A/N- The first two seasons are the same, but Haley and Nathan never get back together. They divorce and stay friends. Lucas and Brooke's relationship still happens and still falls apart because of Peyton. That should be it for now; any other questions will be filled in though flashbacks.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Mark Schwahn owns One Tree Hill and all its characters, I just tweak the story a bit.

"Luke, don't worry…she's gonna come." His petite friend reassures him as he paces back a fourth in his kitchen. Ever since he heard that Peyton might come home he has been in full panic mode.

"Yeah, but how can you be so sure Haley? I, I mean it's been what...five years since we've really seen her." Haley looks at him sympathetically and walks over to him.

In the last five years it's just been them. Literally the day after graduation Peyton and Brooke went off to California to intern a record company and start a clothing line. Nathan went to Duke to play college ball and soon after he graduated from there he got drafted by the NBA. Lucas and Haley both stayed close and went to USC. For the two of them things seemed to go back to the way they were; before the Ravens and before getting married and divorced in high school. What Lucas didn't know was that Haley and Peyton still kept in touch.

"Hey. She's coming, it's Whitey. She'll be here, and so will Brooke." He shoots her a smile because he knows how much the older man means to both girls.

"Nathan is coming to you know. It will kinda be like old times." He says to her with a reminiscent smile growing on his face.

Haley smiles back, "Yeah, I've heard." She pauses, "Well anyway, I have someplace to be sooo, I will see you later."

Lucas cocks his head and gives her his signature squint, "Where are you going Hales?"

"Ah, ha. That is top secret buddy. I'll talk to you later." She gives him one last smiles and leaves through his kitchen door.


Peyton looks up in to the sky, her green eyes searching for answers. She lets out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding then looks down to a small girl that is clinging to her hand. "Alright are you ready for this girly?" she asks her.

"Sure am Momma." she says, as she nods her head, her brown unruly curls bob up and down. "Are you?" her daughter asks as she looks up to her mother with large green eyes that match her own.

"As ready as I'll ever be baby. Welcome to Tree Hill." Peyton says as she looks around the cemetery.

It has been five years since Peyton has been in Tree Hill. Five years since she saw the face of so many friends she still cared about. But she did what she had to do. When she left with Brooke for California she swore that she was never coming back to this town. It held too many memories; two dead moms, a psycho stalker, too many love triangles to count. But she had to come back, if she didn't she would never forgive herself.

She got the call three days ago from Haley. It was an urgent phone call begging her to come back to Tree Hill. Whitey was dying. Their high school basketball coach was losing his battle with old age; well that was the way Haley put it. He had been like a father to Peyton when hers wasn't around. He talked to her when she needed someone and gave her advice when she needed it most. He was one of the few people that know about the pregnancy, aside from Brooke and Haley. She trusted him with this secret and he helped her mend her relationship with Brooke and helped them get settled in California. After she hung up the phone from talking to Haley she knew what she had to do. She called Brooke and they booked three plane tickets to Tree Hill, North Carolina.

That was three days ago. Now she stands in the middle of the cemetery, which is full of too many people she loves if you ask her, with her four and a half year old daughter holding her hand. This is not the way she ever had expected to come back and see everybody. Sure she had thought about coming home once or twice. Brooke talked about it when she started feeling nostalgic and Haley brought it up almost every time they talked on the phone. After a while she wanted to go back, but how do you explain that you have a four year old daughter that you hid from almost everyone?

'Well, it's now or never.' thought Peyton as she let go of her daughter's hand.

"Come here baby, I want you to meet your Grandma. Hi Mom. Remember when I told you I was pregnant? Well, this is my daughter." She said as she traced her mother's name with her finger.

"Hi Grandma. I'm Sawyer Brooke Scott." She said as she started to trace the name of her grandmother just as Peyton had done.

Peyton chuckled at her daughter and watched as she talked to her mother just as she had done many times before; her daughter was intently telling her all the exciting things that she has done in LA with her mother and her Aunt Brooke.

"Eh hemm! Excuse me, but I think I'm looking for a Peyton Sawyer." Coughs Haley, as she walks over to where Peyton and Sawyer are standing with arms wide open.

"Oh my God! Haley James!" yells Peyton as she runs over and gives Haley a hug.

"You actually came. I'm happy you called me Peyton." The brunette said sincerely giving her a warm welcoming smile. "Brooke is here already you know that right?"

"Of course, we came. I'm glad I called you too, Brooke's great but…she can be…overbearing sometimes." she said uneasily. Peyton looks over to Sawyer, and waves her over. "Hey come here, there's someone I want you to meet."

Sawyer walks over to her mother and Haley cautiously. Her large green eye staring intently at the two women in front of her.

"Peyton she's beautiful." Haley whispers, and Peyton gives her a thankful smile.

Peyton kneels down to her daughter's level, "Baby this is one of my best friends. She's your Aunt Haley." Sawyer's eyes dance from Peyton to Haley as she listens to her mother's words. "Remember all the stories I told you about her?"

Sawyer looks up at Haley's motherly face one last time before running up to her and giving her a hug.

"Oh!" said a shocked Haley "Hi Sawyer. It is very nice to finally meet you." Once Sawyer broke away from the hug she stuck her hand out to properly greet Haley.

"Hi, I'm Sawyer Brooke Scott, age four." She said proudly.

"Well Sawyer Brooke Scott age four how about we get you and your Mom out of this cemetery and into my car so you can finally get home?" said Haley as she grabbed Sawyers hand.

Peyton mouthed Haley a silent thank you and strapped her into the car. The ride to Peyton's house was silent; by the time they got there Sawyer was asleep.

Before getting out of the car Peyton looks over to Haley, "Thanks Hales. I don't know if I said it already but I really appreciate this. It really means a lot to me."

Haley gives her a small smile, "You know I would do anything for you, and that little girl." She said as they both glanced back at the sleeping child in the back.

"Look," Haley slowly starts, "I know you asked me not to say anything to Lucas, and I haven't, but he's going to find out sooner or later...they both are."

Peyton sighs; she knew this was going to get brought up. "I know Hales. You and Brooke…you and Brooke have been really great to me, and I'm going to tell him. I am… just not now."

Haley takes in a breath and looks over to Peyton "Alright, but you've got to do it soon." She paused, thinking of the right thing to say, "What about Nathan? Does he know?" Peyton shakes her head. "He misses you, a lot…Lucas. And I know that this is going to break his heart when he finds out."

"Yeah, well, it's going to break mine too. Thanks again Haley, I'll give you a call tomorrow." She says as she is getting Sawyer from the back seat of the car.

Haley gives Peyton one last wave before driving off, leaving Peyton and Sawyer on their own.

-This is my first story. I hope you like it so far, it is going to be a chapter fic. I honestly don't know how long it is going to be but I know where I want to take it. I am a Leyton shipper but Nathan and Peyton have always been my guilty pleasure. I've had this idea in my mind for a while and finally got up the courage to write it. Be easy on me, leave reviews, give advice, but no hate mail, that can put a damper of someone's day. =)