"I am sure it is because he can't" Sasuke said.

Sasuke who also happens to be the most popular kid in school and Naruto's rival.

"Shut up asshole. I can do it if I want to, I just don't feel like taking part in the high jump competition" Naruto said, while fuming outwardly and crying silently inside.

"Don't worry about it loser" Sasuke said as he leaned back further into his chair, "No one was counting on you to pull up the scores. Your vertically challenged body is not up to the task."

Naruto stood up immediately. "I am not that fucking short alright!" angrily Naruto walked to the front of the class and was almost out the door when he heard one of his friends calling for him.

"Where are you going? Our next class is about to start" Chouji said

Turning back, Naruto replied "I'm going to sign up for the high jump. I think I can still catch Mr. Maito. Cover for me will ya?" and he left the classroom.

Once outside, Naruto controlled his anger and sadness. That was the 108th insult I have gotten from him. He thought to himself. Normally people will not bother with remembering something as bitter as insults from another person, but to Naruto it means something because whenever Sasuke opens his mouth to talk to him, nothing but insults pour out of it. And Naruto will take all that Sasuke has to offer and soak it all up, because bad attention was better than no attention at all.

Closing his eyes for a moment to gather himself up, Naruto leaned back against the wall and kept an ear out for teachers or anyone that can get him in trouble for ditching class. After a moment, he pushed himself away from the wall and headed to the teachers office.

As Naruto was walking back from seeing Mr. Maito, he heard some students talking and laughing. He recognized the voices of his classmates among them, and as he rounded the corner, he saw them with other junior students.

One of his classmates, Hiro spotted him and nudged another friend of his. They then started laughing as he went closer towards them.

"So the shortie actually signed up, didn't think you had the balls." And the tormenting started.

But this time Naruto did not even bother remembering how many insults it has been. These peoples words hold no weight. However, Naruto just smiled slightly and accepted them with a calm indifference.

"Would just shut the fuck up" A angry but still composed voice said.

All boys in the hallway turned their head to the direction of the voice and saw Sasuke standing there in all his pissed off glory.

The boys obviously did not want to back down, but you do not mess with the popular kids and you most definitely don't mess with an Uchiha. It was no secret in the school that Sasuke had kick ass fighting skills, which he put to use when he beat up a boy 3 years older than him when he was in the 8th grade.

The boys that once was tormenting Naruto walked the opposite direction from Sasuke, even though their class was the other way. Naruto just stood there without saying anything but simply soaking up the moment with Sasuke.

As he passed by Sasuke to get back to class, Naruto felt Sasuke grab his arm and push him towards the wall. It was not hard enough to hurt him, but good enough to give him the picture that he was supposed to stay.

"Why didn't you open your damn mouth and say something instead of just standing there like an idiot" Sasuke yelled, rounding in on Naruto. Even though Sasuke voice was raised he seemed mildly composed and hardly frazzled.

109thNaruto thought.

"On other occasions, your mouth will be running a mile a minute but now when something intelligent must come out you can't manage that" Sasuke continued.

110thand Naruto snapped.

"What the hell do you care bastard?" Naruto screamed, but due to his emotional distress in sounded more like a shriek. "You insult me all the time so what's the difference. You are just like them"

That is when Sasuke changed. There was no more composed, Sasuke looked furious and Naruto couldn't help but flinch at the look on Sasuke's face because he looked about ready to hit something or someone very soon.

Walking furiously towards Naruto, Sasuke said "Don't compare me to those scums. Ever"

He turned around and took a couple of steps before turning around and staring at Naruto.

"I say what I do because I know it will get you to apply yourself. You think you would be involved in anything if it wasn't for my motivation. Yeah, it's fucked up, but it works on you. Every time I provoke you, it forces you to work harder and become better." He said all this to Naruto and for the first time in a long time, Naruto felt cared.

"I'm sorry" Naruto mumbled.

Sasuke stared at Naruto for a while and pressed his face closer to Naruto till they were a centimeter apart.

"Think of that next time when I tell you something" Sasuke said "And don't ever compare me to those people that get off hurting others because I am not like that. I care." And with that, Sasuke walked of leaving Naruto standing there mildly confused and extremely happy.

When Naruto got back to class Sasuke acted the same as always, but this time instead of completely ignoring him, he gave naruto a knowing look and a nod of his head slightly.

Once school was over, Naruto walked back to his apartment complex with his friends. They would go their separate ways soon, but until than they will chat as always.

Naruto's guardian is hardly at home because he is a traveler that never remains at one place too long. After the death of his parents, his uncle and guardian had come to pick him up. But too Naruto, constantly moving was not un and joyous. Thus, he lived by himself with his guardian checking in once in a while.

Before Naruto could reach his apartment complex, a flash car pulled up beside him. When the tinted windows rolled down, Naruto saw Sasuke sitting in the drivers sear.

"Get in" Sasuke said "we'll go somewhere and talk"

Without much thought to what he was doing, Naruto got into the car. Once inside, Naruto buckled up and Sasuke drove off.

They never said anything throughout the journey, but after a ten minutes or so drive, Sasuke pulled up near a park which had a nice view, and not too many people. The hood of the car slowly came down and Naruto could feel the fresh breeze blowing towards them.

Sasuke unbuckled his seat belt and turned towards Naruto.

"I apologize about yelling at you earlier. My reasons are not justifiable, but do know that I was merely angered at yourassumptions." He said. It seemed so perfectly thought up, that Naruto wondered if he practiced it.

"It's alright. I was thinking about what you said earlier and it made sense." Naruto said "All your insults, have made me become better"

"They weren't meant as insults, it was motivation. Never heard of reverse psychology?" Sasuke asked. He had his perfect smirk on.

"Well….. you could have been nicer about it you know. I mean insulting a person for hundred and ten times can be quite painful" Naruto looked at Sasuke and saw he had one of his eyebrows drawn up.

"What?" Naruto asked, self-consciously.

"You count how many times I insult you?"

"No" Naruto quickly yelled. "I mean, you know" he trailed of.

"No actually I don't" Sasuke said "tell me"

"Never mind, forget it. Is that all we came here for?" Naruto asked.

"Nah, I came for this too" Sasuke said and cupped Naruto's cheek with one hand and leaned towards him, but did not quite touch his lips,

When Sasuke did nothing after that, Naruto leaned in and kissed him full on the lips. Sasuke drew back slightly, but kissed Naruto again after that. They repeated this a few times with no tongue involved, and than Sasuke kissed Naruto one last time, but with tongue. He simultaneously closed the hood of the car.

After the meke-out session, both the boys held each other hands, and was gazing at one another.

Not wanting to break the mood, Naruto whispered "Why does this feel so right?"

"Because it just is. And don't give me this crap about us being boys. It's the 21st century, same sex couples can even adopt" Sasuke said in a haughty way.

"Sasuke" Naruto said, in a cutesy way. "Are you planning a family with me already?" he asked coyly.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto, but smiled never the less, "Lets just work on introducing you to my family first" Sasuke said.

Naruto tensed slightly, and Sasuke looked over at him. "They know you know" Sasuke said.

"Huh?" was the oh-so intelligent reply.

"My family. They know I have liked you for years. I've spoken about you before. They're fine with it." Sasuke said. "I'm aware that you don't exactly need to introduce me to your parents, but I would be willing given the chance."

"You can meet my guardian. He's actually my uncle" Naruto said "And the next time he is around, we can all hang out together."

Sasuke smiled at Naruto and he smiled back. Once again started their moments of tender kissing,

"When can I take you on a date?" Sasuke asked when they drew apart.

Naruto blushed slightly and cleared his throat. "You don't have to do that"

"Don't be ridiculous" Sasuke scoffed "I can't exactly ask you to be my boyfriend if I don't take you out first"

Naruto smiled at Sasuke and kissed him for the third time. "I like ramen"

"I should have expected that" Sasuke sighed.

They sat in silence for a while, before it was broken by Sasuke.

"I am sorry that you feel as though I have insulted you a hundred and ten times"

Smiling, Naruto said "It's okay, you can make it up to me"

"How?" Sasuke asked "I am not joking when I say I will do anything, because right now I feel terrible"

"You don't have to do anything but kiss me a hundred and ten times. Oh, but subtracting those three kisses just now it is a hundred and seven" Naruto said.

"Hundred and seven, that's all?" Sasuke asked "Seems kind of little to me"

"Are you kidding?" Naruto asked "I'm talking about a hundred and ten kisses a day, not a lifetime"

"Still seems little to me" Sasuke mumbled as he kissed Naruto again.

Okay people. You like it? This story is complete, however if people are interested in a sequel about the date or maybe when they are older, let me know and I just might do it. And I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Feel free to point it out to me and I shall change it.

Oh and for the sake of saying, I don't own Naruto. I'm just doing this for my own pleasure.