Chapter #1: Spaceship Plans

Okay, so this is my 1st Phineas and Ferb story ever. (let alone my 1st Phinbella story ever). I'll try to update this as frequently as possible, but juggling school and a bunch of DeviantART stuff, plus now this is gonna be a handful. But don't worry. 'Cuz Perry doesn't, and you know how much you love Perry. :)

Oh, and BTW, it's all in Phineas's POV.

I was happily sound asleep one July morning when our alarm started blaring. I absolutely HATE that alarm clock. But without it, I'd probably never wake up, and we'd never finish our inventions on time. As I rolled over to shut it off, I noticed Ferb starting to wake up as well. Though he won't admit it, he hates the thing as much as I do.

We both got dressed and ran downstairs for breakfast. Waffles again, but I don't mind. Candace walked in as we sat down; I could tell she'd been up all night on the phone for the millionth time this summer. She grabbed a plate of waffles from the counter, sat down, and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"Morning, Candace," I said to her.

She just mumbled again. Mornings usually went this way: alarm, waffles, sleepy Candace.

After breakfast, me and Ferb sat under the tree in our yard as usual. Perry came over and sat next to us, doing that weird platypus noise he always does. As I petted him, I thought about what we'd build for the day. I thought, and thought, and thought, but nothing came to mind.

"You know what Ferb? I can't think of anything! Do you think I'm losing my touch?" I asked.

He just looked at me, but I knew what he was thinking.

"Yeah, you're right. But I still can't think of anything good!" I looked over at him. "Do YOU have any ideas?"

He whipped out a blueprint and handed it to me. It had schematics of a nifty-looking space ship on it. After looking over it, I decided that it was perfect.

"Ferb, you're a genius!" I exclaimed. "I know what...hey, you wanna say it?"

He gave me a look that said, "Nah, you do it."

I shrugged. "Okay. Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today! We're gonna build a spaceship!"

Me: Yeah, kinda short, but I didn't wanna break off to far in.

Isabella: I thought I was the main character in this story!

Me: Calm down, Izzy. You come in the next chapter. Which will, IDK, 1/2 hour from now?

Isabella: A 1/2 hour!!! I can't wait that long!

Me: Tough waffles, deal with it.

Phineas: Wait, "tough waffles"?

Me: What, waffles can't be tough?

Phineas: They're just waffles...

Me: Not if they're freezer burned!

Yeah...probably shouldn't have wrote this when I'm hungry. :)

Chapter 2 coming up!