear, his thumb jerkily hitting the 'accept call' button.

"Nice try, Sasuke," Naruto laughed good humouredly in his ear as the tension all but seemed to melt from his shoulders at the sound of the blond's happy disposition.

"How about I take you out to dinner then?" He asked tiredly as the blond accepted and they began planning a time to meet.

Oh well, thought Sasuke, there was always a next time.

- The End -