Well, here is a fanfic of death, love, and mistakes. Please enjoy and review.



Skipper looked strangely at the thing, whatever it was that Kowalski had invented. It seemed to be some kind of handle or something but it had a bulk at the end.

"Uh Kowalski?" he asked "What exactly are we looking at?"

"A new weapon," Kowalski said picking it up. "Observe."

He took a fish and placed it on the table. He put the open end of the handle against the fish and a long blade slashed through the meat in a split second.

"Uh Kowalski?" Private asked "When are we ever going to need something like that?"

"Security little Private." Skipper replied taking the knife and watching the blade shoot back in. "Security."

"Glad you like It." said Kowalski

"Yep, you did well Kowalski. I'll hold on to it." Skipper said and took it with him out of the habitat.

"Where are you going Skippah?" Private called

"To Marlene's!" He called back. "Take the day off men!"

"Kowalski," said Private, turning to the tall penguin. "Doesn't Skippah seem to be spending A LOT of time with Marlene lately?"

"Well, Private; the answer to that is something you won't understand until you're older." answered the penguin, cleaning off his materials from the work table. "I don't really understand it myself."

"Do you think Skippah has feelings for Marlene?" Private asked

Kowalski laughed.

"Maybe Private, Maybe." he replied

Skipper looked in the otter habitat to see if he could see the otter sleeping or cleaning but saw nothing. He shrugged and vaulted over the side (which was quite difficult with the knife but he managed). He swam over to the side and looked in again before realizing that this was the first time he actually entered her habitat through the door, even though they had been going out for over a year. He was smiling because he had stored a ring in her habitat without her knowing and was going to purpose.

He wanted her so bad and was beginning to feel a sexual urge. He took the ring out and took it in to the habitat. He peeked in and saw her sleeping on a bed of sacks. Weird but he didn't care. She looked so beautiful. He touched her silken fur. He switched in the radio, low to find a good love song. He hadn't heard any of these before but this one started good. It had promise.

Before the story begins, is it such a sin,

for me to talk what's mine, until the end of time,

We were more than friends, before the story ends,

And I will take what's mine, create what God would never design.

He turned it up slowly and Marlene yelped and jumped up. She looked about before seeing Skipper. He hid the ring behind his back before she saw it.

"Oh Skipper," she said, all surprise draining way into happiness. "What're you doing here?"

"I have something to say." Skipper got closer and got down on a penguin knee.

He revealed the ring and saw her eyes flash with surprise but not happiness. What the hell?

Our love had been so strong for far too long,

I was weak with fear something would go wrong.

He stared into her eyes before saying it. He just couldn't tear his eyes away from her's, and he saw fear grow in them.

"Marlene," he said, his voice shaky. "Would you marry me?"

She stared at the crystal ring, her fear very apparent. and she saw that it was showing in the ring and tried to get rid of it, but it stayed.

"Uh-… well I'm flattered," she laughed so shakily that Skipper thought she might puke on him. "I-… well…"

"Marlene," Skipper said "I'm serious."

"I know that but well… no Skipper… I won't."

Skipper's face twisted in pain, and anger. he saw the fear explode.

"Uh… why not Marlene?" Skipper made a fake laugh like she was joking.

"Uh… Skipper… I just don't know."

Before the possibilities came true.

"Why the hell not?!" Skipper shouted standing up and getting in her face. "You know we love each other!"

"I do, but Skipper, I just- it doesn't feel right." she sighed "I just don't think we should do this… yet."

"You bitch!" he shouted and threw her against the wall. "There's someone else isn't there?!"

"Skipper!" Marlene yelped as he grabbed her arm and crushed it in his flipper. "You're hurting me!"

I took all possibility from you.

"You don't love me!" Skipper shouted

"That's not true!" Marlene shouted, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please let me go!"

Almost laughed myself to tears.

He dropped the ring and tightened his grip on the knife.

Conjuring her deepest fears.

"You bitch!" he shouted "How could you do this to me?!"

"Skipper I-…"

"Shut up!" he shouted and smacked her and pulled the knife out.

Before he knew what he was doing. It was already happening. He didn't mean it.

Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times.

He stabbed the knife into her stomach and she recoiled and screamed. He stared as blood spilled out on the floor from the hole where the knife stuck out.

I can't believe it.

He still held the knife and pushed it in farther as she gasped and blood dripped from her mouth.

Ripped her heart out right before her eyes.

And he ripped the blade out of her and she slide to the floor, the blood hole seeming to stare at him.

Eyes over easy, eat it eat it eat it.

She gasped one more time and she fell over, blood pooling around her head and her eyes wide in fear. Skipper got down beside her and looked at her, tears welling in her eyes. Then he heard the next line to the song:

She was never this good in bed.

He pulled her up into the bed and stared at her. He pushed her in and touched her face.

"It's your fault Marlene." he said "Your damn fault."

Her eyes just stared.