Italicized words in this chapter are parts to Shifu's letters.

Fisherman or Friend?

Chapter One- War

It was only a year after Tai Lung's defeat that Master Shifu was called away to serve the Emperor in the war. In pained the Five and Po to see their master leave them, but Shifu had insisted that it was an honor. So three days later, after packing some clothes, food Po had prepared, and a sword his father had owned, Shifu parted with his students at the bottom of the Jade Palace steps. As he hopped into the wagon, he smiled and waved goodbye as he took off.

Every day, the Five and Po missed their master. But they kept up on their training. Almost every week, they received letters from Shifu, telling them about what it was like. The first few letters or so were mostly about the days of him training the new recruits.

Because of my experience in kung fu and teaching, I have been charged with teaching the newest soldiers. I wish you could be here to see them. They don't have much experience, but I think I can whip them into shape.


It's been a week, and these soldiers haven't really improved at all. Reminds me of Po when he first came here. ("Hey!" Po cried.) I can't wait to step things up a little.


It's taken three weeks, but I've finally been able to teach these soldiers how to fight. The captain says that with a little more training, we can actually go out on the front line. Wish me luck!

The Five and Po were happy Shifu was alright. But a month later, they received a pretty bad letter.

It seems I have to take the new soldiers into battle sooner than expected. Our enemy has ambushed and killed almost half of the army attacking. So we need to take our soldiers and they need to help attack. Wish me luck and pray that we stay safe. I can only hope that what I've taught these men can help.

The rest of Shifu's letters was his experience in the battlefield. They mostly told of his popularity amongst the soldiers. Apparently, Shifu was telling a lot of stories about his victories against bandits and villains. For the next two months, it seemed like Shifu was having a great time and the Emperor's army seemed to be winning the war.

Then, things took a turn for the worse.

The next time Shifu sent a letter, it came in two weeks after the previous. Shifu told that the enemy army was attacking with a more brutal force. People were dying, and Shifu's letters got darker.

Many soldiers here have been kind to me, and they are suffering. They come back from the battlefield covered in blood and wounds. I usually have to help the doctor heal them. I'm always trying to offer something to help them, but they refuse. They remind me of you all. I'm just thankful that these brave men come back alive.

After that, everything just kept coming downhill. In all of Shifu's letters, he could only talk about how people were getting hurt and dying. After a full year away from home and in war, Shifu sent one of the worst letters he had sent. Apart from its contents, it was scarcely half a page long.

I apologize for the short letter, but it was all I had time for.

I wish I was home. It's terrible here. At the end of the day, I'm covered with small wounds like cuts and bruises. But I'm also covered in blood; that of my enemies I've slain, and that of friends and fellow soldiers slaughtered before my eyes. I sleep in the cold dirt because my bed was burned; the enemy tried to burn the bunkhouse down.

We have to defeat the enemy soon. So far, our only hope is to defeat the enemy's leader. As a friend once told me: if you kill a tribe of birds, you get a tree. If you kill the king of birds, you get the whole forest.

I'm terribly homesick. I want to be home and watch you all train and grow. My heart hurts from all the pain and suffering I've seen and experienced here. I hope to come home soon. Train hard and pray for me and my fellow soldiers.

P.S. I may not be able to write again for a long time, so don't be too worried.

Shifu didn't write again for another whole year. When the Five and Po got the letter, they jumped and cheered with joy. It was short, sweet, and to the point, but it was the best they've gotten in two years.

I have defeated the enemy's leader. Well, defeated is a little of an understatement. More like I took my sword and gutted him like a fish! I can't wait to be home. I hope to hear good things about you all from the servants and the villagers. Keep training, and I'll be home in three days, but it won't be until dinner. I believe you'll be happy to know that I have gifts for each of you.

So on the third day, when Shifu was supposed to be home, the Five and Po spent the morning training and the afternoon preparing for their master's arrival. Po cooked a good breakfast and a delicious dessert. The Five went about and cleaned up the Jade Palace. When the evening rolled around, all of them, minus Crane, waited in the kitchen for their master. Crane was at the gate to the palace, waiting for their master to return.

But they waited for quite a few hours. Then, the hours started to slowly and agonizingly tick away. Po, Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, and Viper, who had once been jumping in their seats with excited anticipation, were slowly drifting off into boredom. Po had to constantly reheat the food, and not even Monkey and Mantis' jokes could bring up the mood. Eventually, they all fell asleep, even Crane, who had gone to the bottom of the palace steps to wait for Shifu.

The next morning, Crane woke up first, and he stood up, brushed himself off, and waited once more for their master. He was beginning to think that he and the others had gotten the days mixed up in their anticipation when a kindly old wolf walked up to him. He was carrying two scrolls and a chest.

"Are you the famed Master Crane of the Furious Five?" he asked.

"Yes, who are you?" Crane asked.

"I am a soldier and messenger of the Emperor's army." The wolf said, bowing. "I was told to deliver these to you." The wolf handed Crane the chest and scrolls. Crane opened the one that was sealed with the Emperor's seal, indicating it was an important document. Crane unrolled it and read it in his head.

"Dear Furious Five and Dragon Warrior,

We hate to bring the bad news, but Master Shifu, guardian of the Valley of Peace, headmaster of the Jade Palace, and the greatest kung fu teacher in all of China…."

Crane stopped and stared at the wolf with horror. "….has died in battle?"

"I apologize." The wolf said. "The other scroll and the chest are from Shifu." With that, the wolf bowed low, and he walked off sadly. Crane took the scrolls and the chest in his feet and flew off quickly to the palace. He found everyone awake and waiting in the kitchen.

"Is Shifu here?" Viper asked. Crane said nothing as he tossed the official scroll to Tigress. Tigress read it out loud, and everyone gasped.

"He….died?" Po said.

"But, the war is over." Monkey said. "How could he die?"

"Maybe the carriage was attacked." Tigress said.

"Or maybe some of the enemy soldiers ambushed him." Mantis said.

"Who knows?" Crane said bitterly. He set the other scroll and the chest on the table. "But Shifu left us these." Tigress took the scroll and opened it. She read it out loud.

Dear students,

If you are reading this, I am dead, and I pray you all can forgive me for my sudden leave. I have in the chest before you the gifts I had promised. As you are reading this, I advise the reader of this letter to take out the gifts and hand them out.

For Crane, a shield used by my best student at the training grounds during the war. He used it well in battle. After the war, he told me he was going to go back to his peaceful home and would have no need for it. So I pass it on to you, for you deflect weapons and strikes better than anyone I know.

Tigress opened the chest and pulled out the shield, handing it to Crane. As the avian looked it over, he saw it was just a simple disc, but it was made of gold, and carved into the front was a large Chinese character for "Confidence". Crane smiled, thinking back to his days at Lee Da.

For Monkey, a spear made entirely of metal, sure to come in handy when fighting. It can never break. It was used by the General of the Army, a brave cheetah named Zhan. Use it well; I pass this on to the student that always knew how to cheer everyone up, even in the darkest of times.

Tigress removed the spear and handed it to Monkey. The primate held it firmly in his hands, and he noticed the tip nice and sharp. It was made of steel, like a blade, and carved into it was the Chinese symbol for "Compassion". Monkey remembered his practical jokes when he was younger and sighed.

For Mantis, a cloak that was worn by the general's right-hand man, also a praying mantis. He did not need any weapons, for he was fast as lightning, just like you. Wear it proudly, for you are fast as he was, and he had died saving the lives of his wife and children.

Mantis received the cloak from Tigress, looking it over. It was all red, with golden cuffs on the sleeves. On the back of the cloak was the Chinese character for "Patience". Mantis put it on, remembering the crocs that captured him. He felt unworthy of such an item, and wanted to return it. But he wore it to honor his master.

For Viper, a ribbon used by a very kind snake woman our army rescued. Before we got her home, she would dance for us so beautifully it reminded me of you. She gave me the ribbon as a gift of gratitude. I pass it on to you so that you may brighten your spirits as you did to me. You are my most flexible student, and I thank you for that.

Viper took the beautiful ribbon in her coils and stared. It was the color of green jade, and sewn on the fabric in gold thread was the Chinese character for "Courage". Viper held back her tears when she remembered her home and fighting the gorilla. Viper sighed, missing her master.

For Po, the sword used by my good friend, an otter named Chang. His children were admirers of yours. Use this sword honorably and only use it to kill if absolutely necessary. You were the light that brought me out of the darkness when Tai Lung returned. You brought peace to me, and I will be eternally grateful.

Po grasped the handle of the magnificent sword, staring at the white blade. In the blade were the characters that spelled "Dragon Warrior". Po bit his bottom lip and fought back tears.

Finally, for my daughter, Tigress, I give you one of the fans used by the general's daughter, Captain Lijuan. She made this fan out of swords and throwing stars. Like Monkey's spear, it will never break, and it is a wonderful tool to use in battle. Lijuan wanted me to give one to you when she heard that I was your father. Use it well, and never forget your training.

Tigress took out the fan and opened it. The inside was so clear and shiny that Tigress thought she was looking into water. Carved into the side were the Chinese characters for "Discipline" and "Leader". But on the inside, Shifu had carved out, "I love you, my sweet daughter." Tigress broke down and cold, silent tears streamed down her face. Crane took the scroll and finished it.

I apologize for me leaving you. I wish it weren't so. Remember me as your master, and know that I am proud of all of you. I regret that I was so distant, but I realize my mistake, and I beg you all to forgive me. You are all not only my students, but my children I never had.

My precious children, remember me always, and never forget what I have done.

Your master and father,


P.S. Please return my father's sword to his shrine in the Sacred Hall of Warriors

P.P.S. I have always loved you all as though you were my children. I will miss you.

Crane sighed and set the letter down. Everyone stayed silent, missing Shifu. They had loved him despite him being so cruel and heartless. He had changed and showed more emotion, had he not? Every single animal in the room held on tightly to their gifts, feeling unworthy of possessing them, wishing to return them, but honoring their master. Everyone wanted to see Shifu again, and tell him they loved him as a father.

And now, he was gone.

A/N: I think I cried writing this. But that's not the end! Read and Review and I'll update!