Dear Jack,

If you're reading this then you're probably cleaning my stuff out or being nosey JACK! But if not then I am dead, as I write this you are sleeping quietly or not so quietly beside me, this is the time of night that I can reflect on the years I've known you. By rights I should be dead by now. You should of killed me when you found Lisa and I can't help thinking why you didn't life would of been so much easier for you, you would of been able to do what you want, do who you want and you'd probably still with the doctor.

But you still did that stuff anyway despite me being there, Gwen I know you love her and you probably always will. I will always come second best as far as she is concerned. But Jack you have to move on she's married now and yes things might have been different if you had stayed but then where would we be? You say you came back for me yet Gwen is the first person you try and get with, she was the one that you opened up to, Jack you know I will always be by your side no matter what, professionally and personally but you make it increasing difficult to when you are constantly pushing me away.

Stopwatch, I don't know what I was thinking or what made me say those things and over Suzie's body! Every time I look at it I smile, I didn't know if you were going to take the hint but knowing you now, I know you were thinking it long before I said it. Who knew that one night would lead to what we are now. I didn't think we were going to make it Gwen, Captain Jack even Captain John! (Bastard!) But that's when I realised I don't come second not to anyone, it's just your way, your stupid way that aggravates me so much. It's how no matter what you're doing what mood you're in during the day it's me you always come back to.

You've taught me so much and shown me things that I would never have seen if I had not come looking for you for help, see I bet your glad I hid a Cyber woman in your basement now. How many years have we known each other? Enough to know how to wind each other up and how to make each other laugh, enough for me to know where I stand. It seems we have become closer since Tosh and Owen....

Jack it's not your fault, I just want you to know that, whatever I got myself in to it was my own silly fault don't beat yourself up over it, all I want is you to be happy so don't stay down you should be a pro at this now. But I guess it never gets any easier. Jack I love you and probably always have so I may be gone but without sounding to cheesy I will always be with you, It's probably getting a bit crowded in your heart now but if there's one thing I ever ask of you please don't forget me because I couldn't bare it if I just became a single memories in the back of your mind. So That's all I've got to say, we had a laugh and though it was hard and I've hated you for the things you've done to me, I wouldn't of wanted it any other way, again Jack I love you and I know you would say something like don't if I said that to you but how can I not? I could never forget you; I hope you never forget me...


"Ianto!" Jack called from his office

But of course no one was coming, Jack put down the letter after reading it for the sixth time, sighing and blinking hard against the tears that threatened to show.

"I love you to and never could forget you,"