Damn I feel bad that I haven't updated this in a while, and now it's a short chapter. Oh well.

This is when Jake Ryan comes into the picture...and I've decided to make him a problem for the girls. His ego is possibly even bigger in this than it is in the show haha.

I don't know when this'll next be updated as I'm more focused on the other two stories I've got on the go at the minute.

What If? Chapter 10: Ryan Returns

Jake's POV

Walking along good old Malibu beach again was so good. The wind was on my face (which is gorgeous as always by the way) and the sun was shining high in the air. Yeah my life as one of the biggest movie stars of the decade was pretty damn great.

It got even better when I saw the object of my affections, Miley Stewart, sat on her beach towel looking fucking hot in a bikini. I don't know what made her stood out to me above all the other girls, apart from the fact she had looked beautiful. But I'm Jake Ryan; I could have any girl in the world with the snap of my fingers! Well aside from Lilly Truscott, she seems to hate me now. She didn't back at the 70's dance though. Hm.

So here I am walking back over to Miley after so long apart. A whole year. And yeah I know we were supposed to be on a 'break' but I couldn't care less, she's gonna be my girlfriend again whether she likes it or not. I mean, how could she say no to me? I walk right up to her in my white Gucci tee (that I got as a gift off Tom Cruise in the movie Teen President), and my One hundred dollar personalised Billabong board shorts. Yeah I looked good. Standing over her so my shadow blocks her sun, she grumbles as she tears her eyes away from the sea where Lilly and Oliver are surfing.

"Whoever you are, you're blocking my sun...JAKE?" she practically stumbles onto her back in shock.

I don't know how she managed that seeing how she was sat down already. She's always been a klutz.

"Hey baby, long time no see." I said hoping to seduce her with my charm.

"W-what...you're here...w-what...but you're movie and...Huh?"

"My movie's finished and I figured I'd come back to Malibu to see you baby."

"Baby? Jake we're not together anymore. You know that."

"Well I figured we could give it another go. Let me take you out to dinner tonight to show you how much I care about you Miley." I proposed as I knelt down to her eye level, flashing my dazzling movie star smile.

How can she resist that? How could any girl, I mean look at me! Miley grew silent for a while and it looked as though she was struggling with some major decision in her head. I don't know I wasn't really paying attention to her face...Jesus I need to fuck that.

"I don't know Jake...how much longer are you in Malibu for?" she asked.

"What is this Twenty Questions? A month and a bit but fuck Miley if you don't want to get back together I guess I'll just go find Mikayla oh and maybe let slip a few things about Hannah Montana..."

I knew that would nail the hammer on the head. There was no way that Miley would say no now, unless she wanted her secret getting out.

"Jake you can't be serious? What happened to you? The Jake I knew would never do such a thing."

"I'm a changed man Miley. A whole year in Australia where there were hot girls all the time...they appreciated me Miley. They wanted me. I thought you did too! So is it a date or what?"

"Okay...fine." she gave in, and sighed deeply.

She'll come around eventually; sooner or later she'll see how much she wants me. I stood up straight and saw that Lilly was coming in from the sea with her surfboard. Miley stayed silent and looked away as the blonde one drew nearer. Daaaaamn Jake. Why did you ever let her go? She's almost as hot as Miley. Maybe I can somehow convince her into a threesome. Jake Ryan, you are one dirty guy.

Lilly stopped dead as she saw me. Must be my good looks; I have that effect on people. Dropping her board she then proceeded to glare at me and inched over to Miley to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. Okay what was that is she gay now or something? Miley didn't respond to the kiss and continued to stare at her feet. Lilly looked a bit stunned at Miley's reaction, what did she expect her to jump into her arms and make out or something? Ooh that would be so good. The blonde then focused her attention back to me.

"What the hell are you doing here and what have you done to Miley?" she screamed at me.

What the hell is her problem? Just because Miley's sad doesn't mean it's my fault, jeez. Moving closer to Lilly, I toughen up and stand my ground. No hell is Jake Ryan gonna be beaten by a girl.

"I haven't done anything; everything was fine till you showed up. Miley's so happy that I'm here that we're going to try things out between us again, aren't we sweetie?" I asked turning to the brunette who was starting to cry for some reason. Why are girls so weird?

Lilly turned to Miley who was now, like, full on bawling her eyes out. The blonde collapsed on the sand next to her trying to look her in the eyes.

"Miles? Is he telling the truth?"

I couldn't be bothered to listen or be around Lilly anymore, her being hot or not. I knew Miley would come along on our date even if she didn't want to. Jake Ryan your evil plans are genius!

"Well baby, I'll be at yours for about eight tonight yeah?"

I leaned down and kissed her cheek earning another death stare from Lilly. Seriously what's her problem? Miley flinched and nodded sadly. I stood up and looked at Lilly and gave her a cheeky wink to piss her off. As I walked away I knew my plan to get Miley Stewart in bed was going exactly as I wanted. Soon it would happen; she'd get over her stubbornness and run into my arms like last time.

After all, Jake Ryan always gets his way.

Ugh I hate the ending, it felt so rushed. Sorry if it's crap.

Review if you feel the need, I don't mind :)