As promised to elvenlover here is another piece of the story.

Originally, this was a full story; these two chapters are pieces of it but not the full chapters there were quite a few things deleted from them both.

If anyone wants to read the full story PM or tell me in a review, and let me know and I'll post the full story over time. To warn readers there is a very high probability that it will not follow the NWN 2 storyline at all.

Three weeks there was no sign of the elf anywhere; it was as if he had dropped off the face of the earth. I knew he hadn't he was probably doing his trap line. I was sitting here bored at Tarmas's while Amie learnt a new spell and I studied one I already knew.

"Endaria why doesn't Tarmas teach you anymore spells?" Amie whispered to me while his back was to us.

"Because I'm learning some spell to easily." I said with a shrug of my shoulder.

"So you still need to learn spells." She said confused. I knew that but I didn't know why he wasn't teaching me more.

"If the two of you are finished whispering to each other, you have studying to do." He said glaring at the both of us until Amie mumbled an apology.

"Endaria, you will be coming with me tomorrow, I've hired someone to take us into the Mere so you can learn a few new spells. Amie you will be accompanying us." He said before an argument broke out. "And maybe you will understand why I train you friend differently." He said giving her a light reprimand. Damn here we go again! Amie thought he was playing favorites when that was the furthest from the truth.

"Who's leading us?" I asked. I was pretty sure who it was but I wanted to make sure. I wasn't sure how he was going to react with me being there since that one day with at the Harvest Fair we haven't seen or talked with each other.

"Daeghun is." He said shortly silence following his answer. I left it alone obviously; he didn't want to talk about it.

I awoke early the next morning ready to meet Tarmas and Amie at Daeghun's. I headed over to Daeghun's expecting everyone to be there. Tarmas and Amie weren't there yet, but Daeghun was outside sitting by a tree watching the water in the stream that cuts off his house from the rest of the village. I walked up to him breaking his reverie, where are the other two?" I asked him looking towards Tarmas's for any signs of life.

"They will be here shortly." He said not taking his attention off the river. I looked over at him trying to read his thought but I was never good at that.

I heard a faint noise in the distance, glance in that direction I seen Tarmas and Amie head coming around the corner of their house. Tarmas had my spell-book in his hand as Amie followed sullenly.

"Looks like everyone is ready to go," I stated. "While Tarmas teaches me the new spell you and Amie will have to be far enough away from so neither of you become harmed." I told him watching my teacher was making his way towards us.

"I have three spell for you to do today." He said handing me the parchment. "Two of those I expect you to learn, the third I want to see if you can actually cast it." He said with a smirk as I looked at the spells in question, two level five spells and one level nine spell.

"I looked at the level nine spell with trepidation, "are you sure you want me to try this one?" I asked, fear was evident in my voice. He gave me a strange look and then nodded his head.

"Yes, I'm sure." He said still giving me a strange look.

"And if I lose control and the other things happen?" I asked, ignoring the interest of Amie and Daeghun's cold stare as he listened in.

"Then Daeghun can shoot you with a few arrows." He answered with a smirk as I glared at him.

"I so do not think so." I growled at him. I turned to the elf giving him a level stare, as he stared back at me with a light in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. "You will not shoot me full of arrows." I said glaring at him.

He didn't say a word as he walked away. leading the way into the Mere to a clearing that was surrounded by trees and a lake to one side. I could hear the water splash against the shore, but I couldn't see it through the foliage. I casted the first spell watched as it fizzled in my hands. I was expecting it this was the first casting.

"Again this time use the hand motions as it is shown." Tarmas sighed impatiently, taking my hands into his and moving them in a pattern, showing me the way it was suppose to be. He let go of my hands moving a few steps away to let me try again. Melf's acid arrows appeared shooting towards a tree nearby hitting its target.

"Now the other one," He said taking that parchment from me. I tried yet again, but failed at casting it. "This one doesn't have hand motions, it take concentration, more so than any other spell you've casted. The more concentration the longer it stays and the more arrows it takes." He explained to me. I tried again, focusing on the spell instead of everything around me. A glow appeared around me protecting me. I could feel it surrounding me like a blanket making me feel safe.

"Daeghun, shoot an arrow at her." Tarmas told the elf. What the fuck is he thinking telling the elf to shoot an arrow at me! I thought in a panic. Daeghun took aim shooting an arrow at me or so I thought. The arrow hit the shield but wouldn't have hit me it would have just missed me. I smiled in relief as the shield held. "Keep shooting until it collapses." Tarmas said. Okay I was definitely getting even with my teacher and maybe the elf too, though that was slim chance not after the bard. Continuously the elf shot arrows as I held the spell with each arrow he shot the spell was harder to control. After the seventh arrow, the spell collapsed and I sagged feeling drained, that stopped, when the last arrow grazed my arm making a shallow cut that bled. It didn't really hurt but it did burn for a moment. That alone was enough to snap me out of my daze.

"Seven arrows, that's better than I thought you could do. You are more powerful than I have given you credit for." He said with a smug smile. Daeghun came over to me taking my hand into his. I gave him a curious look, trying to determine what he was up to. He pushed my sleeve up showing the shallow cut that bled slightly. Laying his hand on the cut, he healed it so that there was no sign of it.

"Thank you." I whispered to him as he backed off.

"Now try the level nine spell." Tarmas said passing the parchment as he took the other one from me. I read over the spell, rereading again and again, until I felt comfortable saying the words. I casted the spell and nothing happened! There was not a fizzle or spark, or anything else, to say that I even tried casting the spell, to my annoyance. "Good you are not as far advanced as I thought you were." he said with a smug smile that had a tinge of relief.

"How come she has so much of an easier time casting than I do?" Amie asked with a slight whine to her voice as she looked up at Tarmas curiously. Yeah good question, I wouldn't mind an answer to that one.

"For some magic is a struggle, for others magic comes easily, she is one of the natural ones. But she has large down fall since she so powerful … control, which is where she fails. That is why her parent and I send her into the Mere to practice." He explained to the girl. "Now let's head back to the village." He said with a nod towards Daeghun. "You are to stay here and practice." He said sternly to me. I gave a nod of my head as he came over to me placing an arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry you'll be fine and there is no one to harm here." He said before giving me a light kiss on the forehead. I gave him an annoyed look for his show of affection which he rarely does. Why he did it this time, I didn't know and didn't really care.

I watched as they disappeared into the trees heading towards the village, when they were out of sight I casted the two new spells I had just learnt, using more magic than I did when they were here. The tree in front of me exploded into splinters as I casted the Melf's acid arrow at it. I practiced my other spells ones I had learned over the years, since I was alone and no one would be, harmed by an accident. I closed my eye shutting out everything around me concentrating on the magic around me. With each spell I casted, I used the magic that I held in check when others were near. By my seventh spell, I was using so much power that my feet didn't touch the ground any more.

When I was exhausted, I stopped the magic, let me down easily until my feet touched the ground. I opened my eyes to find Daeghun standing not far away from me; he was in the clearing near the tree line. "Why are you here?" I asked him annoyed as he came closer. His cold expression was still in place as he advanced.

"I came back to escort you when you were done." He said in a monotone voice that I hated. My vow of not pulling a prank on him was becoming a distant memory even with the knowledge of what happened to the last person that annoyed him.

"Well I'm done." I said walking towards where he had exited from with Amie and Tarmas. He followed silently that I had to glance back to see if he was actual there, he was and my brain worked feverishly on plans for the elf.