Hi people, happy im back? No? Who cares. This is the final chapter of this story. Yay! Sorry I haven't given this to you earlier but the other day I was at my friend Gabby's house (we saw the last song, very depressing) then I went to my friend Cici's b-day party (saw Orphan and the Unborn, they were great) For all of you who want to know there will be a sequel to this story. Yay! Also I deleted Patience, looking back over it, it wasn't very good and I hated it. Maybe i'll fix it and put another copy. Probably not. Read the story now!!!

Nico's Pov-

So it was the last day of camp. Weird right? It seems like only yesterday it was the 4th of July. Stephanie and I were waiting at the top of Half-Blood Hill. Well, really Stephanie was waiting, but I was waiting with her. Her parents were taking her home for the school year, and I was going back to the underworld, I wanted to find out a little more about Morpheus's realm and also to find more Half-Bloods, but Steph didn't know about that. Still, Stephanie seemed a little nervous.

"Hey, its okay Steph, I'm not going to forget about you." I said.

"No Nico, I-I'm-" then there was a long pause.

"Spit it out. What is it? Your not cheating on me are you?" I asked.

"No! Its just, I'm moving. I'm moving to Estonia, with my mom and step-dad. He got a job there." I was at loss. "I'm really sorry Nico." Looking back over it I guess I saw it coming, sometime after Steph's birthday Stephanie's mom started dating again. They got married last month, and Steph did go back home two weeks ago to 'clean out the house'.

"So your leaving for good then? Your not coming back to Camp next year?"

"I don't know for sure, probably. But still, we can IM each other. And I'm going to have to come to the U.S again sometime. I'm so sorry." She said again.

"No really, its okay. I'm kind of leaving too. Going to Canada to find more Half-Bloods." then we heard a car horn. It was her mom.

"Bye Nico." She said, then kissed my cheek.

She ran down the hill and into her moms car. I wondered if this was the last time I would ever see her again. "I love you." I whispered as she drove away.

Stephanie's Pov-

"Momma, if we can, can I come back next year?" I asked Momma.

"Probably not Steph, I don't think Brandon's job will be enough to cover a plane ticket to New York, let alone bring you back."

"Oh." I said with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, lets just go home." I said.

Maybe someday I could pick up a singing career and get enough money to see Nico again. Just one week would be enough. Maybe I wouldn't need another ticket back......


The End!!!!!!!!!!!! I might start a sequel soon, I think I have the whole plot planned out. Tell me if you liked this!
