Bad Reviews-

I gazed around me with my newly acquired, perfect eyesight that made every colour around me defined with breath taking accuracy. I had persuaded Edward to change me before he had promised. I still have no idea as to how I did it but I am glad I did. Living with that stupid, weak, mortal body whilst my love lived forever. Never grew old and would never die.

I gazed at the reflection that was displayed in the mirror. I could not believe it was me. The features were so defined and my eyes glowed the amazing colour of crimson.

My reflection was running her hands over her cheekbones, her mouth a gape and her eyes wide with shock.

"I look so…different!" I gasped, looking down at my body. I gently lifted up the bottom of my upper attire to see that the skin under my black tank-top was a beautiful, marble white and looked completely flawless.

Edward walked over to me, looking like he might want to kill something. "I know it is amazing - and you do indeed look beautiful - but I am still not happy with changing you before your graduation. What are we going to do if you suddenly sparkle during the ceremony?!" He asked, almost growling.

I playfully shrugged my shoulders. "Scream and run?" I replied, making it a joke but Edward looked less than amused.

Emmett snickered from behind me. "I don't scream," he chuckled, "but I know that Edward does. Like a girl in fourth grade. Pigtails and everything!" When Edward gave him one of those looks that the expression: 'If looks could kill' was made for, Emmett fell about in a chorus of hysterical laughter.

Rosalie snorted with discontent. "I don't like it!" She said before standing up and storming out of the house, slamming the front door on her way.

Emmett abruptly stopped his laughter and followed her.

"Personally, I like it." Jasper said, walking behind me and running his fingers through my hair. "I don't have to worry about losing control and drinking your life away anymore." He whispered in my ear, so low that no one else could hear it.

"Maybe you won't turn up in my ward so much now." Carlise snickered.

Both Alice and Esme smiled at me.

Everyone was happy that I had become what I was. A vampire. All except Edward.

He still stared at me with smouldering, gold eyes that were filled with fury. "What was the hurry?" He blurted.

I looked at him with an expression of shock plastered upon my face. "What do you mean? I was just taking precautions."

"What sort of precautions?" He asked, his eyes intense and his jaw held tight.

"Well, for me, an ordinary task was a health hazard, right? What with me being such a klutz." I said, looking down at my nails, admiring how even becoming a vampire could make them exceedingly perfect.

Edward made a snorting noise within his throat. "I'm not that stupid!" He growled in my ear when he walked past, following the same path that both Rosalie and Emmett had taken a few seconds previous.

I turned to look at the vampires that surrounded me.

"He still believes his theory, I think." Carlise almost whispered before walking into the kitchen.

Esme and Alice followed suit, leaving me on my own with Jasper.

"He's just missing your mouth-watering smell." Jasper grumbled, his eyes turning to gaze into my own.

My heart thudded. I pulled an end of my hair toward my face and sniffed at it. "My hair still smells like strawberries." I said, a grin on my face. That strawberry shampoo reminded me of the day that I had made my acquaintance with the Cullens.

Jasper chuckled under his breath. "It certainly does." He then walked closer towards me and placed a hand on my bare shoulder. I could feel the velvet texture of his hands against my naked skin, making me almost shiver with surprise. "Just ignore him. He's being an idiot." He whispered into my ear.

"I just feel wrong. Upsetting him like this." I responded in a hushed voice, that was almost inaudible to me, let alone Jasper.

Edward returned hours later, over thirty minutes after Rosalie and Emmett had walked through the door. He sat himself down on the sofa, where I had been sat waiting for him to return.

"Better now?" I asked, turning my attention to him and trying to sound like my normal, emotionless self.

His quickly snapped his head round to look at me and gritted his teeth. "Whatever you're up to, I don't like it. There is more of a reason for you wanting to become a vampire than how clumsy you are. You lived for eighteen years like it, I am sure that one more wouldn't have hurt." He spat, sounding completely out of character for the normal Edward.

I stared at him. "I wanted to be with you, Edward. That's-"

"No, it wasn't." He growled, standing to his feet and storming up the stairs like and annoyed, thirteen year old girl.

I turned to Jasper, who had just walked through the kitchen door and was now leaning against the staircase.

"He thinks he knows everything and hates it when he gets out smarted." He explained in a bland voice, winking at the end of the sentence to add a bit of emotion and fun.

I smiled weakly back. Edward had thought he had seen through an act. I gulped, acknowledging that it was loud enough for Jasper to hear before walking up the stairs and making my way towards Edward's room.

"Come in." He grumbled after I knocked on the door three times.

I slowly pushed the door open, listening to it make an eerie creaking sound before standing in the room. "What was that all about?" I asked in a voice that I hoped sounded a little more shaken and surprised that upset and guilty.

Edward sighed. "Sorry, I thought you were going all stereotypical. You know, wanting power and eternal life, etc."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Of course not." I chuckled.

Edward shook his head smiling. "I must be getting silly with my old age."

I snickered and sat on the bed beside him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, hoping that the truth never got out.

If he discovered, would he even let me stay in the same house? Would he even have anything to do with me? It was too late now. My heart was made up.

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