Author's Note: I wanted to write a story that included all of my favorite pairings while still being original (and having a plot). I thought that a WWIII story would be too cliché and drabbles would be hard…. Then, I suddenly remembered the Shakespeare play I read last year, A Midsummer Night's Dream. That's when it hit me. After giving my fav Hetalia characters each a role I thought suit them best (and correlated with the pairings), I immediately knew that this story had to be written!

Extended Summary: Japan's boss wants Japan to marry China for political reason, but Japan wants to be with Greece. Meanwhile, China-obsessed Korea wants the older nation to be his, despite the fact China is too preoccupied with the hope that his younger brother may be living in the same roof again….But when Sealand attempt to help out with the couple's struggles, something goes wrong….Based on Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. There isn't any old English in here, and everything is in present day.

Disclaimer: I do not own either Axis Powers Hetalia or A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Warning: There are a couple crack pairings in this story due to the plot, but they aren't too painful :3.

Pairings: (in order of appearance) GerIta, Giripan, ChiKor, FrUk, Matfred (CanadaxAmerica) and some implicated PrusHun


"NIHON!" Italy cried joyously as soon as the door to the older country's house opened. Before Japan could protect himself, Italy locked him in a suffocating embrace, leaving Japan startled. Regaining his senses, he roughly shoved the Italian man away and gave him a stern look.

"Italy-san….What did I say about hugging me?" Japan chastised, his gaze clearly showing disappointment.

Italy bowed his head in shame. "Never do it." He mumbled, disheartened, but his sadness didn't last. "C'mon, Doitsu! Let's sit down!" he called to the nation behind him. Germany followed Italy to Japan's living room where they made themselves comfortable on the floor. Japan disappeared into the kitchen and returned with three bowl of white rice, each with chop sticks sticking out of the bowl. "If you need a fork instead, I have some for you."

Japan cocked his head curiously as Germany and Italy thanked their friend for the food. Something seemed…different about the two of them. Germany was contently holding hands with Italy (something the two were rarely ever caught doing, even if the only witness was Japan) and the former wore the happiest grin-one that lit up the German's face as if the sun's rays were reflecting upon his skin right now. Japan pondered these new elements, trying to come to a conclusion as to the source. Had Italy and Germany escalated their relationship to a higher level? Japan turned the hypothesis over in his head, feeling that he somehow failed to notice an essential piece of the puzzle.

"Guess what happened, Nihon?" Italy exclaimed, fidgeting in his seat with pent-up energy.

That's when it hit Japan. He recalled the moment a few days before when Germany had displayed his little gift to Italy, wrapped in a bow that held a resemblance to pasta…

"Relationships may not be his forte," Japan thought, "but Germany-san does have an eye for detail…" Remembering Italy's unanswered question, he replied. "What?" while trying to feign surprise.

Italy couldn't hold his secret in any longer. "Germany proposed to me!" he exclaimed. He popped out of his seat, almost flipping the kotatsu over. Thankfully, Germany caught the furniture before it spilt its contents onto Japan.

Japan felt a smile curve his lips. "How wonderful!" He exclaimed. "Congra-"

"He gave me a ring!" Italy interrupted. "See?" He wagged his ring finger in front of Japan's face with such speed that the latter had to catch Italy's wrist and hold it still for a proper examination. The band was a standard gold, the surface shimmering in the slanted sunlight. A tomato sat atop the band in place of the customary diamond.

"He went to Jared!" Italy beamed with pride at the ring. Japan gazed past Italy to Germany with a questioning gaze.

Germany's cheeks flushed with color. "Well, America suggested the store and they DID have a good selection…."

"I see…" Japan chuckled softly, "The ring seems to suit Italy-san's taste to a T."

He began to say his thanks when Italy spoke again. "We're getting married in four days!"

Japan furrowed his eyebrows. "Four days? Isn't that a little….soon?" he inquired, figuring the average time span between proposal and marriage was around 3 months or so.

"It is…" Italy agreed. "But Germany keeps talking about how he wants to get to the wedding night, which to me seems strange. I mean what's so special about the NIGHT of the wedding? Are-"

Italy stopped speaking as Germany muffled the former's speech with his hand. "Feliciano," He spoke, using his fiancé's human name, "you don't have to tell Japan EVERYTHING."

Italy tried to pull the hand away from his mouth as a sign he had to say something. Obeying, Germany removed his hand from Italy's face, keeping it close in case Italy continued with the humiliating topic.

The auburn-haired country seemed to remain unflustered. "Anyway, Ludwig and I were wondering if you would like to join the wedding!"

Japan did not answer right away. He ran his schedule quickly through his head. "I think I can come. But I'll have to check with my superior if the date is available." He commented after a moment of thought.

"Well, you are welcome to come, Japan." Germany replied. "We won't be bothered if you decide to join us at the last minute."

Japan thanked the two friends for their kindness and began to consume his portion of rice. Germany and Italy, feeling to need to be respectful, dug into their own bowls.

"So, Japan…" Italy began, struggling to get a proper grip on his chop sticks. "…what's with you and Greece?"

Japan almost choked on his rice the moment Italy completed his question. Giving his chest a few firm taps with a sideways fist, he responded. "Well…we-um-haven't visited each other in a while…" He eyes grew wistful, but he shook himself.

"So you two love each other?" Italy continued, now stirring his rice absently.

Japan's face reddened and he shrunk to half his size (although he was quite short already). "I….I guess you could say that…" he whispered, embarrassed.

"Italy!" Germany's stern voice covered Japan's meek one in a flash. "You shouldn't be asking Japan about personal subjects. It's rude!"

Italy frowned, turning to his fiancé. "Ve~, I was just curious, Ludwig."

"Yes." The Japanese man piped up, sitting up straight as if the conversation had never occurred. "There is no need to worry, Germany-san. I'm okay with discussing my relationship with Greece-san." Japan wasn't too sure he truly would divulge information to the eager Italian, but he saw no sense in keeping the whole thing a secret. (Many nations already knew the little Greece-Japan dating rumor to be true or had at least heard of the rumors.)

Germany furrowed his eyebrows in concern as he shoveled rice into his mouth. "Are you sure you're okay with it?" the blonde inquired after swallowing his food.

Japan merely nodded. "I might as well get used to the fact that my love life will be prodded. Being more open about the topic amongst friends may help in the event someone I'm not on good terms with asks me questions." He thought.

"Well, I'm glad you have a love interest, Nihon. It's wonderful, isn't it?" He leaned his head onto Germany's chest.

Japan had to agree with Italy. Being with Greece had made him…different. Japan felt he had opened up emotionally because of Greece, becoming more comfortable with hugs and kisses…although he still detested hugs from anyone else aside from Greece.

"Speaking of, is Greece here?"

In that same instant, an obnoxious snore erupted from somewhere beneath the cover of the kotatsu. Italy jumped a foot in the air with surprise. "DOITSU! What was that? It sounded REALLY creepy. I'm SCARED!" The Italian began to sob hysterically, clinging onto Germany for dear life, while the blonde placed a hand on his forehead in shame.

Seizing the opportunity, Japan casted a glace under the folds of cloth to discover Greece, curled up on the floor. Japan hated to disturb his sleeping lover, but Italy and Germany might get curious… He lightly nudged the Greek, trying to keep the movements as subtle as possible in the event the two guests glanced at him. Soon, Greece opened his groggy jade-green eyes in confusion. He opened his mouth to say something, but Japan placed a finger over his lips in a sign to remain quiet.

"Nihon?" Italy's voice brought Japan's head out from under the tablecloth. The small nation let the cloth drop from his fingers and flutter into their natural position.

"What made that noise?" Germany asked, as soon as Japan's attention had returned to the couple.

Immediately, Japan frantically tried to come up with some explanation for the snore. "It was only my dog." Japan admitted finally, feeling terrible about lying to his best friend.

"A dog?" Italy's face lit up with excitement. "Let me see it!" He began to stick his head underneath the kotatsu.

"NO!" Japan yelled, panic searing across his countenance. Italy froze, amazed at Japan's sudden outburst.

"I mean…my dog doesn't like to be disturbed from his nap. I learned that the hard way." He stuttered briskly, hoping the explanation would be convincing.

"Oh…" Italy backed away from the edge of the table, as if afraid of arousing the "dog" lying beneath the wood.

The three talked for an hour more about other topics until Germany checked his watch and tapped its face. "We have to go back west." He announced. "Italy and I need to prepare for the wedding and there are only four days until the date."

Italy didn't want to leave his comfortable position on the seat cushion, but his soon-to-be husband wasn't the person to argue with. "Ve~, I want to make sure we have enough food for the after party, Doitsu." He replied, placing the chop sticks back into his rice bowl.

"Well, thanks for visiting, you two, "Japan replied, opening the front door for the couple, "and congratulations!"

As soon as Japan closed the door behind Germany and Italy, the house phone rang from its location on the kotatsu. Japan rushed over and clicked the green button. "Japan speaking. " He spoke curtly into the receiver, eyeing the kotatsu for any sign of movement from Greece.

"Konichiwa, Japan." Japan's superior's voice returned the nation response. "I have some important news to share with you. Are you alone?"

Japan's gaze immediately returned to the kotatsu. Was he going to have to lie to his superior now? Feeling extremely uncomfortable, he took in a breath and replied. "Yes. I am."

"Good. Please retrieve your laptop. I would like to converse with you over video chat."

Japan, understanding, momentarily placed the phone down, retreated into his bedroom, and swept his silver PC off of his bed. He started to walk back into the living room, but froze. If Greece decided to leave his position, his boss would surely see. Instead, he shut the door, being sure to bolt it tight.

Japan welcomed himself onto the foot of his mattress and placed his laptop atop his lap. He pushed the start button and petted one of Greece's many cats as he waited for the computer to warm up.

A few clicks later, Japan pulled up the video chat screen that displayed a live feed of his boss in front of his own webcam. "Now that we are ready, I will begin." The boss cleared his throat. "I am sure you are aware of the trip I made to China, yes?"

Japan nodded in acknowledgement of the fact. "Of course. I can see you are still in China's house."

His lips curved into a satisfied smile. "Why, yes! I quite like it here, actually." He commented. "I find the atmosphere rather placid."

Japan's face dulled at his boss's strange praise of his older brother's living quarters. Something about his boss's expression told the nation that he was purposefully looking comfortable, as if to convince Japan the place held the greatest atmosphere in the entire world.

"Anyway, I have been pondering about our position in the world in terms of impact. We have a booming economy and posses an incredible military force, if I do say so myself, but could we possibly become even stronger?"

Japan leaned closer to the screen, his eyes narrowing slightly. The thought of power is a tempting one for a nation and very few can refuse its promises-even someone as self-controlled as Japan. He knew power had blinded nations to the point it left them barley surviving. For power is like flames. They are a nation's source of survival, but abuse the flame and it devourers everything it touches until the flames end up feasting on the person who used the fire for his own purposes. Japan silently waited for his boss to continue, wondering what type of strength his superior held in mind.

"China has a favorable position. The economy is going well. Their military is strong. He has the makings of a superpower." Japan's boss continued. "With all these positive elements, I have decided a move that could aid us in the long run." He paused, as if to let Japan state anything before the unveiling of the idea. Japan, however, remained silent, his face impossible to read.

"I want you to marry China."

Japan's mouth hung open in utter disbelief. His brain screeched to a stop and his whole body seemed to lose its memory on how to perform simple bodily functions. His muscles froze, lost without a central command system, his lungs couldn't seem to inhale or exhale. Even his heart had lost its rhythm, banging on the inside of his ribs as if to plead Japan's brain to work again.

To Japan's surprise, the brain obeyed his hearts wishes and invigorated, returning function back to Japan. Before he could vocalize his thoughts, though, Japan's boss said, "I didn't think you'd be too enthusiastic, but look at the benefits. China is immortal. If you tied the knot, you'd be immortal, too."

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Japan interrupted, his face still impassive. "How did China's boss react to the idea?"

"Oh, he loved it! He believes that it will be the best for us all. Even China himself is elated to be married to you."

Once again, Japan's brain froze with astonishment. China himself had agreed full heartedly with this ridiculous plan? Why? Pushing his question aside, Japan furrowed his eyebrows, trying to formulate a sentence that would give his boss his rejection without being too subtle or too harsh about it. (Japan, as you know, believed that words had to be arranged in the right patterns lest you send the wrong massage.)

With words finally prepared, he verbalized his thoughts. "As much as the rest of the people in question want this marriage to follow through, I must say I do not approve. The people of my country will not be enthusiastic about rejoining with China and our governments are too diverse to be mixed with each other. I apologize for the inconvenience." Japan began to move his cursor to the "x" button in the top right corner of the video chat window.

"It's because of Greece, isn't it?"

Japan's hand came to a stop. Still gripping the mouse, he returned his gaze to his boss. "Pardon?" he asked, wanting to make sure he hadn't misheard.

"That cat lover Greece is clouding your thoughts. You spend so much time with him that your judgment is thrown off. What do you SEE in him anyway? He only sleeps and gets angry at Turkey for no apparent reason. (Turkey isn't all that bad of a person.)"

Japan felt his knuckles turning white from squeezing his fingers together into a fist. Japan knew anger as well as any other person does; he rarely ever let it show on his countenance. Even for someone like Greece, who knew him better than many other countries, held difficulty deciphering the nation's emotions. Now…Japan felt so furious, tendrils of his feelings leaked into the clenched fists. His own boss…blaming the Nation's decision on another country. It was despicable. "Even if Greece was out of the equation, I would decline the offer." Japan spoke calmly, trying his best to keep his breathing even. "I do not want to marry China."

"Listen, Kiku." Japan's eyes brown eyes widened. His boss had never called him by his human name before now... His boss continued as if he had said nothing out of the ordinary. "I will give you two opinions to this proposition. Either you will marry China as planned or you will take an oath that you will never form a relationship with another Nation outside of political alliances. You are to give me an answer in four days time. Is this understood?"

Japan looked at his boss in disbelief. "Yes." He rasped, suddenly feeling aged.

The box which once housed his boss's face now stood blackened. Japan's fingers shut down the computer, but Japan himself swirled in the new information. Could he really choose between marrying China and being forbidden to be in another relationship? Was his boss truly serious about this? Japan unlocked his bedroom door and walked into the living room. He paused to clear his head of as many thoughts as possible before he slipped his head under the kotatsu. "You can come out now." Japan said to the Greek, noticing that he had failed to return to his nap.

"Well, that's a relief." Greece slipped out from under the furniture and stood to full height. Japan followed suit, looking up at the other. "I was wondering when I would be allowed to move." Greece continued, stretching his long-rested limbs.

Japan chuckled, a smile on his face. "I'm sorry, but I felt my company would ask too many questions about our relationship."

Greece waved a hand in dismissal of Japan's actions. "No worries. I'm not bothered at all." He paused, eyes scanning Japan, before he spoke abruptly. "You know, for that whole entire time you were talking with Germany and Italy, I could see up your-"

Japan, ninja reflexes kicking in, gave Greece's chest a strong shove, sending the taller man to the floor. Embarrassed, the raven-haired man worked on flattening his yukata (although there was no real need to) and leaving a mental note to fold his legs the next time he sat at the kotatsu.

As a result, he failed to see Greece return to his feet and come closer to him. "Did I embarrass you?" Greece asked him softly, wrapping his arms around Japan's waist and resting his chin on Japan's shoulders.

A flush of deeper red darkened Japan's blush from light pink to a redder tint. Lost for words, he simply nodded. He was about to face the Greek, but his thoughts flashed back to the recent discussion between his boss and him. He sighed softly, suddenly feeling more weight on his shoulders than ever before.

Greece lifted his head from his lover's shoulder. "Is there something wrong, Kiku?" he asked, worried. "You seem…preoccupied."

Japan removed Greece's arms from his waist and plopped himself on the floor, back propped against the wall. "I have a lot on my mind."

Greece sat beside him, shifting Japan until he rested comfortably on Greece's lap. "Tell me what's on your mind." He said softly, his nose nuzzling the other lovingly.

Japan then proceeded to relay the situation to Greece, who listened to everything, not commenting until the end. All the while, he gave the small Nation a soothing massage. "You have to marry China?" Greece asked with disbelief.

Japan took in a shaky breath. "It's either that or no relationships at all."

Greece sunk into silence, pausing his massage to think. He suddenly became excessively nervous, butterflies appearing in the pit of his stomach. Clearing his throat nonchalantly, he spoke. "You know, my boss likes you."

Japan looked up at Greece curiously. "Is that so? We haven't met properly…"

"That may be true," Greece murmured, gently kissing the top of Japan head, "but he's heard enough from me to know how great you are."

Japan felt more blush creep across his face at these words. Greece noticed and lifted Japan's chin until he could see the other's face completely. "God, I love it when you blush. You look like such a neko." He breathed, placing a tender hand on the side of Japan's face.

Japan became interested in the condition of his nails. "Why did you tell me about your boss?" he asked in an effort to change the subject.

Greece remembered their original discussion. "Oh, well. I have an idea that will help the situation." He took Japan's hands in his. "Come with me tomorrow to my house. I don't know when your boss is returning, but if he is coming today, we should leave now."

"He isn't returning until tomorrow afternoon."

Greece's lips stretched into a grin. "We would long gone by then." As he spoke, he drew circles in the palms of Japan's hands with his thumb. He held the back of each hand with the rest of his fingers curled lightly around the silky skin. "When we get to my house, my boss can join us together….in marriage."

Japan slipped his hands from Greece's grasp. He fell off Greece's lap and looked at the other man with disbelief. "You…" he began hoarsely. "…want to marry me?"

"Well, actually, it would be eloping..." Greece corrected him flatly, but then a light pink blush found its way onto Greece's countenance. "…but yes, I want you to marry me…." Since his legs were no longer serving as a seat for Japan, he drew them to his chest. "I had been thinking about asking you a long time ago..." he continued, swirling an index finger lazily on the floor. "…but I never got the nerve to…I even had a ring picked out…"

Japan nestled himself next to Greece, shoulder against his. "Is that so?....Well….This does seem like a good plan. My boss would never know about it and I trust your superior wouldn't let the secret go out, yes?"

Greece nodded, finger still making circles on the floor. "He wouldn't tell a soul…" He straightened his legs out again, first the left leg, then the right.

Japan faced Greece, turning his whole body in his direction. "I guess I should give you my answer…" he stated, his voice light and feathery.

Jade green met chocolate brown. "Please do."

Japan's eyes fluttered closed, running through his decision in his head once more before parting his lips. "Tomorrow… I will go with you to elope, Heracles-kun." His eyelids withdrew, his pupils focusing on his lover. "My answer is yes."

An ear-to ear grin erupted so quickly onto Greece's face, it almost arrived violently. Unable to resist, he coiled his arms around his beloved's waist and pressed his lips gently on Japan's

The elder nation's lips curled at their edges ever so slightly into a somewhat grin. His own happiness urged his arms to drape themselves on Greece's shoulders and lace his fingers together behind's Greece's neck, his eyes closing. Japan's love ballooned in his chest as he shared the kiss with Greece, until he felt Greece's lips moving slightly and the beginnings of his tongue slipping itself into Japan's mouth.

Taken over with panic, Japan, for the second time that day, delivered a painless, yet forceful blow to the others chest, separating them. 'W-what were you doing, G-Greece-san?" he panted, his body shuddering as his nerves steadily obtained composure.

Greece, back lying against the floor, pulled himself to an upright position. "I…" Another wave rosy pink invaded the Greek's cheeks. "…I'm sorry, Kiku…." His voice faded in volume the more he spoke. "I just…couldn't help myself....."

Japan did not make an immediate reaction yet. He merely waited for his heartbeat to regain its normal speed before he closed the gap between him and Greece. "It's alright, Heracles-kun. It's me, really…being horrible with relationships." Japan rested his head on Greece's shoulder, twining his fingers in Greece's.

Greece relished the way his human name rolled off Japan's tongue-so elegant and cat-like. "Don't worry about it." Greece whispered his cheek against Japan's raven-tinted hair. "Everything will be better tomorrow."

Korea couldn't move, even if he wanted to from his spot in the bushes flanking Japan's humble home. A pen hovered forgotten above a pad of paper, even though his hand still clutched the utensil. His browned eyes had augmented to the side of tea saucers in surprise, anguish, utter awe at the scene before him…..Labeling one dominant emotion would be virtually impossible. "This…" he though, his internal voice quivering, "…this is definitely NOT what I expected to find."

Thanks to MeowChan16 for helping me out with this fanfic and making sure it nothing was "sweeter than Panda Puffs" :D