Basically I got the idea for this story after watching the You Gotta Lose That Job episode in Season Three. The reason why Lilly and Oliver are going out is due mainly to the fact Miley is away filming and that Oliver wasn't playing at the dance where he and Lilly slow-danced. SO I thought what if any of that hadn't happened? Result? Great idea for a story!

First chapter starts from the You Gotta Lose That Job episode and continues on.

Hope you enjoy! :D

What If?:Chapter 1

"I thought I meant something to you Eddie. But if you give up now you're not just giving up on're giving up on us." I spoke with as much emotion as possible.

I Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana am currentley auditioning for the role of Indiana Joannie and the Curse of the Golden Cobra. Eeeek I'm so excited. Imagine little old me from Tenessee, a movie star!

But yeah anyway I'm currentley sat with Daddy and my best friend Lilly in Rob Reiner's office with his casting director Howard, who has less life in him than dead possum on the freeway. Dang it! I said it again! I'll owe Lilly a buck know after saying that. Just a little bet we have going on, don't ask.

"You think I don't know that? You think this isn't tearing me apart inside...ahhhhh."

Sweet niblets I couldn't work with this. But regardless I had to give it my all.

"Then hang on Eddie. Hang on to the life we could have together."

I stared deep into Howard's motionless eyes. Boy he was creepy.

"But the water is so cold Joannie...I can't feel my legs...brrrrrr."

Okay forget this! I drop my script and decide to stop it. Maybe Daddy can read the parts of Eddie for me. At least he could give me something to work with!

"I'm sorry. I just ... I just need a second to get back into character. You know, so I can give back everything you're giving me."

Ha great excuse Stewart. I'm proud of myself. Howard remainded the same as he answered back somewhat smugly.

"I did sense you were holding back."

"And that's why you're the best casting director in town!" I force out with a sweet smile. If he's the best casting director in town then I'm seriously worried the direction in which Hollywood films are going.

I drag my seat over to Daddy and Lilly dropping my smile and rolling my eyes at Howard. Daddy's wearing his typical outfit with his fake moustache. Lilly looks pretty damn hot...erm I mean cute. Yeah her outfit's cute. Ugh Miley stop thinking bout her that way.

"He's killing me." I tell them.

"Just calm down honey." Dad says attempting, but not really succeding.

"Calm down? How am I supposed to convince Rob Reiner, one of the top directors in Hollywood that I'm right for the part if I'm auditioning with a cross between Shia-La-Boring and Tom Snooze."

Lilly laughs to herself and my heart races at the sound. Oh god. I've fallen so bad.

"Or Leonardo DeComatose and Snorlando Bloom!" She continues laughing at her joke. Okay Lils it wasn't that funny! She shes we're not laughing along and frowns. "I laughed at yours!" and with that she sinks further down in her seat and crosses her arms. God she's so stubborn.

"I got an idea darlin'." says Dad causing me to snap my head away from Lilly to watch as he walks over to Howard. "Excuse me, Howard. Would it be alright if I read the lines with Hannah one time? You know, it might just make her a bit more comfortable."

What can I say? Us Stewarts come up with some pretty damn good excuses. It's not just Jackson that can sweet talk his way outta tough situations!

"But can you deliver the lines with the same passion I do?" droned Howard. I cannot take this guy seriously anymore.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take."

I jogged over to the seat opposite Daddy picking up my script.

"Okay then." Howards speaks. "Action."

"Then hang on Eddie. Hang on to the life we could have together." I repeat again hoping to impress Howard the Robot.

"But the water is so cold Joannie." Good job Daddy, keep it up! "I can't feel my leg. Shivers." I groan. I guess I spoke too soon.

I look over to Lilly and roll my eyes in frustration. She smiles back at me and giggles softly. If I wasn't so annoyed I probably would be blushing.

"Ahhh I'm sorry." Dad begins. "Who's shivers? Is that my pet name for you, or somethin'? Cause it feels like such a weird time that I'd be sayin' it knowing my leg..."

"Daddy, you're supposed to shiver there!" I say cutting him off from his rambling. Dear god I swear I'm the only smart one in my family.

"Oh okay, give me one more try please."

"And...action." Howard the Robot says again.

"Then hang on Eddie. Hang on to the life we could have together."

If I have to say that dang line again then Eddie can go screw himself cause I'm sick of waiting!

"Oh but the water is so cold Joannie. I can't feel my legs." Daddy then shakes his body while continuing. "Shiver!"

God dammit. Maybe Lilly can read the lines for me. Afterall I'll do better in acting them seeing as how Joannie feels the same way with Eddie as I do with Lilly.

"Lola! Maybe you should read with me." I say throwing her the script as she lets out a 'eeep!' and switches seats with Daddy. Please Lilly, help a girl out here.

"Are you sure you want me to..."

"Lola, just read the line and for the love of peat give me somethin' to work with!"

"Okay. Let's make some magic." Howards says in what I reckon is supposed to be excitement. I roll my eyes again.

"Then hang on Eddie. Hang on to the life we could have together."

Eddie you've had it bub. You can freeze to death in that water for all I care. I'm snapped out my thoughts as Lilly begins acting in a over the top dramatic way.

"But the water! It's sooo...COLD! J-j-j-joannie! I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!" at this Lilly begins slapping her thigh repeatedly. Oh Jesus. She then finished with a dramatic fall to the floor, having a mini spaz attack. I do lover her but sometimes she needs to be locked up in a mental institute I swear.

Ignoring my 'dying' friend, I step over her towards Howard.

"What about you and me, one more time from the top, whatcha say?"

It was going to be a long day.

Reviews are appreciated.

I don't know when I'll next update, might not be till all 15 oneshots of my other story Imagine: You & Me are finished. But don't worry I won't forget about this :)